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Created June 17, 2019 10:38
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Migrate one private docker registry into another
# read username password for source registry (needed to query api)
echo -n "Insert Username: "
read username
echo -n "Insert Password: "
read -s pw
# get list with all repositories
echo "Downloading from: $url"
repos=$(curl -X GET \
-u $username:$pw \
$url | \
python -c "import sys, json; print(' '.join(json.load(sys.stdin)['repositories']))")
# migrate repositories
for repo in $repos; do
echo $repo
docker pull $source_acr/$repo --all-tags
docker image ls $source_acr/$repo \
--format "docker tag {{.Repository}}:{{.Tag}} $target_acr/$repo:{{.Tag}} | docker push $target_acr/$repo:{{.Tag}}" |
docker image ls | grep $source_acr/$repo | awk '{print $3}' | xargs docker image rm -f
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