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Created April 15, 2011 08:05
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Save ivangonekrazy/921349 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Idea for how to walk up the stack frames, accumulating some attribute along the way.
import inspect
def collect_frame_contexts(attr='__frame__', start_depth=1, **immediatecontext):
Bubbles up the call stack, accumulating
__frame__ context dicts.
contexts = []
frames = inspect.getouterframes( inspect.currentframe() )
# to exclude our own locals(), start_depth defaults to 1
for frame, filename, line, function, code_context, index in frames[start_depth:]:
# search this frame's locals() for the attr
contexts.insert(0, frame.f_locals.get(attr) )
# assume that the name 'self' refers to a class instance.
_self = frame.f_locals.get('self')
if _self:
contexts.insert(0, dict( inspect.getmembers(_self) ).get(attr) )
# these .get()'s will return a lot of None's, filter them out.
contexts = filter( lambda x: x is not None, contexts)
# contexts in inner frames override outer frame contexts
# if provided, immediatecontext takes precedence
merged_context = {}
for context in contexts:
merged_context.update( context )
merged_context.update( immediatecontext )
return merged_context
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