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Last active August 28, 2023 21:43
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Hextool: commandline utility to convert hex, binary and decimal.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
def example_print(call, fun, input, desc):
inputs = "{}({:})".format(call, repr(input))
outputs = "{:>8s}".format(repr(fun(input)))
print("{: <30s} -> {: >30s} {:s}".format(inputs, outputs, desc))
input_byte = 0x3D
input_list = [0x38, input_byte]
input_text = [0x68, 0x65, 0x6c, 0x6c, 0x6f]
input_unicode = [0xe2, 0x80, 0x99]
# decimal to binary
def d2b(a):
if (type(a) == int):
return "{:0>8b}".format(a)
return [d2b(z) for z in a]
example_print("d2b", d2b, input_byte, "")
example_print("d2b", d2b, input_list, "")
# binary to decimal
def b2d(a):
if (type(a) == str):
return int(a, 2)
if (type(a) == int):
return a
return [b2d(z) for z in a]
example_print("b2d", b2d, d2b(input_byte), "")
example_print("b2d", b2d, d2b(input_list), "")
# decimal to hex
def d2h(a):
if (type(a) == int):
return "{:0>2X}".format(a)
if type(a) == str:
return d2h(int(a))
return [d2h(z) for z in a]
example_print("d2h", d2h, input_byte, "")
example_print("d2h", d2h, input_list, "")
# hex to decimal
def h2d(a):
if (type(a) == str):
return int(a, 16)
if (type(a) == int):
return a
return [h2d(z) for z in a]
example_print("h2d", h2d, d2h(input_byte), "")
example_print("h2d", h2d, d2h(input_list), "")
def h2b(a):
return d2b(h2d(a))
example_print("h2b", h2b, d2h(input_byte), "")
example_print("h2b", h2b, d2h(input_list), "")
def b2h(a):
return d2h(b2d(a))
example_print("b2h", b2h, d2b(input_byte), "")
example_print("b2h", b2h, d2b(input_list), "")
# reverse string
def rev(a):
if (type(a) == str):
return a[::-1]
return [rev(z) for z in a]
example_print("rev", rev, d2b(input_byte), "")
example_print("rev", rev, d2h(input_list), "")
example_print("rev", rev, d2b(input_list), "")
def j(a, sep=" "):
return sep.join(a)
example_print("j", j, d2b(input_list), "")
def s(a, sep=" "):
return a.split(sep)
example_print("s", s, j(d2b(input_list)), "")
example_print("s", s, j(d2h(input_list)), "")
# Decimal to ascii
def d2a(a):
if type(a) == str:
return d2a(int(a))
if type(a) == int:
return chr(a)
return [d2a(z) for z in a]
def a2d(a):
if type(a) == list:
return [a2d(z) for z in a]
if type(a) == str and len(a) != 1:
return a2d([c for c in a])
return ord(a)
example_print("d2a", d2a, input_text, "")
example_print("a2d", a2d, d2a(input_text), "")
example_print("a2d", a2d, j(d2a(input_text), ""), "")
def H2AJ(a):
return j(d2a(h2d(s(a))), "")
example_print("H2AJ", H2AJ, j(d2h(input_text)), "")
def d2u(a):
if type(a) == str:
return d2u(int(a))
if type(a) == int:
return chr(a)
return bytes([z for z in a]).decode("utf-8")
def u2d(a):
if type(a) == list:
return bytes([u2d(z) for z in a])
return [x for x in a.encode('utf-8')]
example_print("d2u", d2u, input_unicode, "")
example_print("u2d", u2d, d2u(input_unicode), "")
def H2UJ(a):
return j(d2u(h2d(s(a))), "")
example_print("H2UJ", H2UJ, j(d2h(input_text[0:3] + input_unicode)), "")
print("doc() reprints this.")
def doc():
example_print("d2b", d2b, input_byte, "")
example_print("d2b", d2b, input_list, "")
example_print("b2d", b2d, d2b(input_byte), "")
example_print("b2d", b2d, d2b(input_list), "")
example_print("d2h", d2h, input_byte, "")
example_print("d2h", d2h, input_list, "")
example_print("h2d", h2d, d2h(input_byte), "")
example_print("h2d", h2d, d2h(input_list), "")
example_print("h2b", h2b, d2h(input_byte), "")
example_print("h2b", h2b, d2h(input_list), "")
example_print("b2h", b2h, d2b(input_byte), "")
example_print("b2h", b2h, d2b(input_list), "")
example_print("rev", rev, d2b(input_byte), "")
example_print("rev", rev, d2h(input_list), "")
example_print("rev", rev, d2b(input_list), "")
example_print("j", j, d2b(input_list), "")
example_print("s", s, j(d2b(input_list)), "")
example_print("s", s, j(d2h(input_list)), "")
example_print("d2a", d2a, input_text, "")
example_print("a2d", a2d, d2a(input_text), "")
example_print("a2d", a2d, j(d2a(input_text), ""), "")
example_print("H2AJ", H2AJ, j(d2h(input_text)), "")
import rlcompleter
import readline
readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete")
import code
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