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Last active November 21, 2021 00:55
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  • Save iversond/48af2c095c883277fe08f85d415739b1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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This manifest can be used to run the LOADCACHE job on a fresh PeopleSoft Image. In your `psft_customizations.yaml` file, add `Cache Settings/ServerCacheMode: 1` to the app server `config_settings` section. This manifest expects the puppetlabs-powershell modules to be installed.
$ps_home_dir = hiera('ps_home_location')
$oracle_home_location = hiera('oracle_server_location')
$tns_dir = hiera('tns_dir')
case $::osfamily {
'windows': {
$gem_home = 'c:/program files/puppet labs/puppet/bin'
exec { 'install-psadmin_plus':
command => "${gem_home}/gem install psadmin_plus",
provider => 'powershell'
'RedHat', 'linux': {
$gem_home = '/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/bin'
exec { 'install-psadmin_plus':
command => "${gem_home}/gem install psadmin_plus",
$prcs_domain_name = hiera('prcs_domain_name')
$appserver_domain_list = hiera('appserver_domain_list')
$appserver_domain_list.each | $domain_name, $app_domain_info | {
$db_settings = $app_domain_info['db_settings']
$db_settings_array = join_keys_to_values($db_settings, '=')
$ps_cfg_home_dir = $app_domain_info['ps_cfg_home_dir']
case $::osfamily {
'windows': {
exec {"LOADCACHE-${domain_name}":
command => "\$env:PS_HOME=\"${ps_home_dir}\";\
psae -CT ${db_settings[db_type]} -CD ${db_settings[db_name]} -CI ${db_settings[db_connect_id]} -CW ${db_settings[db_connect_pwd]} -CO ${db_settings[db_opr_id]} -CP ${db_settings[db_opr_pwd]} -R BUILD -AI LOADCACHE",
provider => 'powershell'
-> exec {'copy-cache-folder':
command => "remove-item ${ps_cfg_home_dir}/appserv/${domain_name}/CACHE/*; \
copy-item -recurse ${ps_cfg_home_dir}/CLIENT/CACHE/${prcs_domain_name}/stage/stage/ ${ps_cfg_home_dir}/appserv/${domain_name}/CACHE/SHARE/",
provider => 'powershell',
-> exec { "Set-Cache-Mode-${domain_name}":
command => "(gc ${ps_cfg_home_dir}/appserv/${domain_name}/psappsrv.cfg) | %{ \$_ -replace \";ServerCacheMode=0\",\"ServerCacheMode=1\" } | set-content ${ps_cfg_home_dir}/appserv/${domain_name}/psappsrv.cfg",
provider => 'powershell',
-> exec { "Bounce ${domain_name} App Domain":
command => "psa bounce app ${domain_name}",
provider => 'powershell',
require => Exec['install-psadmin_plus'],
'RedHat', 'linux': {
pt_psae {"LOADCACHE-${domain_name}":
db_settings => $db_settings_array,
run_control_id => 'BUILD',
program_id => 'LOADCACHE',
os_user => 'psadm2',
logoutput => 'true',
ps_home_dir => $ps_home_dir,
-> file {"${ps_cfg_home_dir}/appserv/${domain_name}/CACHE/SHARE":
ensure => link,
target => '/home/psadm2/PS_CACHE/CACHE/STAGE/stage'
-> exec { "Set-Cache-Mode-${domain_name}":
command => "sed -i 's/^\;ServerCacheMode=0/ServerCacheMode=1/' ${ps_cfg_home_dir}/appserv/${domain_name}/psappsrv.cfg",
path => '/usr/bin',
-> exec { "Bounce ${domain_name} App Domain":
command => "${gem_home}/psa bounce app ${domain_name}",
require => Exec['install-psadmin_plus'],
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