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ivotron /
Created October 18, 2022 17:54
how to promote
#/usr/bin/env bash
set -ex
cp apps/agent-proxy/manifests/overlays/$1/deployment_patch.yaml \
cp apps/cdc-replicator/manifests/overlays/$1/deployment_patch.yaml \
cp apps/cloud-api/manifests/overlays/$1/deployment_patch.yaml \
map <c-h> previousTab
map <c-l> nextTab
map <c-d> scrollPageDown
map <c-u> scrollPageUp
unmap <u>
map <u> restoreTab

Popper: A DevOps Approach to Carrying Out Experiments on Chameleon

The advantages of packaging experiments in a way that makes it easy for others to re-execute are abundantly clear: for personal projects, where one can easily go back to an experimentation that was "abandoned" a few months back; academic articles, where one wants to publish an experiment associated to a publication, so others can re-run it easily; or for class projects, where students share their homework and final class report in the form of executable code to their professors. This idea of reproducible research has been on the rise in recent years in many areas of computational and data science, and with it the demand for tools that are designed specifically for creating experiments in this way.

Popper is a protocol for creating reproducible experiments. Popper is designed as a way of leveraging popular DevOps tools and techniques, such as Git, Docker and continuous integra

ivotron /
Last active August 9, 2017 16:39
ceph demo without unwanted stuff
set -e
export LC_ALL=C
# Global variables
: ${CLUSTER:=ceph}
: ${RGW_NAME:=$(hostname -s)}
: ${MON_NAME:=$(hostname -s)}
: ${MGR_NAME:=$(hostname -s)}
: ${MON_DATA_DIR:=/var/lib/ceph/mon/${CLUSTER}-${MON_NAME}}
ivotron / cvim conf
Last active May 29, 2019 23:20
cvim chrome extension configuration
unmap <C-h>
unmap <C-l>
map <C-d> scrollPageDown
map <C-u> scrollPageUp
map <C-h> previousTab
map <C-l> nextTab
map u lastClosedTab
map m closeTab
let mapLeader = ","