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Created April 16, 2020 16:05
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A lifter for the toy language
open Core_kernel
open Bap_core_theory
open Bap.Std
open KB.Syntax
include Self()
module Word = struct
include Bitvec_order
include Bitvec_sexp.Functions
type ident = string [@@deriving compare,sexp]
type word = Word.t [@@deriving compare,sexp]
type sort = Word | Bool | Unit [@@deriving compare,sexp]
type ast =
| Var of sort * ident
| Int of word
| Set of sort * ident * ast
| App of sort * ident * ast
| Rep of ast * ast
| Seq of ast * ast
| Ite of ast * ast * ast
| Get of ast
| Put of ast * ast
| Nop
[@@deriving compare,sexp]
type def =
| Proc of ident * ast
| Glob of sort * ident * ast
| Exec of ast
[@@deriving compare,sexp]
type prog = def list
[@@deriving compare,sexp]
let word = 8
let bool = 1
let pp_ast ppf x = Sexp.pp_hum ppf (sexp_of_ast x)
module Language = struct
open Theory.Parser
let bitv : type t r. (t,ast,r) bitv_parser =
fun (module S) -> function
| Var (Word,x) -> S.var x word
| Int x -> x word
| Ite (c,x,y) -> S.ite c x y
| Get x -> S.load Nop x
| App (Word, "+", Seq (x,y)) -> S.add x y
| App (Word, "-", Seq (x,y)) -> S.sub x y
| App (Word, "*", Seq (x,y)) -> S.mul x y
| App (Word, "/", Seq (x,y)) -> S.div x y
| App (Word, "&", Seq (x,y)) -> S.logand x y
| App (Word, "|", Seq (x,y)) -> S.logor x y
| x ->
error "bad word: %a" pp_ast x;
let bool : type t r. (t,ast,r) bool_parser =
fun (module S) -> function
| Var (Bool,x) -> S.var x
| Int x -> x
| Ite (c,x,y) -> S.ite c x y
| App (Bool, "=", Seq (x,y)) -> S.eq x y
| App (Bool, "<=", Seq (x,y)) -> S.le x y
| App (Bool, "<", Seq (x,y)) -> x y
| App (Bool, "<>", Seq (x,y)) -> S.neq x y
| App (Bool, "&", Seq (x,y)) -> S.logand x y
| App (Bool, "|", Seq (x,y)) -> S.logor x y
| App (Bool, "not", x) -> S.not x
| x ->
error "bad bool: %a" pp_ast x;
let stmt : type t r. (t,ast,r,ast) stmt_parser =
fun (module S) -> function
| Set (Bool,v,x) -> S.set_bit v x
| Set (Word,v,x) -> S.set_reg v word x
| Put _ as m -> S.set_mem "mem" word word m
| Rep (c,x) -> S.while_ c [x]
| Ite (c,x,y) -> S.if_ c [x] [y]
| Seq (x,y) -> S.seq [x;y]
| App (Unit,name,Nop) -> name
| Nop -> S.seq []
| x ->
error "bad statement: %a" pp_ast x;
let mem : type t. (t,ast) mem_parser =
fun (module S) -> function
| Put (x,y) -> Nop x y
| _ -> S.error
let rmode _ _ = assert false
let float _ _ = assert false
let t = {bitv; mem; stmt; bool; float; rmode}
let add_blks sub blks =
List.fold blks ~init:sub ~f:(Term.append blk_t)
let build_program lift defs =
let prog = Program.create () in
Theory.Label.for_name "init" >>= fun tid ->
let init = Sub.create ~tid ~name:"init" () in
KB.List.fold defs ~init:(prog,init) ~f:(fun (prog,init) def ->
match def with
| Exec x ->
lift x >>| fun blks ->
(prog,add_blks init blks)
| Glob (s,v,x) ->
lift (Set (s,v,x)) >>| fun blks ->
(prog,add_blks init blks)
| Proc (name,body) ->
Theory.Label.for_name name >>= fun tid ->
let sub = Sub.create ~tid ~name () in
lift body >>| fun blks ->
let sub = add_blks sub blks in
(Term.append sub_t prog sub,init))
let load filename : prog =
Sexp.load_rev_sexps filename |>
List.rev_map ~f:def_of_sexp
let lifter = KB.Class.declare "toy-language-lifter" ()
let program_t = KB.Domain.optional "program_t" ~equal:Program.equal
let program = lifter "program" program_t
let source_t = KB.Domain.optional "source_t" ~equal:(fun x y ->
compare_ast x y = 0)
let source = Theory.Program.cls "source" source_t
let provide_semantics () =
KB.promise Theory.Program.Semantics.slot @@ fun insn ->
Theory.(instance>=>require) () >>= fun (module Core) ->
let module Lifter = Theory.Parser.Make(Core) in
KB.collect source insn >>= function
| None -> KB.return Insn.empty
| Some src -> Language.t [src]
let lift prog =
let lift ast =
KB.Object.create Theory.Program.cls >>= fun insn ->
KB.provide source insn (Some ast) >>= fun () ->
KB.collect Theory.Program.Semantics.slot insn >>| fun sema ->
KB.Value.get Term.slot sema in
build_program lift prog >>| fun (prog,init) ->
let init = Term.set_attr init Sub.entry_point () in
Term.prepend sub_t prog init
let run_lifter prog =
let obj =
KB.Object.create lifter >>= fun lifter ->
lift prog >>= fun prog ->
KB.provide program lifter (Some prog) >>| fun () ->
lifter in
match lifter obj (Toplevel.current ()) with
| Error conflict ->
error "ill-formed program: %a" KB.Conflict.pp conflict;
invalid_arg "ill-formed program"
| Ok (value,state) ->
Toplevel.set state;
match KB.Value.get program value with
| None -> assert false
| Some prog -> prog
let () = Project.Input.register_loader "toy" @@ fun filename ->
let empty = Memmap.empty in
let source = load filename in
provide_semantics ();
let prog = run_lifter source in
Project.Input.create `unknown filename ~code:empty ~data:empty
~finish:(fun proj -> Project.with_program proj prog)
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