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Created December 30, 2016 03:44
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Uses a custom `dynamic_config:` hash in `psft_customizations.yaml` to update dynamic changes in `psappsrv.cfg`
$ensure = hiera('ensure')
$base = hiera('peoplesoft_base')
$appserver_domain_list = hiera('appserver_domain_list')
$appserver_domain_list.each | $domain_name, $appserver_domain_info | {
$cfg_file = "${appserver_domain_info['ps_cfg_home_dir']}/appserv/${domain_name}/psappsrv.cfg"
$dynamic_config = $appserver_domain_info['dynamic_config']
$dynamic_config.each | $setting, $config_value | {
$settings_array = split($setting, "/")
ini_setting {"app-dynamic-change-${domain_name}-${setting}":
ensure => $ensure,
path => $cfg_file,
section => $settings_array[0],
setting => $settings_array[1],
value => $config_value,
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Example of psft_customizations.yaml appserver_domain_list hash with the new section:

    os_user:                "%{hiera('domain_user')}"
    ps_cfg_home_dir:        "%{hiera('ps_config_home')}"
    template_type:          developer

      db_name:        "%{hiera('db_name')}"
      db_type:        "%{hiera('db_platform')}"
      db_opr_id:      "%{hiera('db_user')}"
      db_opr_pwd:     "%{hiera('db_user_pwd')}"
      db_connect_id:  "%{hiera('db_connect_id')}"
      db_connect_pwd: "%{hiera('db_connect_pwd')}"

      Domain Settings/Domain ID:    APPDOM
      PSAPPSRV/Min Instances:       2
      PSAPPSRV/Max Instances:       3
      PSAPPSRV/Max Fetch Size:      15000

      Trace/TraceSql:              0
      Trace/TracePC:               0

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Great to see this approach in puppet/DPK. This allows for a very effective configuration.

Using Ansible to do a similar approach, by having separate lists for dynamic vs static config. But also allows the task to determine if the app server needs to be cycled for the change when a change does actually occur. Ansible provides a powerful Jinja templating to sort-of pivot a yaml file into a template to update the psappsrv.cfg file. Here's a sample yaml template file (ie: ps_app_static_config.yml.j2) to specify static configs, but we also separate configs by app, environment and/or type. This allows me to see all the values for app servers for any environment in one location.

- config: "Min Jolt Listeners"
  section: "JOLT Listener"
  option: "Min Handlers"
  default: "4"
    - value: "8"
      apps: [ "hr" ]
      envs: [ "prd","per" ]
      purpose: "main"
    - value: "10"
      apps: [ "cs", "ih" ]
      envs: [ "prd","per" ]
      purpose: "main"
    - value: "6"
      apps: [ "hr", "ih", "cs" ]
      envs: [ "qat","upg" ]
      purpose: "main"
- config: "Lower ping interval for dispatch instances (default brk)"
  section: "PSBRKDSP_dflt"
  option: "Scan Interval"
  default: "15"
    - value: "5"
      apps: [ "hr","cs","fs","ih" ]
      envs: [ "dev","tst","qat","prd","per","upg" ]
      purpose: "ib"

Then read these config rules in an Ansible task, load the yaml to a variable and loop through the sub-elements (Each config item).
The second task will first, loop through each config item in the yaml, then the second loop will check each change/value and determine if the current domain matches the app and environment the value is intended for. Then using the ini module, set the value to the matching section/option in the psappsrv.cfg file. And only if any changes occur, then restart the app server to make the changes take effect.

- name: "Load app/env static config rules"
    config_list: "{{ lookup('template', './ps_app_static_config.yml.j2') | from_yaml }}"

# Loop through the custom static config changes defined in the template and apply to domain config file in ini format
- name: "Static psappsrv.cfg changes"
  ini_file: dest="{{ appdomain_home }}/psappsrv.cfg"
            section="{{ item.0.section }}"
            option="{{ item.0.option }}"
            value="{{ item.1.value }}"
  when: in item.1.apps and domain.env in item.1.envs and domain.purpose == item.1.purpose
     - "{{ config_list }}"
     - changes
     - restart appserver

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