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  • Save ivlists/5598756 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ivlists/5598756 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Includes - A Number of useful functions and utilities to find WebElement effectively and reliably using selenium web driver for UI automation. ElementLocator : 1. FindElementSmart() - Which finds WebElement on web page intelligently using Multiple search criteria like by Xpath, Id, Name, ClassName, Value, LinkText, PartialLinkText etc. 2. Good e…
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// <summary>
// @Description - browser class contains browser specific methods such as launching the browser
// and checking whether the browser is exist or not.
// @Author - Vaibhav
// @Date - 01 / 03 / 2012
// </summary>
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace BVT.TestCases.Utilities
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using OpenQA.Selenium;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Firefox;
using OpenQA.Selenium.IE;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Remote;
/// <summary>
/// @Description - browser class contains browser specific methods such as launching the browser
/// and checking whether the browser is exist or not.
/// @Author - Vaibhav
/// @Date - 01 / 03 / 2012
/// </summary>
public class Browser
#region Static Fields
/// <summary>
/// The web driver.
/// </summary>
private static IWebDriver webDriver = null;
#region Public Methods and Operators
/// <summary>
/// @Description - GetBrowser function launches a new firefox browser instance.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Object of IWebDriver</returns>
public static bool CloseBrowserInstances()
string browser;
bool isResult = true;
browser = DataLocators.configData["browser"];
// Verify browser
if (browser == "iexplorer")
// Collect All Running Processes
Process[] localByName = Process.GetProcesses();
// Traverse each process
foreach (Process item in localByName)
// Verify iexplore process
if (item.ProcessName.Equals("iexplore"))
// kill brower
catch (InvalidOperationException)
// Write to Log
Logger.Log.InfoFormat("IE: Failed to Close IE... FAIL");
catch (NotFoundException nf)
// Write to Log
Logger.Log.InfoFormat("IE: No instances of IE is Opened..." + nf.Message + " FAIL");
catch (Exception e)
// Write to Log
// GlobalController.WriteTCLogs("IE", "", "Failed to Close IE..." + e.Message + " FAIL");
Logger.Log.InfoFormat("IE: No instances of IE is Opened..." + e.Message + " FAIL");
return isResult;
/// <summary>
/// @Description - GetBrowser function launches a new browser instance.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Object of IWebDriver</returns>
public IWebDriver GetBrowser()
string browser;
browser = DataLocators.configData["browser"];
Process[] localByName;
switch (browser)
case "iexplorer":
// kill existing iexplore processes
localByName = Process.GetProcesses();
foreach (Process item in localByName)
if (item.ProcessName.Equals("iexplore"))
// Ignore protected mode settings for internet explorer
var options = new InternetExplorerOptions();
options.IntroduceInstabilityByIgnoringProtectedModeSettings = true;
webDriver = new InternetExplorerDriver(options);
case "chrome":
localByName = Process.GetProcesses();
// kill existing firefox processes
foreach (Process item in localByName)
if (item.ProcessName.Contains("firefox"))
// item.Kill();
webDriver = new ChromeDriver();
case "firefox":
localByName = Process.GetProcesses();
// kill existing firefox processes
foreach (Process item in localByName)
if (item.ProcessName.Contains("firefox"))
webDriver = new FirefoxDriver();
return webDriver;
/// <summary>
/// @Description - IsFirefoxBrowserExist function checks whether the firefox browser
/// exist or not.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>True if browser exist else returns false</returns>
public bool IsFirefoxBrowserExist()
bool firefoxBrowserStatus = false;
Process[] localByName = Process.GetProcesses();
foreach (Process item in localByName)
if (item.ProcessName.Equals("firefox"))
firefoxBrowserStatus = true;
return firefoxBrowserStatus;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the browser.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>
/// The <see cref="string"/>.
/// </returns>
public static string GetBrowser()
string browser = ConfigParameters.Browser;
string programFiles = System.Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFiles);
if (ConfigParameters.Browser.Equals("iexplore"))
browser = "iexplore";
if (ConfigParameters.Browser.Equals("firefox"))
if (Directory.Exists(programFiles + " (x86)"))
browser = "firefox3 " + programFiles + " (x86)\\Mozilla Firefox\\firefox.exe";
browser = "firefox3 " + programFiles + "\\Mozilla Firefox\\firefox.exe";
if (ConfigParameters.Browser.Equals("googlechrome"))
browser = "googlechrome";
return browser;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// <summary>
// A generic Method logger, inspired from:
// Author: vaibhav
// use this in your method by(note caller need to pass method in to avoid relfection, which is slow):
// <c>
// public void YourCode()
// {
// using (MethodLogger.Log("YourCode", LogOptions.All, logger))
// {
// // Write your stuff here
// }
// }
// </c>
// </summary>
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace BVT.TestCases.Utilities
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using log4net;
/// <summary>
/// Options used when logging a method
/// </summary>
public enum LogOptions
/// <summary>
/// Log entry into the method
/// </summary>
Entry = 0x01,
/// <summary>
/// Log exit from the method
/// </summary>
Exit = 0x02,
/// <summary>
/// Log the execution time of the method
/// </summary>
ExecutionTime = 0x04,
/// <summary>
/// Log all data
/// </summary>
All = 0x07
/// <summary>
/// A generic Method logger, constructor was made private to prevent user from creating it directly,
/// use this in your method by(note caller need to pass method in to avoid relfection, which is slow):
/// <c>
/// public void YourCode()
/// {
/// using (MethodLogger.Log("YourCode", LogOptions.All, logger))
/// {
/// // Write your stuff here
/// }
/// }
/// </c>
/// </summary>
public sealed class MethodLogger : IDisposable
/// <summary>
/// The _method name to log
/// </summary>
private readonly string methodName;
/// <summary>
/// The <see cref="BVT.TestCases.Utilities.LogOptions" />
/// </summary>
private readonly LogOptions options;
/// <summary>
/// The stopwatch for calculating method execution time
/// </summary>
private readonly Stopwatch stopwatch;
/// <summary>
/// The log4net logger to do actual logging
/// </summary>
private readonly ILog source;
/// <summary>
/// Prevents a default instance of the <see cref="MethodLogger" /> class from being created.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="methodName">The name of the method being logged</param>
/// <param name="options">The log options</param>
/// <param name="source">The source.</param>
private MethodLogger(string methodName, LogOptions options, ILog source)
this.methodName = methodName;
this.options = options;
this.source = source;
if ((this.options & LogOptions.ExecutionTime) == LogOptions.ExecutionTime)
this.stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
if ((this.options & LogOptions.Entry) == LogOptions.Entry)
this.source.InfoFormat("### Entering method {0}....", methodName);
/// <summary>
/// Log method entry
/// </summary>
/// <param name="methodName">The name of the method being logged</param>
/// <param name="options">The log options</param>
/// <param name="source">The ILog that events are written to</param>
/// <returns>
/// A disposable object or none if logging is disabled
/// </returns>
public static IDisposable Log(string methodName, LogOptions options, ILog source)
IDisposable logger = null;
// Check if ExecutionTime logging is requested, and if so log if Verbose
// logging (or greater) is chosen
bool shouldCreate = ((options & LogOptions.ExecutionTime) ==
LogOptions.ExecutionTime) && IsVerbose(source);
// If not logging ExecutionTime, log only if Entry or Exit tracing is requested
if (!shouldCreate)
shouldCreate = (((options & LogOptions.Entry) == LogOptions.Entry)
| ((options & LogOptions.Exit) == LogOptions.Exit));
// Check if we actually need to log anything
if (shouldCreate)
logger = new MethodLogger(methodName, options, source);
// Will return null if no method logger was needed - which will
// effectively be ignored by a using statement.
return logger;
/// <summary>
/// Tidy up
/// </summary>
public void Dispose()
if ((this.options & LogOptions.ExecutionTime) == LogOptions.ExecutionTime)
this.source.InfoFormat("### Method {0} execution time {1}ms", this.methodName, this.stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);
// report exception if any got hitted hitted
int exceptionCode = Marshal.GetExceptionCode();
if (exceptionCode != 0)
this.source.InfoFormat("### Method {0} exit with exception hit, code:{1}, exception:{2}", this.methodName, exceptionCode, Marshal.GetExceptionForHR(exceptionCode));
if ((this.options & LogOptions.Exit) == LogOptions.Exit)
this.source.InfoFormat("### Exiting method {0}...", this.methodName);
/// <summary>
/// Customize whether the specified log is verbose here
/// </summary>
/// <param name="log">The log.</param>
/// <returns>
/// <c>true</c> if the specified log is verbose; otherwise, <c>false</c>.
/// </returns>
private static bool IsVerbose(ILog log)
return (log.IsInfoEnabled);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// <summary>
// @Description - ElementLocators class contains functions for finding elements on a page.
// @Author - Vaibhav
// @Date - 01 / 03 / 2012
// </summary>
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace BVT.TestCases.Utilities
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using OpenQA.Selenium;
using System.Windows.Automation;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Support.UI;
/// <summary>
/// @Description - ElementLocators class contains functions for finding elements on a page.
/// @Author - Vaibhav
/// @Date - 01 / 03 / 2012
/// </summary>
public class ElementLocators
#region Static Fields
/// <summary>
/// The implicit wait time secs.
/// </summary>
private static int implicitWaitTimeSecs = 0;
/// <summary>
/// The page load time out.
/// </summary>
private static int pageLoadTimeOut = 0;
/// <summary>
/// The web element.
/// </summary>
private static IWebElement webElement = null;
#region Constructors and Destructors
/// <summary>
/// Initializes static members of the <see cref="ElementLocators"/> class.
/// @Description - Static constructor for initializing timeout
/// variables
/// </summary>
static ElementLocators()
implicitWaitTimeSecs = Convert.ToInt32(DataLocators.configData["timeout"]);
pageLoadTimeOut = Convert.ToInt32(DataLocators.configData["timeout"]);
// Logger.Log.InfoFormat("ElementLocators 1: " + implicitWaitTimeSecs);
// Logger.Log.InfoFormat("ElementLocators 2: " + pageLoadTimeOut);
#region Public Methods and Operators
/// <summary>
/// @Description - FindElementSmart function finds element on a page, returns
/// the object of IWebElement
/// </summary>
/// <param name="webDriver">
/// Object of IWebDriver
/// </param>
/// <param name="message">
/// Error message for the element
/// </param>
/// <param name="fileName">
/// Name of the xml file
/// </param>
/// <param name="givenName">
/// Given name in the xml file
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// IWebElement object
/// </returns>
public static IWebElement FindElementSmart(
IWebDriver webDriver, string message, string fileName, string givenName)
string attributeValue = string.Empty;
string attributeName = SymformEnumerations.AttributeNames.Xpath.ToString();
Logger.Log.InfoFormat("Finding element: " + givenName);
for (int attributeCounter = 0; attributeCounter < 8; attributeCounter++)
switch (attributeCounter)
case 0:
attributeName = SymformEnumerations.AttributeNames.Xpath.ToString();
case 1:
attributeName = SymformEnumerations.AttributeNames.Xpath1.ToString();
case 2:
attributeName = SymformEnumerations.AttributeNames.Xpath2.ToString();
case 3:
attributeName = SymformEnumerations.AttributeNames.Id.ToString();
case 4:
attributeName = SymformEnumerations.AttributeNames.Name.ToString();
case 5:
attributeName = SymformEnumerations.AttributeNames.ClassName.ToString();
case 6:
attributeName = SymformEnumerations.AttributeNames.LinkText.ToString();
case 7:
attributeName = SymformEnumerations.AttributeNames.PartialLinkText.ToString();
attributeValue = DataLocators.GetAttributeValue(fileName, givenName, attributeName);
if (attributeValue.Equals("null"))
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(
webDriver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Convert.ToInt32(DataLocators.configData["timeout"])));
webElement = wait.Until<IWebElement>(
(d) =>
if (attributeName.Equals(SymformEnumerations.AttributeNames.Xpath.ToString()))
return (IWebElement)d.FindElement(By.XPath(attributeValue));
else if (attributeName.Equals(SymformEnumerations.AttributeNames.Id.ToString()))
return (IWebElement)d.FindElement(By.Id(attributeValue));
else if (attributeName.Equals(SymformEnumerations.AttributeNames.Name.ToString()))
return (IWebElement)d.FindElement(By.Name(attributeValue));
else if (attributeName.Equals(
return (IWebElement)d.FindElement(By.ClassName(attributeValue));
else if (
return (IWebElement)d.FindElement(By.LinkText(attributeValue));
return (IWebElement)d.FindElement(By.PartialLinkText(attributeValue));
if (webElement != null)
int time = Convert.ToInt32(DataLocators.configData["timeout"]);
int attemp = 0;
while (!webElement.Displayed && attemp < time);
catch (NoSuchElementException)
Logger.Log.InfoFormat("NoSuchElement Exception");
catch (StaleElementReferenceException)
attributeCounter = 0;
Logger.Log.InfoFormat("StaleElementReference Exception");
catch (WebDriverException)
Logger.Log.InfoFormat("WebDriver Exception");
catch (TimeoutException te)
Logger.Log.InfoFormat(message + " with attribute " + attributeName + " not found..." + te.Message);
return webElement;
/// <summary>
/// @Description - FindElementSmart function finds element on a page for Dashboard, returns
/// the object of IWebElement
/// </summary>
/// <param name="webdriver">The webdriver.</param>
/// <param name="message">Error message for the element</param>
/// <param name="filename">The filename.</param>
/// <param name="givenname">The givenname.</param>
/// <param name="timeOut">Optional timeout parameter, in seconds, if not specified, the timeout will be taken from config</param>
/// <returns>IWebElement object</returns>
/// <exception cref="System.Exception">ThreadStateException caught while finding element. + threadStateException.Message</exception>
/// <exception cref="OpenQA.Selenium.NoSuchElementException">
/// Couldn't find the element givenname = ' + givenname + ' with any of the provided properties on page ' + filename + '.
/// </exception>
public static IWebElement FindElementSmartOnDashboard(
IWebDriver webdriver, string message, string filename, string givenname, int timeOut = 0)
Dictionary<string, string> elementdetails = null;
int timoutDurationMS = timeOut == 0 ? Convert.ToInt32(DataLocators.configData["timeout"]) * 1000 : timeOut * 1000;
elementdetails = LoadNodeDetails(filename, givenname);
IWebElement element = null;
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> keyvalue in elementdetails)
string propertyName = keyvalue.Key.TrimEnd('1', '2', '3', '4');
element = null;
int counter = 0;
counter += 1;
switch (propertyName)
case "Xpath":
element = (IWebElement)webdriver.FindElement(By.XPath(keyvalue.Value));
case "Id":
element = (IWebElement)webdriver.FindElement(By.Id(keyvalue.Value));
case "Name":
element = (IWebElement)webdriver.FindElement(By.Name(keyvalue.Value));
case "ClassName":
element = (IWebElement)webdriver.FindElement(By.ClassName(keyvalue.Value));
case "LinkText":
element = (IWebElement)webdriver.FindElement(By.LinkText(keyvalue.Value));
case "PartialLinkText":
element = (IWebElement)webdriver.FindElement(By.PartialLinkText(keyvalue.Value));
catch (NoSuchElementException)
"Try " + counter
+ ": NoSuchElementException caught while finding element with givenname = "
+ givenname + " using parameter = \"" + keyvalue.Key + "\" with value = \""
+ keyvalue.Value + "\"");
catch (ThreadStateException threadStateException)
throw new Exception(
"ThreadStateException caught while finding element. " + threadStateException.Message);
catch (Exception uncatogarizedException)
"Exception caught while finding element with givenname = " + givenname
+ " using parameter = \"" + keyvalue.Key + "\" with value = \"" + keyvalue.Value
+ "\". Innerexception --> " + uncatogarizedException.Message);
while (element == null && counter < timoutDurationMS / 500);
if (element != null)
int time = Convert.ToInt32(DataLocators.configData["timeout"]);
int attemp = 0;
while (!element.Displayed && attemp < time);
catch (StaleElementReferenceException)
Logger.Log.InfoFormat("StaleElementReference Exception");
catch (TimeoutException)
"Operation timed out while finding element givenname = " + givenname
+ " using parameter = \"" + keyvalue.Key + "\" with value = \"" + keyvalue.Value
+ "\" from file '" + filename + "'");
return element;
/// <summary>
/// @Description - WaitForPageToLoad function waits for a particular page
/// to load.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="webDriver">
/// Object of IWebDriver
/// </param>
/// <param name="pageTitle">
/// Title of the page to be loaded
/// </param>
public static void WaitForPageToLoad(IWebDriver webDriver, string pageTitle)
int catchCount = 0;
string title = string.Empty;
title = webDriver.Title.ToString();
catch (WebDriverException)
while (!title.Equals(pageTitle) && catchCount < pageLoadTimeOut);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the inner custom box control from node software
/// </summary>
/// <param name="deviceSoftware">Automation Element</param>
/// <returns>Object of Automation Element</returns>
public static AutomationElement GetInnerCustomBox(AutomationElement deviceSoftware)
AutomationElement innerCustomBox = null;
AutomationElement customBoxes = null;
int wait = 0;
customBoxes = deviceSoftware.FindFirst(TreeScope.Children, new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.ControlTypeProperty, ControlType.Custom));
AutomationElement pane = customBoxes.FindFirst(TreeScope.Children, new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.ControlTypeProperty, ControlType.Pane));
innerCustomBox = pane.FindFirst(TreeScope.Children, new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.ControlTypeProperty, ControlType.Custom));
while (innerCustomBox == null && wait < 10);
return innerCustomBox;
/// <summary>
/// @Description - HandleBrowserAlert function handles browser Alert while moving from one page to another.
/// </summary>
public static void HandleBrowserAlert()
AutomationElement browser = null;
AutomationElement modaldialog = null;
int wait = 0;
browser = AutomationElement.RootElement.FindFirst(TreeScope.Children, new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.ClassNameProperty, "IEFrame"));
while (browser == null && wait < 15);
wait = 0;
if (browser != null)
// verify alert window
modaldialog = browser.FindFirst(TreeScope.Children, new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.LocalizedControlTypeProperty, "Dialog"));
while (modaldialog == null && wait < 5);
if (modaldialog != null)
// Verify button on alert box
AutomationElement button = modaldialog.FindFirst(TreeScope.Children, new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.NameProperty, "OK"));
InvokePattern leavepage = (InvokePattern)button.GetCurrentPattern(InvokePattern.Pattern);
// write to Log
Logger.Log.InfoFormat("alert window not present");
/// <summary>
/// @Description - VerifyWebUIAlerts function verifies alert message on WebUI platforms.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="message">Message that needs to verify on popup</param>
public static void VerifyWebUIAlerts(string message)
AutomationElement desktop = AutomationElement.RootElement;
AutomationElement browser = null;
AutomationElement modaldialog = null;
AutomationElementCollection button = null;
int wait = 0;
browser = desktop.FindFirst(TreeScope.Children, new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.ClassNameProperty, "IEFrame"));
while (browser == null && wait < 60);
wait = 0;
if (browser != null)
wait = 0;
// verify alert window
modaldialog = browser.FindFirst(TreeScope.Children, new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.LocalizedControlTypeProperty, "Dialog"));
while (modaldialog == null && wait < 5);
if (null != modaldialog)
AutomationElement warningMessage = modaldialog.FindFirst(TreeScope.Descendants, new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.NameProperty, message));
if (warningMessage != null)
// Verify button on alert box
button = modaldialog.FindAll(TreeScope.Children, new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.ClassNameProperty, "Button"));
AutomationElement buttonclick = button[0];
InvokePattern leavepage = (InvokePattern)buttonclick.GetCurrentPattern(InvokePattern.Pattern);
// Click on Ok button
Logger.Log.InfoFormat("Warning alert verified");
// write to Log
Logger.Log.ErrorFormat("Warning Alert shows wrong message");
throw new Exception("Warning Alert shows wrong message");
// write to Log
Logger.Log.InfoFormat("alert window not present");
#region Methods
/// <summary>
/// The load node details.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="filename">The filename.</param>
/// <param name="givenname">The givenname.</param>
/// <returns>
/// The <see cref="Dictionary" />.
/// </returns>
/// <exception cref="System.Exception">No entry found in the object repository for the element with givenname = + givenname
/// + in filename = + filename</exception>
/// <exception cref="Exception"></exception>
internal static Dictionary<string, string> LoadNodeDetails(string filename, string givenname)
Dictionary<string, string> elementDetails = new Dictionary<string, string>();
filename = Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\ObjectRepository\\" + filename;
XElement rootElement = XElement.Load(filename);
IEnumerable<XElement> elementNode = null;
elementNode = from elements in rootElement.Elements("Element")
where elements.Element("GivenName").Value == givenname
select elements;
if (elementNode != null)
XElement element_node = null;
foreach (XElement element in elementNode)
element_node = element;
foreach (XElement element in element_node.Elements())
if (element.Name.LocalName != "GivenName" && element.Value != "null")
elementDetails.Add(element.Name.LocalName, element.Value);
throw new Exception(
"No entry found in the object repository for the element with givenname = " + givenname
+ " in filename = " + filename);
catch (Exception exception)
throw new Exception(
"Exception while loading the element details. Innerexception -->" + exception.Message);
return elementDetails;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
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