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Forked from eteq/
Created August 22, 2013 01:09
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Match two sets of on-sky coordinates to each other.
I.e., find nearest neighbor of one that's in the other.
Similar in purpose to IDL's spherematch, but totally different implementation.
Requires numpy and scipy.
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree as KDT
except ImportError:
from scipy.spatial import KDTree as KDT
def spherematch(ra1, dec1, ra2, dec2, tol=None, nnearest=1):
Finds matches in one catalog to another.
ra1 : array-like
Right Ascension in degrees of the first catalog
dec1 : array-like
Declination in degrees of the first catalog (shape of array must match `ra1`)
ra2 : array-like
Right Ascension in degrees of the second catalog
dec2 : array-like
Declination in degrees of the second catalog (shape of array must match `ra2`)
tol : float or None, optional
How close (in degrees) a match has to be to count as a match. If None,
all nearest neighbors for the first catalog will be returned.
nnearest : int, optional
The nth neighbor to find. E.g., 1 for the nearest nearby, 2 for the
second nearest neighbor, etc. Particularly useful if you want to get
the nearest *non-self* neighbor of a catalog. To do this, use:
``spherematch(ra, dec, ra, dec, nnearest=2)``
idx1 : int array
Indecies into the first catalog of the matches. Will never be
larger than `ra1`/`dec1`.
idx2 : int array
Indecies into the second catalog of the matches. Will never be
larger than `ra1`/`dec1`.
ds : float array
Distance (in degrees) between the matches
ra1 = np.array(ra1, copy=False)
dec1 = np.array(dec1, copy=False)
ra2 = np.array(ra2, copy=False)
dec2 = np.array(dec2, copy=False)
if ra1.shape != dec1.shape:
raise ValueError('ra1 and dec1 do not match!')
if ra2.shape != dec2.shape:
raise ValueError('ra2 and dec2 do not match!')
x1, y1, z1 = _spherical_to_cartesian(ra1.ravel(), dec1.ravel())
# this is equivalent to, but faster than just doing np.array([x1, y1, z1])
coords1 = np.empty((x1.size, 3))
coords1[:, 0] = x1
coords1[:, 1] = y1
coords1[:, 2] = z1
x2, y2, z2 = _spherical_to_cartesian(ra2.ravel(), dec2.ravel())
# this is equivalent to, but faster than just doing np.array([x1, y1, z1])
coords2 = np.empty((x2.size, 3))
coords2[:, 0] = x2
coords2[:, 1] = y2
coords2[:, 2] = z2
kdt = KDT(coords2)
if nnearest == 1:
idxs2 = kdt.query(coords1)[1]
elif nnearest > 1:
idxs2 = kdt.query(coords1, nnearest)[1][:, -1]
raise ValueError('invalid nnearest ' + str(nnearest))
ds = _great_circle_distance(ra1, dec1, ra2[idxs2], dec2[idxs2])
idxs1 = np.arange(ra1.size)
if tol is not None:
msk = ds < tol
idxs1 = idxs1[msk]
idxs2 = idxs2[msk]
ds = ds[msk]
return idxs1, idxs2, ds
def _spherical_to_cartesian(ra, dec):
(Private internal function)
Inputs in degrees. Outputs x,y,z
rar = np.radians(ra)
decr = np.radians(dec)
x = np.cos(rar) * np.cos(decr)
y = np.sin(rar) * np.cos(decr)
z = np.sin(decr)
return x, y, z
def _great_circle_distance(ra1, dec1, ra2, dec2):
(Private internal function)
Returns great circle distance. Inputs in degrees.
Uses vicenty distance formula - a bit slower than others, but
numerically stable.
from numpy import radians, degrees, sin, cos, arctan2, hypot
# terminology from the Vicenty formula - lambda and phi and
# "standpoint" and "forepoint"
lambs = radians(ra1)
phis = radians(dec1)
lambf = radians(ra2)
phif = radians(dec2)
dlamb = lambf - lambs
numera = cos(phif) * sin(dlamb)
numerb = cos(phis) * sin(phif) - sin(phis) * cos(phif) * cos(dlamb)
numer = hypot(numera, numerb)
denom = sin(phis) * sin(phif) + cos(phis) * cos(phif) * cos(dlamb)
return degrees(arctan2(numer, denom))
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