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Last active August 21, 2022 01:48
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open Lwt
let block_size = 256 * 4096
let ifd = Lwt_unix.stdin
let ofd = Lwt_unix.stdout
let print spd =
Lwt_io.eprintf "%s\r" (Speed.to_string spd)
with Speed.Undefined -> return_unit
let program () =
let open Bigarray in
let open Lwt_bytes in
let buf = create block_size in
let rec loop (s) =
let rec get n =
if n < block_size
then read ifd buf n (block_size - n) >>= fun m -> get (n+m)
else return_unit in
let rec put n =
if n < block_size
then write ofd buf n (block_size - n) >>= fun m -> put (n+m)
else return_unit in
get 0 >> put 0 >> print s >> loop Speed.(s + block_size) in
Speed.create () |> loop
let () = (program ())
type t = (float * float) list
type speed = t -> float
exception Undefined
let create () = []
let cur = function
| (b,t') :: (_,t) :: _ -> b /. (t' -. t)
| _ -> raise Not_found
let avg = function
| [] -> raise Undefined
| (b,t1) :: ss ->
let b,t0 = List.fold_left
(fun (b',t') (b,t) -> b +. b', t) (0.,t1) ss in
if t0 = t1 then raise Undefined else b /. (t1 -. t0)
let find_extremum f init = function
| [] -> raise Undefined
| (b,t1) :: ss ->
let (_,spd) = List.fold_left
(fun (t',spd') (b,t) ->
let spd = b /. (t' -. t) in
(t, f spd spd')) (t1,init) ss in
let sum = List.fold_left (fun total (b,_) -> total +. b) 0.
let max = find_extremum max 0.
let min = find_extremum min max_float
module S = struct
let (+) s t = (float t, Unix.gettimeofday ()) :: s
let (+.) s t = (t, Unix.gettimeofday ()) :: s
include S
let to_string spd =
let m = 1024.0 *. 1024.0 in
let mbps sel = sel spd /. m in
"%8.0f MB : %-4.2f/%-4.2f/%-4.2f/%-4.2f MB/s"
(sum spd /. m) (mbps cur) (mbps avg) (mbps max) (mbps min)
let print spd = to_string spd |> print_endline
type 'a updater = {
print: t -> 'a;
mutable speed: t;
let create_updater print = {print; speed = create ();}
let update u wr =
u.speed <- u.speed + wr;
u.print u.speed
let inspect u = u.speed
type t
exception Undefined
val create: unit -> t
val (+) : t -> int -> t
val (+.): t -> float -> t
type speed = t -> float
val max: speed
val min: speed
val avg: speed
val cur: speed
val sum: t -> float
val to_string: t -> string
val print: t -> unit
type 'a updater
val create_updater: (t -> 'a) -> 'a updater
val update: 'a updater -> int -> 'a
val inspect: 'a updater -> t
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ivg commented Jul 1, 2015

To compile:

$ ocamlbuild -use-ocamlfind -syntax camlp4o -package lwt.unix -pkg lwt.syntax pv.native


$ ./pv.native  < /dev/zero > /dev/null
3897 MB : 2438.55/3545.74/6668.21/736.88 MB/s
$ ./pv.native  < /dev/urandom > /dev/null
30 MB : 16.90/16.82/16.99/16.16 MB/s

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