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Last active August 29, 2015 14:23
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Technical Concepts for a Good FED
This is a list of technical concepts that a good Front-End Developer would know
* Language Basics
* syntax
* types (what JavaScript's basic types are; how to check if a value is a particular type)
* equality (the concept of truthy/falsy; the difference between `==` and `===`)
* objects and arrays (when to use one over the other)
* Debugging effectively with developer tools
* Breakpoints
* Profiling
* Networking
* Modifying requests/responses with a proxy
* How browsers render the page
* repaints and reflows
* how assets are loaded, and where they block vs. load in parallel
* Understand 'this' and scope
* Asynchronous operations
* Callback style vs Promises
* Flow control: chaining promises, running async in serial and parallel (with and without limits), etc.
* Error handling
* Writing unit tests and integration tests (and knowing the difference between them)
* Events
* custom and native
* what events bubble, and in which direction
* how to avoid memory leaks with events
* DOM APIs (Working with Nodes, localstorage, etc)
* HTTP: making AJAX requests, status codes, HTTP headers, etc.
* Build tools (grunt, eslint, continuous integration) and build steps – why do we minify, what are source maps, etc
* How to write maintainable code
* The importance of APIs as contracts
* How to version code appropriately (semver)
* Node.js
* how to write "backend" JS using basic node APIs
* using npm to install modules and run scripts
* Challenges of CSS at scale (and how to address them)
* Thinking functionally: e.g. the difference between a for loop and .forEach: pros and cons of each; writing functions with no side-effects, composing functions/higher order functions
* Security: How to deal with user input to prevent HTML and script injection
* An understanding of responsive and adaptive design
* Being able to think of applications as a composition of components - not just the DOM.
## Bonus Future-facing Points
* ES2015 syntax
* Transpiling with Babel (or some other language to JS)
* HTTP2 (and how it affects what the best practice is around bundling assets)
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