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Last active February 22, 2021 23:18
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// 1-index De Bruijn, [0,n] abstraction, [f,x] application
let repr1 = [0, [[1, [0, [0, [0, [[3, 1], [2, 1]]]]]], [0, [0, 2]]]]
// 1-index De Bruijn, {f:, x:} application, {λ:} abstraction
let repr2 = {λ: {f: {f: 1, x: {λ: {λ: {λ: {f: {f: 3, x: 1}, x: {f: 2, x: 1}}}}}}, x: {λ: {λ: 2}}}}
// Named, {f:, x:} application, {λ:, b:} abstraction
let repr3 = {λ: 1, b: {f: {f: 1, x: {λ: 2, b: {λ: 3, b: {λ: 4, b: {f: {f: 2, x: 4}, x: {f: 3, x: 4}}}}}}, x: {λ: 2, b: {λ: 3, b: 2}}}}
// 0-index De Bruijn, {f:, x:} application, {λ:} abstraction
let reprN = {λ: {f: {f: 0, x: {λ: {λ: {λ: {f: {f: 2, x: 0}, x: {f: 1, x: 0}}}}}}, x: {λ: {λ: 1}}}}
// 0-index De Bruijn, {t:1, f:, x:} application, {t:0, λ:} abstraction
let repr4 = {t:0,λ: {t:1,f: {t:1,f: 0, x: {t:0,λ: {t:0,λ: {t:0,λ: {t:1,f: {t:1,f: 2, x: 0}, x: {t:1,f: 1, x: 0}}}}}}, x: {t:0,λ: {t:0,λ: 1}}}}
// 0-index De Bruijn, [index,] variable, [,body] abstraction, [function, argument] application
let reprZ = [, [ [ [0,], [, [, [, [ [ [2,], [0,]], [ [1,], [0,]]]]]]], [, [, [1,]]]]]
let tests =
[ [repr1, () => { E=(e,Γ)=>{if(+e){while(--e){Γ=Γ[1]}return Γ[0]}return e[0]?E(e[0],Γ)(E(e[1],Γ)):x=>E(e[1],[x,Γ])} ;return E }]
, [repr1, () => { E=(e,Γ)=>+e?e==1?Γ[0]:E(e-1,Γ[1]):e[0]==0?x=>E(e[1],[x,Γ]):E(e[0],Γ)(E(e[1],Γ)) ;return E }]
, [repr1, () => { E=(e,Γ)=>+e?e==1?Γ[0]:E(e-1,Γ[1]):e[0]?E(e[0],Γ)(E(e[1],Γ)):x=>E(e[1],[x,Γ]) ;return E }]
, [repr1, () => { E=(e,Γ)=>+e?--e?E(e,Γ[1]):Γ[0]:e[0]?E(e[0],Γ)(E(e[1],Γ)):x=>E(e[1],[x,Γ]) ;return E }]
, [repr2, () => { E=(e,Γ)=>+e?--e?E(e,Γ[1]):Γ[0]:e.f?E(e.f,Γ)(E(e.x,Γ)):x=>E(e.λ,[x,Γ]) ;return E }]
, [repr3, () => { E=(e,Γ)=>+e?Γ(e):e.f?E(e.f,Γ)(E(e.x,Γ)):x=>E(e.b,v=>v==e.λ?x:Γ(v)) ;return E }]
, [repr3, () => { E=(e,Γ)=>+e?Γ(e):e.f?E(e.f,Γ)(E(e.x,Γ)):x=>E(e.b,v=>v-e.λ?Γ(v):x) ;return E }]
, [repr3, () => { E=(e,Γ)=>+e?Γ[e]:e.f?E(e.f,Γ)(E(e.x,Γ)):x=>E(e.b,{...Γ,[e.λ]:x}) ;return E }]
// , [repr4, () => { E=(e,Γ=[])=>+e?Γ[e-1]:e.t?E(e.f,Γ)(E(e.x,Γ)):x=>E(e.λ,[x,...Γ]) ;return E }]
// , [reprN, () => { E=(e,Γ=[])=>+e?Γ[e]:e.f?E(e.f,Γ)(E(e.x,Γ)):x=>E(e.λ,[x,...Γ]) ;return E }]
, [reprZ, () => { E=([a,b],Γ=[])=>b?a?E(a,Γ)(E(b,Γ)):x=>E(b,[x,...Γ]):Γ[a] ;return E }]
// , [reprZ, () => { E=([a,b],Γ=[])=>a?Γ[a]||E(a,Γ)(E(b,Γ)):x=>E(b,[x,...Γ]) ;return E }]
function test() {
tests.forEach(([testStructure, evalSupplier], i) =>
testFunctionality(i, evalSupplier()(testStructure)))
function testFunctionality(i, iota) {
let I = iota(iota);
let K = iota(iota(iota(iota)));
let S = iota(iota(iota(iota(iota))));
console.assert(I("test") === "test", i + "a");
console.assert(K("first")("second") === "first", i + "b");
console.assert(S(K)(K)("test") === "test", i + "c");
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