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Created March 9, 2017 19:55
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Minimal MIPS lifter for BAP
open Core_kernel.Std
open Bap.Std
open Or_error.Monad_infix
module Insn = Disasm_expert.Basic.Insn
module Mips = struct
(** Defines the register map *)
module CPU = struct
let mem = Var.create "mem" @@ mem32_t `r8
let reg name = Var.create name reg32_t
let regs pref = Array.init ~f:(fun i -> reg @@ sprintf "%s%d" pref i)
let zero = reg "zero"
let at = reg "at"
let v = regs "v" 4
let a = regs "a" 4
let t = regs "t" 10
let s = regs "s" 8
let k = regs "k" 2
let gp = reg "gp"
let sp = reg "sp"
let fp = reg "fp"
let ra = reg "ra"
let gprs = Array.concat [
v; a; t; s; k;
[|zero; at; gp; sp; fp; ra |] ;
let gpr = Array.to_list gprs |> Var.Set.of_list
let reg_of_name name =
let name = String.lowercase name in
Array.find gprs ~f:(fun reg -> reg = name)
(* the problem is that MIPS doesn't have flags at all,
but we can just pretend that they are. They will not
be used. *)
let flag n = Var.create n bool_t
let zf = flag "zf"
let cf = flag "cf"
let vf = flag "vf"
let nf = flag "nf"
let never _ = false
let is_reg = Set.mem gpr
let is_flag = never
let is_zf = never
let is_cf = never
let is_vf = never
let is_nf = never
let is_sp v = Var.same v sp
let is_bp v = Var.same v fp
let is_mem v = Var.same v mem
(** simplify an expression by applying constant folding *)
let simpl = Bil.fixpoint Bil.fold_consts
(** [reg op] is [Ok reg] if operand is a register with the same
name as reg *)
let reg = function
| Op.Imm _ | Op.Fmm _ -> Or_error.errorf "expected register"
| Op.Reg reg ->
let name = reg in
match CPU.reg_of_name name with
| None -> invalid_argf "unknown register %s" name ()
| Some reg -> Ok reg
(** [r_type f d s t] uses lifter [f] for an r-type instruction with
arguments [d], [s], and [t]. TODO: add shift, and the rest. *)
let r_type f d s t = match reg d, reg s, reg t with
| Ok d, Ok s, Ok t -> Ok (simpl (f d s t))
| e1,e2,e3 -> Or_error.errorf "invalid instruction"
(** [!$reg] lifts [reg] into a Bil expression, substitution a zero
register with zero value (a smart version of [Bil.Var]. *)
let (!$) reg =
if Var.equal reg
then ( 32)
else Bil.var reg
(** {2 Instruction semantics} *)
let addu r0 r1 r2 = Bil.[
r0 := !$r1 + !$r2;
(** [lift mem insn] dispatches instructions to corresponding lifters. *)
let lift mem insn = match insn, Insn.ops insn with
| "ADDu", [|r0;r1;r2|] -> r_type addu r0 r1 r2
| _ -> Ok [Bil.special (Insn.asm insn)]
let () = register_target `mips (module Mips)
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ivg commented Mar 9, 2017


bapbuild mips.plugin


bapbundle install mips.plugin


$ bap-mc --show-bil --arch=mips '\x00\x40\x08\x21'


  at := v0

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