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Created August 1, 2018 12:32
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Abac-rs SQL schema
drop extension "uuid-ossp" cascade;
create extension "uuid-ossp";
drop type abac_attribute cascade;
create type abac_attribute as (
value text,
key text,
namespace_id uuid
drop table if exists abac_subject cascade;
create table abac_subject (
inbound abac_attribute,
outbound abac_attribute,
-- type text,
primary key (inbound, outbound)
drop table if exists abac_object cascade;
create table abac_object (
inbound abac_attribute,
outbound abac_attribute,
-- type text,
primary key (inbound, outbound)
drop table if exists abac_action cascade;
create table abac_action (
inbound abac_attribute,
outbound abac_attribute,
-- type text,
primary key (inbound, outbound)
drop table if exists abac_policy cascade;
create table abac_policy (
subject abac_attribute[],
object abac_attribute[],
action abac_attribute[],
namespace_id uuid,
primary key (subject, object, action, namespace_id)
create or replace function abac_object_target(_attrs abac_attribute[])
returns table (attr abac_attribute) as $$
with recursive target as (
select (outbound).value, (outbound).key, (outbound).namespace_id
from abac_object
where array[inbound] <@ _attrs
select (r.outbound).value, (r.outbound).key, (r.outbound).namespace_id
from target as t
inner join abac_object as r on r.inbound = (t.value, t.key, t.namespace_id) ::abac_attribute
select (unnest(_attrs)).*
select * from target
$$ language sql stable;
create or replace function abac_subject_target(_attrs abac_attribute[])
returns table (attr abac_attribute) as $$
with recursive target as (
select (outbound).value, (outbound).key, (outbound).namespace_id
from abac_subject
where array[inbound] <@ _attrs
select (r.outbound).value, (r.outbound).key, (r.outbound).namespace_id
from target as t
inner join abac_subject as r on r.inbound = (t.value, t.key, t.namespace_id) ::abac_attribute
select (unnest(_attrs)).*
select * from target
$$ language sql stable;
create or replace function abac_action_target(_attrs abac_attribute[])
returns table (attr abac_attribute) as $$
with recursive target as (
select (outbound).value, (outbound).key, (outbound).namespace_id
from abac_action
where array[inbound] <@ _attrs
select (r.outbound).value, (r.outbound).key, (r.outbound).namespace_id
from target as t
inner join abac_action as r on r.inbound = (t.value, t.key, t.namespace_id) ::abac_attribute
select (unnest(_attrs)).*
select * from target
$$ language sql stable;
create or replace function abac_authorize(_subject abac_attribute[], _object abac_attribute[], _action abac_attribute[], _namespace_id uuid[])
returns boolean as $$
select exists(
select 1
from abac_policy
subject <@ (select array_agg(distinct q) from abac_subject_target(_subject) as q)
and object <@ (select array_agg(distinct q) from abac_object_target(_object) as q)
and action <@ (select array_agg(distinct q) from abac_action_target(_action) as q)
and array[namespace_id] <@ _namespace_id
limit 1
$$ language sql stable;
create or replace function abac_object_preflight_list(_attrs abac_attribute[], _key text)
returns table (attr abac_attribute) as $$
with recursive target as (
select (inbound).value, (inbound).key, (inbound).namespace_id
from abac_object
where array[outbound] <@ _attrs
and (inbound).key != _key
select (r.inbound).value, (r.inbound).key, (r.inbound).namespace_id
from target as t
inner join abac_object as r on r.outbound = (t.value, t.key, t.namespace_id) ::abac_attribute
and (r.inbound).key != _key
select (unnest(_attrs)).*
select * from target
$$ language sql stable;
create or replace function abac_object_preflight_array(_attrs abac_attribute[], _key text)
returns abac_attribute[] as $$
select array_agg(t) from abac_object_preflight_list(_attrs, _key) as t;
$$ language sql stable;
create or replace function abac_object_list_1(_attr abac_attribute, _offset integer, _limit integer)
returns table (attr abac_attribute) as $$
select inbound
from abac_object
where outbound = _attr
offset _offset
limit _limit
$$ language sql stable;
create or replace function abac_object_list_2(_attr1 abac_attribute, _attr2 abac_attribute, _offset integer, _limit integer)
returns table (attr abac_attribute) as $$
select t1.inbound
from abac_object as t1
inner join abac_object as t2 on t1.inbound = t2.inbound
t1.outbound = _attr1
and t2.outbound = _attr2
offset _offset
limit _limit
$$ language sql stable;
create or replace function abac_object_list_3(_attr1 abac_attribute, _attr2 abac_attribute, _attr3 abac_attribute, _offset integer, _limit integer)
returns table (attr abac_attribute) as $$
select t1.inbound
from abac_object as t1
inner join abac_object as t2 on t1.inbound = t2.inbound
inner join abac_object as t3 on t1.inbound = t3.inbound
t1.outbound = _attr1
and t2.outbound = _attr2
and t3.outbound = _attr3
offset _offset
limit _limit
$$ language sql stable;
create or replace function abac_object_list(_attrs abac_attribute[], _offset integer, _limit integer)
returns table (attr abac_attribute) as $$
case array_length(_attrs, 1)
when 1 then return query select * from abac_object_list_1(_attrs[1], _offset, _limit);
when 2 then return query select * from abac_object_list_2(_attrs[1], _attrs[2], _offset, _limit);
when 3 then return query select * from abac_object_list_3(_attrs[1], _attrs[2], _attrs[3], _offset, _limit);
else raise exception 'bad argument' using detail = 'length of _attrs array shoud be less or equal to 3';
end case;
language plpgsql stable;
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