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Ivan Borshchov ivictbor

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ivictbor /
Created February 16, 2022 13:59
Gist for benchmarking GPT generating performance with same input (43 tokens)
import aiohttp
import json
import asyncio
import datetime
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
text = """
Planning a project is one thing, but making sure deadlines are met and all tasks are completed is a whole other. Falling behind is easy when an entire sequence of events is dependent on the previous being successfully finished.
ivictbor /
Created February 16, 2022 13:23
Benchmark GPT-J model generation speed
import aiohttp
import json
import asyncio
import datetime
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
text = """
Planning a project is one thing, but making sure deadlines are met and all tasks are completed is a whole other. Falling behind is easy when an entire sequence of events is dependent on the previous being successfully finished.