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Created February 21, 2020 18:51
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Fix for mijofa/jellyfin-mpv-shim pywebview version 3.2.
import threading
import importlib.resources
import webview as webview_module # Python3-webview in Debian, pywebview in pypi
import jinja2 # python3-jinja2 in Debian, Jinja2 in pypi
from ..clients import clientManager
from . import helpers
import threading
helpers.on_escape = lambda _: wait_load_home()
webview = webview_module.create_window("Jellyfin MPV Shim", js_api=helpers, fullscreen=True)
webview_ready_event = threading.Event()
webview.loaded += webview_ready_event.set
def webview_ready(timeout=None):
return webview_ready_event.wait(timeout)
class UserInterface(object):
"""Mostly copied from"""
def __init__(self):
global horrible_hack
self.open_player_menu = lambda: None
self.stop = lambda: None
def login_servers(self):
def run(self):
# Since webview.create_window takes exclusive and permanent lock on the main thread,
# we need to start this wait_load function before we start webview itself.
# This makes me rather uncomfortable, but there's no easy way around this other than importing display_mirror in helpers.
# Lambda needed because the JS api adds an argument even when not used.
# Webview needs to be run in the MainThread.
# Which is the only reason this is being done in the userinterface part anyway
# FIXME: Do I need to also run webview.start() here?
# Documentation implies I do, but that function doesn't exist for me, perhaps I'm running an older version
userInterface = UserInterface()
# FIXME: Add some support for some sort of theming beyond Jellyfin's css, to select user defined templates
def get_html(server_address=None, item=None):
if item:
jinja_vars = {
'backdrop_src': helpers.getBackdropUrl(item, server_address) or '',
'image_src': helpers.getPrimaryImageUrl(item, server_address) or '',
'logo_src': helpers.getLogoUrl(item, server_address) or '',
'played': item['UserData'].get('Played', False),
'played_percentage': item['UserData'].get('PlayedPercentage', 0),
'unplayed_items': item['UserData'].get('UnplayedItemCount', 0),
'is_folder': item['IsFolder'],
'display_name': helpers.getDisplayName(item),
'misc_info_html': helpers.getMiscInfoHtml(item),
'rating_html': helpers.getRatingHtml(item),
'genres': item['Genres'],
'overview': item.get('Overview', ''),
# I believe these are all specifically for albums
'poster_src': helpers.getPrimaryImageUrl(item, server_address) or '',
'title': 'title', # FIXME
'secondary_title': 'secondary', # FIXME
'artist': 'artist', # FIXME
'album_title': 'album', # FIXME
jinja_vars = {
'random_backdrop': True, # Make the jinja template load some extra JS code for random backdrops
'backdrop_src': helpers.getRandomBackdropUrl(), # Preinitialise it with a random backdrop though
'display_name': "Ready to cast",
'overview': "\n\nSelect your media in Jellyfin and play it here", # FIME: Mention the player_name here
with importlib.resources.path(__package__, 'jellyfin.css') as jellyfin_css:
'jellyfin_css': str(jellyfin_css),
tpl = jinja2.Template(importlib.resources.read_text(__package__, 'index.html'))
return tpl.render(jinja_vars)
except Exception:
def DisplayContent(client, arguments):
# If the webview isn't ready yet, just don't bother.
# I could try and be more clever and check if we've loaded this module first,
# but more complexity leaves more room for bugs and I don't think we need to care about DisplayContent() happening too early.
# NOTE: timeout=0 and timeout=None mean 2 different things.
if not webview_ready(timeout=0):
item = client.jellyfin.get_item(arguments['Arguments']['ItemId'])
html = get_html(["auth.server"], item=item)
# print(html)
# breakpoint()
def wait_load_home():
# Wait for webview to be ready, then load the home page.
# Useful for loading the initial page before displaying any content,
# and for refreshing to a blank page after idling.
html = get_html()
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