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Last active August 30, 2016 08:28
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Dicom-support Wordpress plugin differences between v0.3 and v0.4
// special wp initialisation
// 'wp.pluginsUrl' is set by wordpress
dwv.wp = dwv.wp || {};
dwv.wp.init_was_called = false;
dwv.wp.init = function ()
// avoid multiple calls
if ( dwv.wp.init_was_called ) {
dwv.wp.init_was_called = true;
// image decoders (for web workers)
dwv.image.decoderScripts = {
"jpeg2000": wp.pluginsUrl + "/dicom-support/ext/pdfjs/decode-jpeg2000.js",
"jpeg-lossless": wp.pluginsUrl + "/dicom-support/ext/rii-mango/decode-jpegloss.js",
"jpeg-baseline": wp.pluginsUrl + "/dicom-support/ext/notmasteryet/decode-jpegbaseline.js"
// check browser support
// initialise i18n
dwv.i18nInitialise("auto", wp.pluginsUrl + "/dicom-support");
// variables: APPNUMBER and URLs
// special init
// start app function
function startAppAPPNUMBER() {
var myapp = new dwv.App();
"containerDivId": "dwv-APPNUMBER",
"tools": ["Scroll", "ZoomAndPan", "WindowLevel"],
"gui": ["tool"] });
// launch when page and i18n are loaded
var domContentLoaded = false;
var i18nLoaded = false;
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function (/*event*/)
domContentLoaded = true;
dwv.i18nOnLoaded( function () {
i18nLoaded = true;
function launchAppAPPNUMBER() {
if ( domContentLoaded && i18nLoaded ) {
// variables: APPNUMBER and URLs
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function (/*event*/)
var appAPPNUMBER = new dwv.App();
"containerDivId": "dwv-APPNUMBER",
"tools": ["Scroll", "Zoom/Pan", "Window/Level"],
"gui": ["tool"] });
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This is the code that was changed in the Wordpress DICOM Support plugin between version 0.3 (wp-applauncher_OLD.js) and 0.4 (wp-applauncher_NEW.js and wp-appgui_init.js).
DWV introduced an internalisation scheme that needs to be initialised when DWV is launched. This is done in the dwv.wp.init() function defined here in wp-appgui_init.js (the file is just named appgui.js in the plugin). Before DWV is launched, it needs to check if the language pack has been loaded, this is why it waits on the 'loaded' event (in dwv.i18nOnLoaded). DWV can be launched after this event and the document is loaded (DOMContentLoaded).

Regarding translations, anyone interested in helping can register on the dwv transifex page.

Another small change is in the tools naming: Zoom/Pan becomes ZoomAndPan and Window/Level becomes WindowLevel.

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