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Created December 27, 2016 12:20
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import React, { Component, PropTypes } from "react";
import { composeWithTracker } from "/lib/api/compose";
import { Meteor } from "meteor/meteor";
import { ReactionProduct } from "/lib/api";
import { Reaction, i18next, Logger } from "/client/api";
import { Tags, Media } from "/lib/collections";
import { Loading } from "/imports/plugins/core/ui/client/components";
import { ProductDetail } from "../components";
import { SocialContainer, VariantListContainer } from "./";
import { MediaGalleryContainer } from "/imports/plugins/core/ui/client/containers";
import { DragDropProvider, TranslationProvider } from "/imports/plugins/core/ui/client/providers";
import { StyleRoot } from "radium";
class ProductDetailContainer extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
cartQuantity: 1
handleCartQuantityChange = (event, quantity) => {
cartQuantity: Math.max(quantity, 1)
handleAddToCart = () => {
let productId;
let quantity;
const currentVariant = ReactionProduct.selectedVariant();
const currentProduct = ReactionProduct.selectedProduct();
if (currentVariant) {
if (currentVariant.ancestors.length === 1) {
const options = ReactionProduct.getVariants(currentVariant._id);
if (options.length > 0) {
Alerts.inline("Please choose options before adding to cart", "warning", {
placement: "productDetail",
i18nKey: "productDetail.chooseOptions",
autoHide: 10000
return [];
if (currentVariant.inventoryPolicy && currentVariant.inventoryQuantity < 1) {
Alerts.inline("Sorry, this item is out of stock!", "warning", {
placement: "productDetail",
i18nKey: "productDetail.outOfStock",
autoHide: 10000
return [];
quantity = parseInt(this.state.cartQuantity, 10);
if (quantity < 1) {
quantity = 1;
if (!currentProduct.isVisible) {
Alerts.inline("Publish product before adding to cart.", "error", {
placement: "productDetail",
i18nKey: "productDetail.publishFirst",
autoHide: 10000
} else {
productId = currentProduct._id;
if (productId) {"cart/addToCart", productId, currentVariant._id, quantity, (error) => {
if (error) {
Logger.error("Failed to add to cart.", error);
return error;
// Reset cart quantity on success
this.handleCartQuantityChange(null, 1);
return true;
// template.$(".variant-select-option").removeClass("active");
// qtyField.val(1);
// scroll to top on cart add
scrollTop: 0
}, 0);
// slide out label
const addToCartText = i18next.t("productDetail.addedToCart");
const addToCartTitle = currentVariant.title || "";
$(".cart-alert-text").text(`${quantity} ${addToCartTitle} ${addToCartText}`);
// Grab and cache the width of the alert to be used in animation
const alertWidth = $(".cart-alert").width();
const direction = i18next.dir() === "rtl" ? "left" : "right";
const oppositeDirection = i18next.dir() === "rtl" ? "right" : "left";
// Animate
return $(".cart-alert")
[oppositeDirection]: "auto",
[direction]: -alertWidth
[oppositeDirection]: "auto",
[direction]: 0
}, 600)
[oppositeDirection]: "auto",
[direction]: -alertWidth
}, {
duration: 600,
complete() {
} else {
Alerts.inline("Select an option before adding to cart", "warning", {
placement: "productDetail",
i18nKey: "productDetail.selectOption",
autoHide: 8000
return null;
handleProductFieldChange = (productId, fieldName, value) => {"products/updateProductField", productId, fieldName, value);
handleViewContextChange = (event, value) => {
Reaction.Router.setQueryParams({ as: value });
handleDeleteProduct = () => {
render() {
return (
mediaGalleryComponent={<MediaGalleryContainer media={} />}
socialComponent={<SocialContainer />}
topVariantComponent={<VariantListContainer />}
ProductDetailContainer.propTypes = {
media: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.object),
product: PropTypes.object
function composer(props, onData) {
const tagSub = Meteor.subscribe("Tags");
const productId = Reaction.Router.getParam("handle");
const variantId = Reaction.Router.getParam("variantId");
const revisionType = Reaction.Router.getQueryParam("revision");
const viewProductAs = Reaction.Router.getQueryParam("as");
let productSub;
if (productId) {
productSub = Meteor.subscribe("Product", productId);
if (productSub && productSub.ready() && tagSub.ready()) {
// Get the product
const product = ReactionProduct.setProduct(productId, variantId);
if (Reaction.hasPermission("createProduct")) {
if (!Reaction.getActionView() && Reaction.isActionViewOpen() === true) {
template: "productAdmin",
data: product
// Get the product tags
if (product) {
let tags;
if (_.isArray(product.hashtags)) {
tags =, function (id) {
return Tags.findOne(id);
let mediaArray = [];
const selectedVariant = ReactionProduct.selectedVariant();
if (selectedVariant) {
mediaArray = Media.find({
"metadata.variantId": selectedVariant._id
}, {
sort: {
"metadata.priority": 1
let priceRange;
if (selectedVariant && typeof selectedVariant === "object") {
const childVariants = ReactionProduct.getVariants(selectedVariant._id);
// when top variant has no child variants we display only its price
if (childVariants.length === 0) {
priceRange = selectedVariant.price;
} else {
// otherwise we want to show child variants price range
priceRange = ReactionProduct.getVariantPriceRange();
let productRevision;
if (revisionType === "published") {
productRevision = product.__published;
let editable;
if (viewProductAs === "customer") {
editable = false;
} else {
editable = Reaction.hasPermission(["createProduct"]);
const topVariants = ReactionProduct.getTopVariants();
onData(null, {
variants: topVariants,
layout: "productDetailSimple",
product: productRevision || product,
media: mediaArray,
viewAs: viewProductAs,
hasAdminPermission: Reaction.hasPermission(["createProduct"])
// Decorate component and export
export default composeWithTracker(composer, Loading)(ProductDetailContainer);
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