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# If applied, this commit will... (max 50 characters long)
# Body - Explain things in more detail, possibly giving some
# background about what is being added or the issue being fixed, etc.
# (Wrap at 72 characters)
# Fixes #XXXX
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ivanrodjr / .gitconfig
Last active June 20, 2021 15:10
Git config
name = your name
email = your githib email or the no reply
# Enable colors in color-supporting terminals
ui = auto
templatedir = ~/.git-templates
defaultBranch = main
ivanrodjr /
Last active June 20, 2021 21:59
Mac setup script ultimate edition

Setup for Mac OS

Ultimate setup script for setting up a new MacOS installation.

This script tries to be as flexible and as helpful as possible while keeping the user intervention to a minimum.

Use carefully