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Created November 17, 2021 21:55
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decoding LLVM IT instruction
let of_int_exn = function
| 0 -> `EQ
| 1 -> `NE
| 2 -> `CS
| 3 -> `CC
| 4 -> `MI
| 5 -> `PL
| 6 -> `VS
| 7 -> `VC
| 8 -> `HI
| 9 -> `LS
| 10 -> `GE
| 11 -> `LT
| 12 -> `GT
| 13 -> `LE
| 14 -> `AL
| _ -> invalid_arg "not a condition"
llvm represents [itxyz], as
- [xyz1] ; 4 instructions
- [xy10] ; 3 instructions
- [x100] ; 2 instructions
- [1000] ; 1 instruction,
where [x],[y],[z] bits are set to [1] if the
cond has to be negated, i.e., [t] is [0],
and [e] is [1].
it => 1000
itt => 0100
itete => 1011.
The condition codes in ARM are made so that the
flipping the least significant bit is the same
as negating it, so we can xor the least significant
bit of the condition with with most significant
bit of the mask. *)
let decode_llvm_it ~cond ~mask =
let rec gen conds = function
| 0b1000 -> List.rev conds
| mask ->
let flip = mask lsr 3 in
let mask = mask lsl 1 land 0b1111 in
gen (of_int_exn (cond lxor flip) :: conds) mask in
gen [of_int_exn cond] mask
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