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Last active December 17, 2015 16:39
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#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# sockets.rb --- by Takuya Akiba (@iwiwi)
# Usage:
# sockets.rb PID
`ls -l /proc/#{ARGV[0]}/fd | grep [s]ocket`.scan(/\[([0-9]+)\]/).each_with_index do |m, i|
id = m[0]
res = `perl -lane 'print $F[2] if($F[9] == #{id})' /proc/net/tcp`.strip
ip = port = name = ""
if res != ""
ip = res.split(":")[0].unpack("a2" * 4).map{|s| s.hex}.reverse.join(".")
port = res.split(":")[1].hex
name = `dig -x #{ip} | grep -A 1 'ANSWER SECTION'`.split[-1]
puts [i, ip, port, name].join("\t")
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