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Last active March 10, 2019 18:06
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#from HEX to FIle
$z = "0x1F, 0x8B, 0x08, 0x08"
$y = $z -replace " |,|0x|`n|`r", ""
Convert-HexToByteArray($y) | Set-Content template_default.html.gz -Encoding Byte
#from file to HEX
$y = Get-Content template_default.html.gz -Encoding Byte
Function Convert-HexToByteArray {
$Bytes = [byte[]]::new($HexString.Length / 2)
For($i=0; $i -lt $HexString.Length; $i+=2){
$Bytes[$i/2] = [convert]::ToByte($HexString.Substring($i, 2), 16)
Function Convert-ByteArrayToHex {
$HexString = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new();
ForEach($byte in $Bytes){
$HexString.AppendFormat("0x{0:x2}, ", $byte) | Out-Null
if($i -eq 15){
$HexString.Append("`r`n") | Out-Null
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