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Ivan Ionut ivanionut

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ivanionut / ColdFusion-Git-Webhook.cfm
Created December 5, 2022 21:02 — forked from mcmullengreg/ColdFusion-Git-Webhook.cfm
Webhoook integration for ColdFusion. Downloads the Zip after a push event and moves the contents to a folder determined based on the repository name. Used as a means of keeping testing environments updated whenever new commits are pushed to the master.
<!--- Webhook secrets -- yours, not mine. --->
<cfset secret = "">
<cfset _payload = "{}">
<cfset _payload = getHttpRequestData()>
<cfset jsonPayload = form.payload>
<cfset hash = RemoveChars(_payload.headers['X-Hub-Signature'], 1, 5)>
<cfset payload_hash = hmac(_payload.content, secret, 'HMACSHA1')>
ivanionut /
Created March 7, 2022 22:59 — forked from anthumchris/
Clear Nginx Cache

Clearing Nginx's HTTP Cache

I recently implemented Nginx HTTP content caching on our WordPress web servers to improve page load speeds and eliminate redundant, unneeded server-side page rendering. Caching the pages was relatively straightforward, but clearing the cache required a custom workaround.

Nginx comes in two versions: free and “Nginx Plus” at $2,500/year. The free version of Nginx does not offer the needed cache-clearing features of Nginx Plus, and I wasn’t comfortable paying $20,000 for 8 instances without trying to build my own solution.

Our Nginx servers run as an HTTP proxy for multiple PHP/MySQL-backed WordPress sites. The goal was to cache the dynamic PHP HTML responses in Nginx and serve the HTML pages from Nginx to avoid redundant, CPU-intensive PHP renders.

Site Cache Configuration

The example below shows how PHP response caching is configured for a site (other nginx configuration details are excluded for brevity). A cache named cachedemo-prod is defined to store cached HTML f

ivanionut / Bing-Image-Scraper
Created January 5, 2022 19:29 — forked from stephenhouser/Bing-Image-Scraper
Bing image scraper example using Python to query and scrape Microsoft Bing image search.
clienti = [
ivanionut / test
Created February 9, 2021 16:16 — forked from rGaillard/test
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rss version="2.0" xmlns:g="">
<g:brand>Studio Design</g:brand>
echo ""
echo "---------------------------------"
echo "---------------------------------"
echo ""
echo "Apt update"
sudo apt update && apt upgrade && apt remove $(deborphan) && apt autoremove && apt clean
echo "Update"
sudo apt update
ivanionut /
Created December 30, 2020 12:02 — forked from rufoa/
sublime merge 2 build 2039 linux
sudo -i
cd /opt/sublime_merge
sha256sum sublime_merge
# should be 3f8fac349daeb45aa86b52e87360ce8d01c5c0f68cb85385dffef05abc0ad410 (rpm)
# or d8b72a9d5798a08c013d543a8f8c9a79aacb3ac1578982574890ba46b01c75f3 (other linux)
cp sublime_merge sublime_merge.bak
# swap public key
ivanionut /
Created December 27, 2020 08:29 — forked from phillipsj/
Quick little installation script for installing AdoptOpenJDK on Ubuntu 16.04.
wget -q
tar -xf OpenJDK8_x64_Linux_jdk8u172-b11.tar.gz
sudo mkdir /usr/lib/jvm && sudo mv jdk8u172-b11 /usr/lib/jvm/jdk8u172-b11
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/jdk8u172-b11
export PATH=/usr/lib/jvm/jdk8u172-b11/bin
java -version
ivanionut / nginx-proxy.conf
Created June 3, 2020 14:26 — forked from fhferreira/nginx-proxy.conf
Proxy nginx to use Google Tag Manager
# Google Analytics Bypassing Adblockers
## Client
change =>
<!-- Global site tag (gtag.js) - Google Analytics -->
<script async src=""></script>