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Last active June 12, 2017 22:29
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Parsing some JSON
// So, I have this JSON bellow and I want a subset of the fields to be mapped onto an existing entities:
// Book Entity
public class Book {
private String title;
private List<String> authors;
private String publisher;
private List<String> categories;
private List<Identifier> industryIdentifiers;
// Identifier Entity
public class Identifier {
private String type;
private String identifier;
// To map that JSON to my entities, and because they are complex, what I'm now doing is use a jq java adapter
// ->
// This allows me to get a subset of the json. Running this on the CLI gives you the idea:
// $ jq '[.items[].volumeInfo | {title, authors, publisher, categories, industryIdentifiers}]' file.json
// The problem I have is that this jq thing spits out a List<JsonNode>. What I need to have is a List<Book>, so
// because I don't now what else to do, I'm converting the List<JsonNode> back to json string and then have Jackson's
// ObjectMapper convert it back into objects, the correct ones this time...
// So, the question is: Is there a better way to do this?
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args){
String books = getBooksFromApi(); // this would be the thing that would spit out the JSON string.
ObjectMapper MAPPER = new ObjectMapper();
JsonNode in = MAPPER.readTree(books);
JsonQuery q = JsonQuery.compile(".items[].volumeInfo | {title, authors, publisher, categories, industryIdentifiers}");
List<JsonNode> result = q.apply(in);
String parsedBooks = result.toString();
List<Book> bookList = Arrays.asList(MAPPER.readValue(parsedBooks, Book[].class)); -> System.out.println(book.getTitle()));
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"publishedDate": "2007",
"description": "A detailed work of reference and scholarship, this one volume Encyclopedia includes discussions of all the fundamental issues in Tolkien scholarship written by the leading scholars in the field. Coverage not only presents the most recent scholarship on J.R.R. Tolkien, but also introduces and explores the author and scholar's life and work within their historical and cultural contexts. Tolkien's fiction and his sources of influence are examined along with his artistic and academic achievements - including his translations of medieval texts - teaching posts, linguistic works, and the languages he created. The 550 alphabetically arranged entries fall within the following categories of topics: adaptations art and illustrations characters in Tolkien's work critical history and scholarship influence of Tolkien languages biography literary sources literature creatures and peoples of Middle-earth objects in Tolkien's work places in Tolkien's work reception of Tolkien medieval scholars scholarship by Tolkien medieval literature stylistic elements themes in Tolkien's works theological/ philosophical concepts and philosophers Tolkien's contemporary history and culture works of literature",
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"publishedDate": "2006-11-17",
"description": "Many readers drawn into the heroic tales of J. R. R. Tolkien’s imaginary world of Middle-earth have given little conscious thought to the importance of the land itself in his stories or to the vital roles played by the flora and fauna of that land. As a result, The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, and The Silmarillion are rarely considered to be works of environmental literature or mentioned together with such authors as John Muir, Rachel Carson, or Aldo Leopold. Tolkien’s works do not express an activist agenda; instead, his environmentalism is expressed in the form of literary fiction. Nonetheless, Tolkien’s vision of nature is as passionate and has had as profound an influence on his readers as that of many contemporary environmental writers. The burgeoning field of agrarianism provides new insights into Tolkien’s view of the natural world and environmental responsibility. In Ents, Elves, and Eriador, Matthew Dickerson and Jonathan Evans show how Tolkien anticipated some of the tenets of modern environmentalism in the imagined world of Middle-earth and the races with which it is peopled. The philosophical foundations that define Tolkien’s environmentalism, as well as the practical outworking of these philosophies, are found throughout his work. Agrarianism is evident in the pastoral lifestyle and sustainable agriculture of the Hobbits, as they harmoniously cultivate the land for food and goods. The Elves practice aesthetic, sustainable horticulture as they shape their forest environs into an elaborate garden. To complete Tolkien’s vision, the Ents of Fangorn Forest represent what Dickerson and Evans label feraculture, which seeks to preserve wilderness in its natural form. Unlike the Entwives, who are described as cultivating food in tame gardens, the Ents risk eventual extinction for their beliefs. These ecological philosophies reflect an aspect of Christian stewardship rooted in Tolkien’s Catholic faith. Dickerson and Evans define it as “stewardship of the kind modeled by Gandalf,” a stewardship that nurtures the land rather than exploiting its life-sustaining capacities to the point of exhaustion. Gandalfian stewardship is at odds with the forces of greed exemplified by Sauron and Saruman, who, with their lust for power, ruin the land they inhabit, serving as a dire warning of what comes to pass when stewardly care is corrupted or ignored. Dickerson and Evans examine Tolkien’s major works as well as his lesser-known stories and essays, comparing his writing to that of the most important naturalists of the past century. A vital contribution to environmental literature and an essential addition to Tolkien scholarship, Ents, Elves, and Eriador offers both Tolkien fans and environmentalists an understanding of Middle-earth that has profound implications for environmental stewardship in the present and the future of our own world.",
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"textSnippet": "Surprisingly, little critical attention has been paid to the presence of music in his novels. This collection of essays explores the multitude of musical-literary allusions and themes intertwined throughout Tolkien’s body of work."
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