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Created April 18, 2018 05:49
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The many ways of dropping trailing new lines in Idris
-- In Idris, fGetLine returns a string with a trailing newline. Here are
-- various ways of getting rid of it. I'm hoping I missed something more
-- straighforward. In all of the functions below, I'm assuming there is
-- exactly one '\n' character and that it occurs at the end of the string.
module Main
dropNewline0 : (x : String) -> String
dropNewline0 x =
fst $ break (== '\n') x
-- also, as an aside: how do I do the above with composition?
dropNewline1 : (x : String) -> String
dropNewline1 x =
(line, nl) = break (== '\n') x
dropNewline2 : (x : String) -> String
dropNewline2 x =
ls = lines x
case nonEmpty ls of
(Yes prf) => head ls
(No contra) => ""
dropNewline3 : (x : String) -> String
dropNewline3 x =
i = length x
case i of
Z => ""
(S k) => substr 0 k x
dropNewline4 : (x : String) -> String
dropNewline4 x =
case decEq (not (reverse x == "")) True of
(Yes prf) => reverse $ strTail' (reverse x) prf
(No contra) => ""
||| Same idea as above, except using strTail which uses prim__strTail, and will
||| crash on empty string
dropNewline5 : (x : String) -> String
dropNewline5 x =
reverse $ (strTail . reverse) x
example0 : "hi" = dropNewline0 "hi\n"
example0 = Refl
example1 : "hi" = dropNewline1 "hi\n"
example1 = Refl
example2 : "hi" = dropNewline2 "hi\n"
example2 = Refl
example3 : "hi" = dropNewline3 "hi\n"
example3 = Refl
example4 : "hi" = dropNewline4 "hi\n"
example4 = Refl
-- While dropNewline5 *will* do the right thing, so long as you don't pass it
-- an empty string, strTail uses prim__strTail and idris won't deal with:
--example5 : "hi" = dropNewline5 "hi\n"
--example5 = Refl
-- If you uncomment this, it will yield:
-- dropnewline.idr:69:12-15:
-- |
-- 68 | example5 = Refl
-- | ~~~~
-- When checking right hand side of example5 with expected type
-- "hi" = dropNewline5 "hi\n"
-- Type mismatch between
-- dropNewline5 "hi\n" = dropNewline5 "hi\n" (Type of Refl)
-- and
-- "hi" = dropNewline5 "hi\n" (Expected type)
-- Specifically:
-- Type mismatch between
-- dropNewline5 "hi\n"
-- and
-- "hi"
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shaleh commented Apr 19, 2018

dropNewline0 : (x : String) -> String
dropNewline0 = fst . break (== '\n')

This is what it looks like with composition.

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ivanov commented Apr 11, 2020

Several years later, but thanks for the tip @shaleh, sorry I missed this two years ago :)

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shaleh commented Apr 11, 2020

Glad you found it

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