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Last active July 20, 2023 05:41
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vscode cheat sheet

Ivan Wang's VSCode cheat sheet



  1. Atom Keymap for typical Electron app short cuts.


  1. cmd + shift + P and search for Preferences: Open User Settings (JSON).

    The essential settings almost everyone should have:

        "files.autoSave": "onFocusChange",
        "files.encoding": "utf8bom",
        "files.autoGuessEncoding": true,
        "files.eol": "\n",
  2. cmd + shift + P and search for Preferences: Open Keyboard Shortcuts (JSON).

      "key": "alt+cmd+f",
      "command": "-editor.action.startFindReplaceAction"
      "key": "cmd+r",
      "command": "editor.action.startFindReplaceAction"
      "key": "shift+cmd+r",
      "command": "workbench.action.replaceInFiles",
      "when": "!editorFocus"


  • Search for a VS Code command cmd + shift + P
  • Find file cmd + T
  • Close tab cmd + W
  • Reopen a closed tab cmd + shift + T
  • Search in a file cmd + F
  • Replace in a file cmd + R
  • Global search in all files cmd + shift + F
  • Global replace in all files cmd + shift + R
  • Rename a thing in a smart way F2
  • Trace link alt + click
  • Move line cmd + ctl + UP/DOWN
  • Delete line cmd + shift + K or just cut cmd + X



  1. change-case
  2. Copilot
  3. GitLens
  4. Turbo Console Log


  • Create multiple cursor cmd + click
  • Find and add to selection cmd + D
  • Create multi cursors at selected lines cmd + shift + L
  • Search and select all in a file: cmd + F, type in search word and then alt + ENTER
  • Create JS console log ctr + alt + L
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