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Created May 11, 2016 22:27
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`counter` function slowdown using parameterized methods
julia> import Base.push!
julia> import Base.getindex
julia> type Accumulator{T, V<:Number}
julia> Accumulator{T,V<:Number}(::Type{T}, ::Type{V}) = Accumulator{T,V}(Dict{T,V}())
julia> counter(T::Type) = Accumulator(T,Int)
counter (generic function with 1 method)
julia> function counter{T}(seq::AbstractArray{T})
ct = counter(T)
for x in seq
push!(ct, x)
return ct
counter (generic function with 2 methods)
julia> data = filter!(x->isa(x,Function), map(eval, names(Base)));
julia> data = convert(Array{Function,1}, data);
julia> getindex(ct, x) = get(, x, zero(Int))
getindex (generic function with 173 methods)
julia> push!(ct::Accumulator, x, a) = ([x] = ct[x] + a)
push! (generic function with 19 methods)
julia> push!(ct::Accumulator, x) = push!(ct, x, one(Int))
push! (generic function with 20 methods)
julia> @profile @time counter(data)
0.125531 seconds (82.06 k allocations: 3.443 MB, 6.79% gc time)
julia> Profile.print(format=:flat)
Count File Line Function
108 ./REPL.jl 62 eval_user_input(::Any, ::Base.REPL.REPLBackend)
1 ./REPL.jl 65 eval_user_input(::Any, ::Base.REPL.REPLBackend)
43 ./REPL[6] 4 counter(::Array{Function,1})
4 ./REPL[9] 1 getindex(::Accumulator{Function,Int64}, ::Fun...
108 ./boot.jl 230 eval(::Module, ::Any)
26 ./dict.jl 705 setindex!(::Dict{Function,Int64}, ::Int64, ::...
5 ./dict.jl 711 setindex!(::Dict{Function,Int64}, ::Int64, ::...
109 ./event.jl 46 (::Base.REPL.##1#2{Base.REPL.REPLBackend})()
6 ./grisu.jl 46 grisu(::Float64, ::Int64, ::Int64, ::Array{UI...
5 ./grisu/fastfixed.jl 233 fastfixedtoa(::Float64, ::Int64, ::Int64, ::A...
1 ./grisu/fastfixed.jl 243 fastfixedtoa(::Float64, ::Int64, ::Int64, ::A...
4 ./grisu/fastfixed.jl 44 filldigits32(::UInt32, ::Array{UInt8,1}, ::Int64)
1 ./grisu/fastfixed.jl 45 filldigits32(::UInt32, ::Array{UInt8,1}, ::Int64)
1 ./grisu/fastfixed.jl 119 fillfractionals(::UInt64, ::Int32, ::Int64, :...
1 ./inference.jl 507 (::Core.Inference.##114#115)(::Type{T}, ::Cor...
1 ./inference.jl 145 Core.Inference.InferenceState(::LambdaInfo, :...
1 ./inference.jl 3170 _getfield_elim_pass!(::Expr, ::Core.Inference...
1 ./inference.jl 3172 _getfield_elim_pass!(::Expr, ::Core.Inference...
2 ./inference.jl 985 abstract_call(::Any, ::Array{Any,1}, ::Array{...
5 ./inference.jl 1020 abstract_call(::Any, ::Array{Any,1}, ::Array{...
86 ./inference.jl 1027 abstract_call(::Any, ::Array{Any,1}, ::Array{...
2 ./inference.jl 755 abstract_call_gf_by_type(::Any, ::Any, ::Core...
84 ./inference.jl 856 abstract_call_gf_by_type(::Any, ::Any, ::Core...
113 ./inference.jl 1082 abstract_eval(::Any, ::Array{Any,1}, ::Core.I...
6 ./inference.jl 1093 abstract_eval(::Any, ::Array{Any,1}, ::Core.I...
20 ./inference.jl 1031 abstract_eval_call(::Expr, ::Array{Any,1}, ::...
93 ./inference.jl 1057 abstract_eval_call(::Expr, ::Array{Any,1}, ::...
1 ./inference.jl 1176 abstract_eval_constant(::Any)
1 ./inference.jl 1181 abstract_eval_global(::Module, ::Symbol)
26 ./inference.jl 1211 abstract_interpret(::Any, ::Array{Any,1}, ::C...
21 ./inference.jl 1219 abstract_interpret(::Any, ::Array{Any,1}, ::C...
1 ./inference.jl 3271 alloc_elim_pass!(::LambdaInfo, ::Core.Inferen...
1 ./inference.jl 3295 alloc_elim_pass!(::LambdaInfo, ::Core.Inferen...
1 ./inference.jl 651 builtin_tfunction(::Any, ::Array{Any,1}, ::Co...
1 ./inference.jl 705 builtin_tfunction(::Any, ::Array{Any,1}, ::Co...
1 ./inference.jl 2199 effect_free(::Any, ::Core.Inference.Inference...
1 ./inference.jl 2159 exprtype(::Any, ::Core.Inference.InferenceState)
1 ./inference.jl 3083 find_sa_vars(::LambdaInfo)
1 ./inference.jl 1363 find_ssavalue_uses(::Array{Any,1})
2 ./inference.jl 1391 find_ssavalue_uses(::Any, ::Array{Core.Infere...
3 ./inference.jl 1911 finish(::Core.Inference.InferenceState)
19 ./inference.jl 1920 finish(::Core.Inference.InferenceState)
2 ./inference.jl 1923 finish(::Core.Inference.InferenceState)
2 ./inference.jl 1924 finish(::Core.Inference.InferenceState)
2 ./inference.jl 3164 getfield_elim_pass!(::LambdaInfo, ::Core.Infe...
1 ./inference.jl 477 getfield_tfunc(::Any, ::Core.Inference.Const)
7 ./inference.jl 2329 inlineable(::Any, ::Any, ::Expr, ::Array{Any,...
1 ./inference.jl 2494 inlineable(::Any, ::Any, ::Expr, ::Array{Any,...
1 ./inference.jl 2572 inlineable(::Any, ::Any, ::Expr, ::Array{Any,...
1 ./inference.jl 2586 inlineable(::Any, ::Any, ::Expr, ::Array{Any,...
2 ./inference.jl 2734 inlineable(::Any, ::Any, ::Expr, ::Array{Any,...
19 ./inference.jl 2805 inlining_pass!(::LambdaInfo, ::Core.Inference...
7 ./inference.jl 2828 inlining_pass(::Expr, ::Core.Inference.Infere...
35 ./inference.jl 2857 inlining_pass(::Expr, ::Core.Inference.Infere...
12 ./inference.jl 2931 inlining_pass(::Expr, ::Core.Inference.Infere...
1 ./inference.jl 3003 is_known_call(::Expr, ::Function, ::Core.Infe...
5 ./inference.jl 940 pure_eval_call(::Any, ::Any, ::Type{T}, ::Cor...
3 ./inference.jl 2031 type_annotate!(::LambdaInfo, ::Array{Any,1}, ...
2 ./inference.jl 1437 typeinf_edge(::Method, ::Any, ::SimpleVector,...
1 ./inference.jl 1513 typeinf_edge(::Method, ::Any, ::SimpleVector,...
121 ./inference.jl 1532 typeinf_edge(::Method, ::Any, ::SimpleVector,...
84 ./inference.jl 1537 typeinf_edge(::Method, ::Any, ::SimpleVector,...
40 ./inference.jl 1552 typeinf_ext(::LambdaInfo)
48 ./inference.jl 1655 typeinf_frame(::Core.Inference.InferenceState)
46 ./inference.jl 1732 typeinf_frame(::Core.Inference.InferenceState)
1 ./inference.jl 1777 typeinf_frame(::Core.Inference.InferenceState)
14 ./inference.jl 1833 typeinf_frame(::Core.Inference.InferenceState)
81 ./inference.jl 1580 typeinf_loop(::Core.Inference.InferenceState)
28 ./inference.jl 1598 typeinf_loop(::Core.Inference.InferenceState)
12 ./inference.jl 1612 typeinf_loop(::Core.Inference.InferenceState)
5 ./printf.jl 784 fix_dec(::Base.TTY, ::Float64, ::String, ::In...
6 ./printf.jl 938 fix_dec(::Float64, ::Int64)
1 ./printf.jl 190 print_fixed(::Base.TTY, ::Int64, ::Int32, ::I...
108 ./profile.jl 16 anonymous
13 ./reflection.jl 199 _methods_by_ftype(::Any, ::Int64)
14 ./util.jl 112 time_print(::UInt64, ::Int64, ::Int64, ::Int64)
8 ./util.jl 119 time_print(::UInt64, ::Int64, ::Int64, ::Int64)
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