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Created April 19, 2017 12:07
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Alternative priority using string_agg instead of array_agg.
name: Priority View
filename: priority.sql
- Join the classfied with the raw table and count total of each code
applied to each survey (respondent_id) to give the codes_join cte.
- Calculate the total number of codes applied to each survey to give
total_codes cte.
- Join these two ctes and calculate the ratio codes applied:
count of each code/total number of codes.
- Get the maximum ratio, total, and max count for any code in the
survey_level_ratio cte.
- Apply prioritisation rules to the survey_level_ratio cte:
- When not coded: 3
- When coded once: 1
- When coded without majority (up to total 5): 1
- When coded without majority (more than 5): 8
- When coded with majority but less than 3 coders: 2
- When majority found: 9
- Join in start_date from raw, and order by priority and start_date
-- Start with the join or raw to classified
create view priority as (
with codes_join
as (select raw.respondent_id, code_id, count(*) as max
from classified a
full outer join raw
on (a.respondent_id = raw.respondent_id)
group by (raw.respondent_id, a.code_id)
-- Now calculate how many times a survey has been classified
total_codes as (
select respondent_id, sum(max) as total
from codes_join
group by respondent_id
-- Join these together and calculate the ratio of the two
ratio_table as(
select codes_join.respondent_id,
cast(max as real)/cast(total as real) as ratio
from codes_join
left join
total_codes on
-- Get the maximum ratio and total, and aggregate up to the survey level
survey_level_ratio as (
select respondent_id, max(code_id) as coded, max(max) as max, max(ratio) as ratio, max(total) as total
from ratio_table
group by respondent_id
who_coded_what as (
select respondent_id, string_agg(classified.coder_id::character varying, ',' order by classified.coder_id) as coders
from classified
group by respondent_id
-- Priority is controlled with the case when statement here
-- The lower the number, the higher the priority.
select slr.respondent_id,
-- When there is a majority, but less than 3 people coded
when (slr.ratio > 0.5 and > 1 and < 5)
or (slr.ratio = 1 and = 2) then 3
-- When there is not a majority and five or fewer codes applied
when slr.ratio <= 0.5 and <= 5 then 1
-- When the survey has not been coded before
when = 1 and slr.ratio = 1 and slr.coded is null then 2
-- When the survey has been coded just once
when = 1 and slr.ratio = 1 and slr.coded is not null then 1
-- When the survey is difficult to code (no majority after 5)
when > 5 and slr.ratio < 0.5 then 8
else 9
end as priority
from survey_level_ratio slr
left join raw
on (slr.respondent_id=raw.respondent_id)
left join who_coded_what wcw
on (slr.respondent_id=wcw.respondent_id)
order by priority, raw.start_date, respondent_id
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