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Created January 15, 2016 19:41
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Save iversond/f9298117c7f7510360ae to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Signon JavaScript for the 2 target login page. See the full project here:
function setLogin(defaultURL) {
var docLoc = new String(document.location);
var deepURL = "";
var iLast = docLoc.lastIndexOf("?&");
if (docLoc.length == (iLast + 2)) {
docLoc = docLoc.substring(0, iLast);
// Build a "Deep Link" URL for the form's action
if (docLoc.indexOf("?cmd=") == -1 && docLoc.indexOf("?") != -1) {
if (docLoc.indexOf("cmd=login") == -1) {
var urlQuery = docLoc.substring(docLoc.indexOf("?")+1, docLoc.length);
var docQuery = "";
var formQuery = document.forms.login.action.substring(document.forms.login.action.indexOf("?")+1, document.forms.login.action.length);
var arrQrys = formQuery.split("&");
for (var x=0; x < arrQrys.length; x++) {
if ((arrQrys[x] !== "") && (urlQuery.indexOf(arrQrys[x]) == -1)) {
if (arrQrys[x].indexOf("uninavdefaultURL=") != -1) // If found then skip it.
docQuery += "&" + arrQrys[x];
deepURL = docLoc + docQuery;
// If the deepURL is blank, use the default URL
if (deepURL == "") {
loginURL = defaultURL;
} else {
// If the URL matches the "default" login URL, go there.
//If not, use the URL in the address bar (for links from emails, etc)
// Get the host name for the submitted defaultURL
var defaultURLHREF = document.createElement('a');
defaultURLHREF.href = defaultURL;
var defaultURLDomain =;
// and the defaultURL from the address bar
var deepURLHREF = document.createElement('a');
deepURLHREF.href = deepURL;
var deepURLDomain =;
if (defaultURLDomain == deepURLDomain) {
loginURL = deepURL;
} else {
loginURL = defaultURL;
var form = document.forms.login;
form.setAttribute("action", loginURL);
function setFocus() {
catch (e)
function setErrorImg() {
var login_error = document.getElementById('login_error').innerHTML;
var discovery_error = document.getElementById('discovery_error').innerHTML;
// var browsercheck_error = document.getElementById('browsercheck_error').innerHTML;
if (login_error.length != 0 || discovery_error.length != 0 || browsercheck_error.length != 0)
//document.getElementById('error_img').style.display = 'block';
if (login_error.length != 0)
document.getElementById('login_error').style.visibility = 'visible';
if (discovery_error.length != 0)
document.getElementById('discovery_error').style.visibility = 'visible';
else {
function clearRecentSearch() {
if (typeof(window.sessionStorage) !== "undefined") {
try {
} catch (e) {}
/* Toggle Login Backdoor*/
function hideLogin(isHidden) {
if (isHidden) {
document.getElementById('signon').style.display = "none";
} else {
document.getElementById('signon').style.display = "block";
/* define a handler */
function doc_keyUp(e) {
/* */
if (e.ctrlKey && e.keyCode == 192) {hideLogin(false);} /* Ctrl+Tick */
/* register the handler */
document.addEventListener('keyup', doc_keyUp, false);
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