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Created August 12, 2019 11:18
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package main
import (
type name interface {
int() int
func periodicFunc(tick time.Time) {
host := "localhost"
port := 8125
client := statsd.New(host, port)
response, err := http.Get("http://localhost:9200/_nodes/dJoCE3SYSg2-rkZnAVx8Mg/stats/jvm")
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Erro to get url: %s", err)
} else {
name := gojsonq.New().Reader(response.Body).Find("nodes.dJoCE3SYSg2-rkZnAVx8Mg.jvm.mem.heap_used_percent")
name = int(name.(float64))
client.IncrementByValue("jvm.heap_used_percent", name.(int))
defer response.Body.Close()
func main() {
for t := range time.NewTicker(10 * time.Second).C {
package statsd
import (
// The StatsdClient type defines the relevant properties of a StatsD connection.
type StatsdClient struct {
Host string
Port int
conn net.Conn
// Factory method to initialize udp connection
// Usage:
// import "statsd"
// client := statsd.New('localhost', 8125)
func New(host string, port int) *StatsdClient {
client := StatsdClient{Host: host, Port: port}
return &client
// Method to open udp connection, called by default client factory
func (client *StatsdClient) Open() {
connectionString := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", client.Host, client.Port)
conn, err := net.Dial("udp", connectionString)
if err != nil {
log.Println("Error open connection: %s", err)
client.conn = conn
// Method to close udp connection
func (client *StatsdClient) Close() {
// Log timing information (in milliseconds) without sampling
// Usage:
// import (
// "statsd"
// "time"
// )
// client := statsd.New('localhost', 8125)
// t1 := time.Now()
// expensiveCall()
// t2 := time.Now()
// duration := int64(t2.Sub(t1)/time.Millisecond)
// client.Timing("foo.time", duration)
func (client *StatsdClient) Timing(stat string, time int64) {
updateString := fmt.Sprintf("%d|ms", time)
stats := map[string]string{stat: updateString}
client.Send(stats, 1)
// Log timing information (in milliseconds) with sampling
// Usage:
// import (
// "statsd"
// "time"
// )
// client := statsd.New('localhost', 8125)
// t1 := time.Now()
// expensiveCall()
// t2 := time.Now()
// duration := int64(t2.Sub(t1)/time.Millisecond)
// client.TimingWithSampleRate("foo.time", duration, 0.2)
func (client *StatsdClient) TimingWithSampleRate(stat string, time int64, sampleRate float32) {
updateString := fmt.Sprintf("%d|ms", time)
stats := map[string]string{stat: updateString}
client.Send(stats, sampleRate)
// Increments one stat counter without sampling
// Usage:
// import "statsd"
// client := statsd.New('localhost', 8125)
// client.Increment('')
func (client *StatsdClient) Increment(stat string) {
stats := []string{stat}
client.UpdateStats(stats, 1, 1)
// Increments one stat counter by value provided without sampling
// Usage:
// import "statsd"
// client := statsd.New('localhost', 8125)
// client.IncrementByValue('', 5)
func (client *StatsdClient) IncrementByValue(stat string, val int) {
stats := []string{stat}
client.UpdateStats(stats, val, 1)
// Increments one stat counter with sampling
// Usage:
// import "statsd"
// client := statsd.New('localhost', 8125)
// client.Increment('', 0.2)
func (client *StatsdClient) IncrementWithSampling(stat string, sampleRate float32) {
stats := []string{stat}
client.UpdateStats(stats[:], 1, sampleRate)
// Decrements one stat counter without sampling
// Usage:
// import "statsd"
// client := statsd.New('localhost', 8125)
// client.Decrement('')
func (client *StatsdClient) Decrement(stat string) {
stats := []string{stat}
client.UpdateStats(stats[:], -1, 1)
// Decrements one stat counter with sampling
// Usage:
// import "statsd"
// client := statsd.New('localhost', 8125)
// client.Decrement('', 0.2)
func (client *StatsdClient) DecrementWithSampling(stat string, sampleRate float32) {
stats := []string{stat}
client.UpdateStats(stats[:], -1, sampleRate)
// Arbitrarily updates a list of stats by a delta
func (client *StatsdClient) UpdateStats(stats []string, delta int, sampleRate float32) {
statsToSend := make(map[string]string)
for _, stat := range stats {
updateString := fmt.Sprintf("%d|c", delta)
statsToSend[stat] = updateString
client.Send(statsToSend, sampleRate)
// Sends data to udp statsd daemon
func (client *StatsdClient) Send(data map[string]string, sampleRate float32) {
sampledData := make(map[string]string)
if sampleRate < 1 {
r := rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().Unix()))
rNum := r.Float32()
if rNum <= sampleRate {
for stat, value := range data {
sampledUpdateString := fmt.Sprintf("%s|@%f", value, sampleRate)
sampledData[stat] = sampledUpdateString
} else {
sampledData = data
for k, v := range sampledData {
update_string := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", k, v)
_, err := fmt.Fprintf(client.conn, update_string)
if err != nil {
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