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Last active August 16, 2017 21:27
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Discovering trading opportunities in price series and generating possible predictors
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import instrumentdb as idb
import math
import pickle
def good_entries(ohlcv, min_days = 3, days_out = 15, vola_len = 35, days_pos = 0.6, stop_loss = 1.5):
if days_out <= min_days:
raise RuntimeError('days_out must be greater than min_days.')
hi = ohlcv['high']
lo = ohlcv['low']
cl = ohlcv['close']
# Compute returns
rets = cl.pct_change()
erets = rets.pow(2).ewm(span=vola_len).mean().pow(1/2)
# erets = rets.ewm(span=vola_len).mean()
res = np.zeros(len(erets))
days = np.zeros(len(erets))
for ii in range(min_days, days_out):
hh = hi.rolling(window = ii).max().shift(-ii)
ll = lo.rolling(window = ii).min().shift(-ii)
hi_ratio = (hh/cl - 1)/erets
lo_ratio = (ll/cl - 1)/erets
dd = math.ceil(days_pos * ii)
longs = (hi_ratio > dd) & (-lo_ratio < stop_loss)
longs = np.where(longs.notnull() & (longs != 0), 1, 0)
shorts = (-lo_ratio > dd) & (hi_ratio < stop_loss)
shorts = np.where(shorts.notnull() & (shorts != 0), -1, 0)
both = np.where(longs == 1, 1, shorts)
new_days = ii*((res == 0) & (both != 0)).astype(int)
res = np.where(res != 0, res, both)
days = np.where(days != 0, days, new_days)
full_df = pd.DataFrame({'entry' : res, 'days' : days, 'erets' : erets}, index = ohlcv.index)
oppo_df = full_df[full_df['entry'] != 0]
return {'full' : full_df, 'oppo' : oppo_df}
def build_features(ohlcv, days=[1,2,3,4,5], vola_len=35):
cl = ohlcv['close']
rets = cl.pct_change()
erets = rets.pow(2).ewm(span=vola_len).mean().pow(1/2)
ares = rets / erets
res = ares.shift(days[0] - 1)
col_names = [str(days[0]) + "D_LAG"]
for dd in days[1:]:
res = pd.concat([res, ares.shift(dd - 1)], axis=1)
col_names.append(str(dd) + "D_LAG")
# Annual, quarterly, monthly and weekly:
# 1. returns (normalized to daily)
# 2. min/max channel position
for nn in [252, 63, 21, 5]:
# Compute the return
rr = cl.pct_change(nn)
# Normalize to daily return
rr = ((rr/100 + 1).pow(1/nn) - 1)*100
# Normalize by volatility
rr = rr / erets
res = pd.concat([res, rr], axis=1)
col_names.append(str(nn) + "D_RET")
rr = (cl - cl.rolling(window=nn).min())/(cl.rolling(window=nn).max() - cl.rolling(window=nn).min())
res = pd.concat([res, rr], axis=1)
col_names.append(str(nn) + "D_CHANNEL")
res.columns = col_names
res = res.dropna(axis=0)
return res
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