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Created November 12, 2012 11:19
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Simple word counting with parallel collections and scala-io
import scalax.file._
import scalax.file.defaultfs._
import scalax.file.LinkOption.NoFollowLinks
import scalax.file.PathMatcher.IsDirectory
object Counts {
type Counter = Map[String, Int]
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val files = if (args.length < 2) getFiles(args(0)) else getFiles(args(0), args(1))
if (files.isEmpty) println("nothing found in folder " + args(0))
else {
val counts = (files.par map (countWords)) reduce (countsMerge)
val topTen = counts.toSeq.sortBy[Int](countSort)(Ordering.Int.reverse).take(10)
* Count the words contained in a file
def countWords(path: Path): Counter = {
def parseLine(words: Counter, line: Seq[String]): Counter =
if (line.isEmpty) words
else {
val h = line.head
val wordsUpd = incrementCount(words, h)
parseLine(wordsUpd, line.tail)
val r = Resource.fromFile(path.path)
(r.lines() foldLeft Map[String, Int]()) ((words, line) => parseLine(words, line.split(' ')))
// a function value extracting the count from the (word, count) pair for count sorting
val countSort: ((String, Int)) => Int = _._2
* Takes two Counters and merges the mapping, resulting in a
* single map with all word counts
def countsMerge(c1: Counter, c2: Counter): Counter = (c1 foldLeft c2) (updateCount)
* Extracts the paths to files contained in the directory.
* An optional filename filter is available
def getFiles(dir: String, filter: String = "*.*"): Seq[Path] = {
Path(dir) * filter
* Increments the counter for the specified string of 1 unit
* Returns the updated Counter
def incrementCount(c: Counter, word: String): Counter = updateCount(c, (word, 1))
* Increments the counter for the specified string of an arbitrary number
* Returns the updated Counter
def updateCount(c: Counter, update: (String, Int)): Counter = {
val (word, incr) = update
c + (word -> (c.getOrElse(word, 0) + incr))
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