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Last active April 30, 2017 14:39
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# Based on:
# 修改第 18行 的 为你的域名
vcl 4.0;
import std;
backend default {
.host = "";
.port = "80";
acl purger {
sub vcl_recv {
  if (client.ip != "" && std.port(server.ip) == 80 && ~ "^(?i)") {
set req.http.x-redir = "https://" + + req.url;
return(synth(850, "Moved permanently"));
if (req.method == "PURGE") {
if (!client.ip ~ purger) {
return(synth(405, "This IP is not allowed to send PURGE requests."));
return (purge);
if (req.restarts == 0) {
if (req.http.X-Forwarded-For) {
set req.http.X-Forwarded-For = client.ip;
if (req.http.Authorization || req.method == "POST") {
return (pass);
if (req.url ~ "/feed") {
return (pass);
if (req.url ~ "wp-admin|wp-login") {
return (pass);
set req.http.cookie = regsuball(req.http.cookie, "wp-settings-\d+=[^;]+(; )?", "");
set req.http.cookie = regsuball(req.http.cookie, "wp-settings-time-\d+=[^;]+(; )?", "");
if (req.http.cookie == "") {
unset req.http.cookie;
sub vcl_synth {
if (resp.status == 850) {
set resp.http.Location = req.http.x-redir;
set resp.status = 302;
return (deliver);
sub vcl_purge {
set req.method = "GET";
set req.http.X-Purger = "Purged";
return (restart);
sub vcl_backend_response {
set beresp.ttl = 24h;
set beresp.grace = 1h;
if (bereq.url !~ "wp-admin|wp-login|product|cart|checkout|my-account|/?remove_item=") {
unset beresp.http.set-cookie;
sub vcl_deliver {
if (req.http.X-Purger) {
set resp.http.X-Purger = req.http.X-Purger;
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