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Last active October 12, 2023 14:59
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Novio UI Bug List


All Variants

  • add transition: .15s ease-in-out
  • if button has an icon, the padding-left needs to be --space-15
  • should have cursor: pointer or cursor: not-allowed if disabled.
    • Note: looks like the CSS is correct, but for some reason, the pointer isn't showing up correctly (Storybook issue?)

Primary, Secondary, Danger

  • :active and :focus state should not have a box-shadow.


  • add transition: .15s ease-in-out
  • on :hover add translateY(-2px)


  • add transition: .15s ease-in-out
  • Highlighted Icon Button: change :hover background to cyan-5, change :focus/:active background to cyan-6


  • add transition: .15s ease-in-out
  • add :hover style: color: var(--colors-cyan12)

Segmented Button

  • large button height is incorrect, should be 36px
  • small button height is incorrect, should be 28px
  • results in area height incorrect, should be 40px for large and 32px for medium.
  • should have cursor: pointer when not disabled


  • add transition: .15s ease-in-out


Since a transition from background-color to background-image isn't possible in a smooth way, this :hover effect should be restructured. Here is an example:


  • when checked, the border-color should match the background-color
  • add transition: .15s ease-in-out


  • problematic UX: the input element itself is not the same size as the wrapper -> calendar not opening and input not focused when clicking on the icon, or the upper/lower paddings. Either the input should fill the entire wrapper, or handle the click event on the wrapper to focus the input.
  • add transition: .15s ease-in-out
  • height of the outer DateField is incorrect (33.01px?). Should 32px / 40px (large). This is important so it aligns correctly with buttons, other inputs, etc.
  • padding-left should be 8px (calendar icon is too far on the right)
  • focus and error borders need to be thicker. To avoid jumping content, use eg.: box-shadow: 0 0 0 .5px var(--colors-tomato10)
  • disabled field should not have any :hover effects.


  • padding-left should be 8px on medium.
  • add transition: .15s ease-in-out


  • add transition: .15s ease-in-out
  • the non-focused, non-error state (default) should have a border: 1px solid transparent, to avoiding jumping content when focused.
  • height is incorrect (34.02px?). Should 32px / 40px (large). This is important so it aligns correctly with buttons, other inputs, etc.
  • focus and error borders need to be thicker. To avoid jumping content, use eg.: box-shadow: 0 0 0 .5px var(--colors-tomato10)
  • disabled field should not have any :hover effects.


  • radio button elements are too large (they render as 22x22, but should be 20x20)
  • add transition: .15s ease-in-out


  • add transition: .15s ease-in-out


  • the highlighted state of items in the dropdown list has a too strong background, should be slate3


  • height is jumping when you add a tag


  • the button styles of the small "Ort" button should exactly match a button of type secondary. Except for font-size, height and paddings. Right now it indicated no interactivity (hover, active).


  • the hover style should be addable via a separate prop. In general, avatars that are interactive in some way (show tooltip, link to user, etc.) should have a hover style, others that are just visual indicators should not have any hover styles.
  • :hover style border should be 2px wide
  • add transition: .15s ease-in-out


  • the wrapper element of the icon does not need position relative and top: 0; instead:
    • set the height to 24px;
  • the Banner element itself should have align-items: start instead of center, to make sure the icon always aligns with the first line of text.
  • for the dismiss button:
    • remove position relative and top values.
    • change size to 24x24 (also the inner icon)


  • Dismiss button should have padding: 0 but margin-right: 8px
  • Change size to 24x24 (also the inner icon)


  • should have some slight transition like the default Radix tooltip


  • possible to add expand collapse animation?
  • to the svg icon (chevron-right), add transition: transform 300ms cubic-bezier(0.87, 0, 0.13, 1) 0s to animate on state change.


  • background should not be plain white, but WhiteA10 (seems to be missing in css variables):
  • on scroll, add this to the header element (the outer one with data-testid="header"): box-shadow: 0 -1px 0 0 var(--colors-slate5) inset, 0 2px 10px rgba(17,24,28,.1);
  • the alert and home icons should make use of the IconButton component, not be standalone icons, as those wouldn't have any interaction styles.
  • font size of the title is way too small on desktop (for mobile it seems to be ok)


  • Title should use --fontSizes-4
  • Panel actions should not use a custom style, but the Button component with type tertiary instead.


The active tab button should use this (to avoid the blue border to be visually on above the grey border):

box-shadow: 0 1px 0 var(--colors-cyan11);
border-bottom: solid 1px var(--colors-cyan11);

The inactive tab button should use this: border-bottom: 1px solid transparent; ( to adapt to the new styles of the active button).



  • Zebra background should be slate2, hover of zebra should be slate3. This seems to be correct for the large variant, but not the small one?


  • The backdrop (dark overlay background) color should be rgba(17, 24, 28, 0.2) (not as dark as now).
  • The close button in the Dialog example should use the IconButton component (same as in Sheet variant)
  • This component would be one that would benefit the most from some subtle animations:
    • Alert/Dialog: subtle fade in/slide in from top.
    • Sheet: slide in from the right


  • add transition: .15s ease-in-out to breadcrumb-label


  • the label of the menugroup (headline 1, headline 2) are not rendering correctly. Add display: block
  • the <ul> element is also not rendering correctly, also needs: display: block; style to avoid excess space at bottom.
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