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Last active October 20, 2019 00:41
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This is my GSoC experience with Mifos Initiative

Firstly I would like to thank Edward Cable and Rajan Maurya for their guidance and support throughout whole GSoC period.

About Mifos Initiative

Mifos is an extended platform for delivering the complete range of financial services needed for an effective financial inclusion solution. Mifos helps Micro finance institutions and organisations working to address economic poverty by providing the poor, access to financial services are the core users of Mifos.

My Project - Mifos Mobile CN

Mifos Mobile CN is an Android Application built on top of the Fineract CN platform . It is a peer to peer application for making transactions , applying for loans , viewing your loan/deposit accounts and much more. The link to the repository can be found here.

Work done during GSoC period

You can access more detailed information about my work here and here too.

-- Feature to import QR code to add beneficiary

Pull request link

-- Feature Splash Screen

Pull request link

-- Feature Dashboard Screen

Pull request link

-- Feature Login Screen and Passcode

Pull request link

-- Feature Apply for loan section

Pull request link

-- Feature Accounts section

Pull request link

-- Feature : Filtering Accounts section

Pull request link

-- Feature : Search in Accounts Section

Pull request link

-- Feature: Local db for saving response and fake data layer

Pull request link

-- Work related to basic setup of project

Travis CI Setup
Pull request and Issue template
License, Contributing guideline, Readme and commit style guidelines
For Documentation check wiki of repository

Minor issues and bugs


Work culture at Mifos

Work culture at Mifos was very supporting and friendly. We had group check-ins every week to check the progress we have made over the week , blockers we are facing and our plan for next week. Except this my mentor(Rajan Maurya) supported me a lot and also helped me to solve many blockers.

Though I was struggling through some part of the project but I had a wonderful experience with the community and mentor during my GSoC journey . I learned a lot like-

  • How to make a fake data layer to mock server side response
  • How to use RxBus for communication between fragments
  • Using bottom sheet for better UI
  • New features of kotlin i.e (Null safety, direct targeting view Id etc)
  • Database handling and much more ……….
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