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Last active July 11, 2017 09:06
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(venv) di-erz@worklap:~$ ipython
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In [1]: import re
In [2]: lsblk = list(re.finditer(
...: r'NAME=\"(?P<name>[\w|\d]+?)\" SIZE=\"(?P<size>[\w|\d]+?)\" TYPE=\"(?P<type>[\w|\d]+?)\"',
...: 'NAME="sda" SIZE="20G" TYPE="disk"\nNAME="sda1" SIZE="19G" TYPE="part"\nNAME="sda2" SIZE="1K" TYPE="part"\nNAME="sda5" SIZE="1022M" TYPE="part"\nNAME="sr0"
...: SIZE="1024M" TYPE="rom"\n'))
In [3]: for blk in lsblk:
...: print(blk.groupdict())
{'name': 'sda', 'size': '20G', 'type': 'disk'}
{'name': 'sda1', 'size': '19G', 'type': 'part'}
{'name': 'sda2', 'size': '1K', 'type': 'part'}
{'name': 'sda5', 'size': '1022M', 'type': 'part'}
{'name': 'sr0', 'size': '1024M', 'type': 'rom'}
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