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Ivan Ionut ivanionut

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ivanionut / nginx_rails_3_1
Created November 11, 2012 12:55 — forked from shapeshed/nginx_rails_3_1
Nginx Config for Rails 3.1 with Unicorn and Asset Pipeline
upstream app {
server unix:/srv/app/current/tmp/sockets/unicorn.sock fail_timeout=0;
server {
listen 80;
rewrite ^/(.*)$1 permanent;
server {
ivanionut / gist:4071128
Created November 14, 2012 09:12 — forked from dskaggs/gist:3788338
Using caching to improve your ColdFusion application's performance

As you write more and larger ColdFusion applications, you will start looking for ways to improve the performance of your applications. There are many ways to do this but one of the easiest is to use ColdFusion's caching mechanisms to reduce the amount of work your application has to do over and over. Caching simply refers to the idea that you create a piece of content or data once and hold it in application memory for some period of time. During that time frame, any part of your application that needs that content or data uses the copy that was previously generated rather than regenerating it.

ColdFusion has several different caching mechanisms built in, but they generally fall into two main categories--programmatic caching and application server caching.

##Programmmatic Caching This type of caching is controlled by your application code. You decide which parts of your application would benefit from being cached and use CFML tags and attributes to determine what content is cached and how long your applicati

Sublime Text 2 – Useful Shortcuts (Mac OS X)


⌘T go to file
⌘⌃P go to project
⌘R go to methods
⌃G go to line
⌘KB toggle side bar
⌘⇧P command prompt
# Converts a mysqldump file into a Sqlite 3 compatible file. It also extracts the MySQL `KEY xxxxx` from the
# CREATE block and create them in separate commands _after_ all the INSERTs.
# Awk is choosen because it's fast and portable. You can use gawk, original awk or even the lightning fast mawk.
# The mysqldump file is traversed only once.
# Usage: $ ./mysql2sqlite mysqldump-opts db-name | sqlite3 database.sqlite
# Example: $ ./mysql2sqlite --no-data -u root -pMySecretPassWord myDbase | sqlite3 database.sqlite
<!--[if IE 6]><html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" class="ie6 no-js"><![endif]-->
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<cffunction name="httpget" access="private" returnType="any" output="No">
<cfargument name ="source" type="string" required="true"/>
<cfargument name ="destination" type="string" required="true"/>
<cfargument name ="ConnectTimeout" type="numeric" required="false" default="10" hint="Time Out in Seconds"/>
<cfargument name ="ReadTimeout" type="numeric" required="false" default="60" hint="Time Out in Seconds" />
<cfargument name ="dimensions" type="numeric" required="false" default="255"/>
<cfset local.urlconnection = createObject("java", "").init(arguments.source)>
<cfset local.connection = local.urlconnection.openConnection() />
<cfset local.connection.setConnectTimeout(javaCast("int",arguments.ConnectTimeout*1000)) />
/* Simple spam protection for email addresses using jQuery.
* Well, the protection isn’t jQuery-based, but you get the idea.
* This snippet allows you to slightly ‘obfuscate’ email addresses to make it harder for spambots to harvest them, while still offering a readable address to your visitors.
* E.g.
* <a href="mailto:foo(at)example(dot)com">foo at example dot com</a>
* →
* <a href=""></a>
$(function() {
<cffunction name="sanitizeEmailList" access="public" returnType="String" output="false">
<cfargument name="emailList" type="String" required="true" />
<cfset var local = {} />
<cfset = '' />
<cfset local.RegEx = "[a-z0-9!##$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\.[a-z0-9!##$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*@(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?\.)+[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?"/>
<cfloop list="#arguments.emailList#" index="local.i">
<cfset local.address = ReMatch(local.RegEx,local.i)/>
<cfif ArrayLen(local.address)>
<cfset = ListAppend(,local.address[1]) />
Does a URL exist? Checks that host exists and for
404 status code.
<cffunction name="urlExists" output="no" returntype="boolean">
<!--- Accepts a URL --->
<cfargument name="u" type="string" required="yes">
<!--- Attempt to retrieve the URL --->
<cffunction name="MidLeft" returntype="string" output="no" hint="Returns numChars characters from the left side of startPos in the string">
<cfargument name="stringVal" type="string" required="yes" default="">
<cfargument name="startPos" type="numeric" required="yes" default="1">
<cfargument name="numChars" type="numeric" required="yes" default="0">
<!--- If startPos exceeds length of string argument then start picking characters from string end position --->
<cfif arguments.startPos gt len(arguments.stringVal)>
<cfset arguments.startPos = len(arguments.stringVal)>
<cfset var fromPos = arguments.startPos - arguments.numChars + 1>