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Last active May 14, 2020 20:36
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// Stub out browser interface
interface Browser {
wait(_: any): Promise<void>
fill(selector: string, text: string): Promise<void>
export interface StepBase {
(stepName: string, options: StepOptions, testFn: TestFn): void
(stepName: string, testFn: TestFn): void
(stepName: string, ...optionsOrFn: any[]): void
export interface StepConditionalBase {
(condition: ConditionFn, stepName: string, options: StepOptions, testFn: TestFn): void
(condition: ConditionFn, stepName: string, testFn: TestFn): void
(condition: ConditionFn, stepName: string, ...optionsOrFn: any[]): void
export interface StepExtended extends StepBase {
* Defines a test step which will run in all iterations assuming the previous step succeeded
once: StepBase
* Creates a conditional step, which will only run if the preceeding predicate returns true
if: StepConditionalBase
* Creates a conditional step, which will only run if the preceeding predicate returns false
unless: StepConditionalBase
type StepOptions = {
pending?: boolean
once?: boolean
condition?: ConditionFn
type TestFn = (this: void, browser: Browser) => Promise<any>
type ConditionFn = (this: void, browser: Browser) => boolean | Promise<boolean>
const elementIsVisible = (selector: string) => async (browser: Browser): Promise<boolean> => {
return browser.wait(selector).then(() => true)
function extractOptionsAndCallback(args: any[]): [Partial<StepOptions>, TestFn] {
if (args.length === 0) return [{ pending: true }, () => Promise.resolve()]
if (args.length === 1) {
return [{}, args[0]]
} else if (args.length === 2) {
const [options, fn] = args as [StepOptions, TestFn]
return [options, fn]
throw new Error(`Step called with too many arguments`)
type Step = {
name: string
options: Partial<StepOptions>
fn: TestFn
const steps: Step[] = []
const step: StepExtended = (name: string, ...optionsOrFn: any[]) => {
const [options, fn] = extractOptionsAndCallback(optionsOrFn)
steps.push({ options, name, fn })
step.once = (name: string, ...optionsOrFn: any[]) => {
const [options, fn] = extractOptionsAndCallback(optionsOrFn)
step(name, { ...options, once: true }, fn)
step.if = (condition: ConditionFn, name: string, ...optionsOrFn: any[]) => {
const [options, fn] = extractOptionsAndCallback(optionsOrFn)
step(name, { ...options, condition }, fn)
step.unless = (condition: ConditionFn, name: string, ...optionsOrFn: any[]) => {
const [options, fn] = extractOptionsAndCallback(optionsOrFn)
{ ...options, condition: b => Promise.resolve(condition(b)).then(result => !result) },
const testScriptExport = () => {
step.once('Load app', async () => {
// Browser.visit(...)
step.if(elementIsVisible('button.login'), 'Handle conditional login', async browser => {
await browser.fill('username', 'test@user')
// More login steps here
async () => {
return false
'Unless thing is here',
async () => {
// Do conditional work here
step('Do something')
ts-node ./conditionals.ts
# [
# {
# options: { once: true },
# name: 'Load app',
# fn: [Function (anonymous)]
# },
# {
# options: { condition: [Function (anonymous)] },
# name: 'Handle conditional login',
# fn: [Function (anonymous)]
# },
# {
# options: { condition: [Function: condition] },
# name: 'Unless thing is here',
# fn: [Function (anonymous)]
# },
# {
# options: { pending: true },
# name: 'Do something',
# fn: [Function (anonymous)]
# }
# ]
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