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msr read characteristics
//! # hey! you're curious about the characteristics of reading various MSRs? me too!
//! this reads a few registers (TSC, AMD RAPL core and package power) 2M times and reports a bit
//! about the adventure. you need root wherever you run it. runs on linux (need the `msr` module
//! loaded) or illumos.
//! you probably want to bind this to a single CPU when run. if you don't, it might work
//! reasonably, or if it's task-switched between cores while running, core-specific MSRs (RAPL core
//! power) will have nonsense skew.
//! on linux that's something like `sudo taskset -c 0 ./msr_peek`
//! on illumos that's something like `pfexec pbind -e 0 ./msr_peek`
//! this is written to be buildable as a standalone .rs. you can build it with cargo, if you want.
//! but you can also `rustc -C opt-level=3`.
//! # results
//! ## 3950x/linux
//! [13:54:06] # iximeow:~> sudo taskset -c 0 ./msr_peek
//! [sudo] password for iximeow:
//! read 2000000 samples in 7.683337ms (3ns each)
//! /!\ MSR 0x000010, TSC /!\
//! read 2000000 samples in 435.246707ms (217ns each)
//! changed by 3495367.75 per ms (total diff: 1520484945)
//! averaged 1.00 consecutive read per change, for 217ns per change
//! average change per tick: 760.24
//! /!\ MSR 0xc001029a, RAPL Core Power /!\
//! read 2000000 samples in 484.547539ms (242ns each)
//! changed by 510.72 per ms (total diff: 247189)
//! averaged 4123.71 consecutive reads per change, for 997766ns per change
//! average change per tick: 510.72
//! /!\ MSR 0xc001029b, RAPL Package Power /!\
//! read 2000000 samples in 558.854677ms (279ns each)
//! changed by 3413.75 per ms (total diff: 1904871)
//! averaged 3577.82 consecutive reads per change, for 997983ns per change
//! average change per tick: 3413.75
//! ## 7950x/illumos
//! root@helios:/rpool/devel/oxide/msr_peek# pbind -e 0 ./target/release/msr_peek
//! read 2000000 samples in 8.852352ms (4ns each)
//! /!\ MSR 0x000010, TSC /!\
//! read 2000000 samples in 716.010781ms (358ns each)
//! changed by 4499621.50 per ms (total diff: 3221729010)
//! averaged 1.00 consecutive read per change, for 358ns per change
//! average change per tick: 1610.87
//! /!\ MSR 0xc001029a, RAPL Core Power /!\
//! read 2000000 samples in 939.279162ms (469ns each)
//! changed by 10083.45 per ms (total diff: 9468358)
//! averaged 2127.66 consecutive reads per change, for 997563ns per change
//! average change per tick: 10083.45
//! /!\ MSR 0xc001029b, RAPL Package Power /!\
//! read 2000000 samples in 851.845292ms (425ns each)
//! changed by 3044.61 per ms (total diff: 2590965)
//! averaged 2344.67 consecutive reads per change, for 996200ns per change
//! average change per tick: 3041.04
//! ## 7713p/illumos
//! # pbind -e 0 ./msr_peek
//! read 2000000 samples in 11.602298ms (5ns each)
//! /!\ MSR 0x000010, TSC /!\
//! read 2000000 samples in 942.356169ms (471ns each)
//! changed by 1996969.00 per ms (total diff: 1881144860)
//! averaged 1.00 consecutive read per change, for 471ns per change
//! average change per tick: 940.57
//! /!\ MSR 0xc001029a, RAPL Core Power /!\
//! read 2000000 samples in 1.040690635s (520ns each)
//! changed by 209.42 per ms (total diff: 217794)
//! averaged 1924.93 consecutive reads per change, for 1000480ns per change
//! average change per tick: 209.82
//! /!\ MSR 0xc001029b, RAPL Package Power /!\
//! read 2000000 samples in 1.167764682s (583ns each)
//! changed by 5661.90 per ms (total diff: 6607439)
//! averaged 1715.27 consecutive reads per change, for 999845ns per change
//! average change per tick: 5671.62
//! # remarks
//! TSC counts at just about the core frequency. no surprise here. TSC updates on every read,
//! that's minorly interesting!
//! in both cases reads go though some layers of abstraction to actually issue an `rdmsr`, so the
//! floor here is not reflective of the hardware's responsiveness to `rdmsr`. it's a syscall,
//! virtual filesystem translation, indirect calls therein, an rdmsr, then any syscall exit
//! overhead w.r.t uarch state flushing for the kernel/user boundary. a TSC read is pretty fast
//! though, and changes between that and other MSRs are probably actually due to the MSR choice.
//! yes, on a 7950x the package power MSR is faster to read than the core power MSR. surprise to
//! me!
//! RAPL registers update about once a millisecond. this is consistent with advice that reads of
//! RAPL registers must ensure that measurements are taken more than 1ms apart so as to be
//! meaningful.
//! RAPL registers count in units of 1/65536 joules. the core being used here is under ~100% load,
//! so one can expect it to be in its highest power state. RAPL-reported draw on:
//! * 3950x: 7.79W core/52.1W package. this system was otherwise busy, other cores active, etc.
//! * 7950x: 153.86W core/46.4W package. this system was otherwise idle.
//! - note core and package power are measured in separate steps. this measurement suggests
//! that measuring package power momentarily interferes with turbo, and is preventing the
//! busy core from being kept in its highest-power state.
//! * 7713p: 3.2W core/86.5W package. this system was otherwise idle.
//! - server cores don't get clocked terribly high even under load. not too surprising here.
use std::fmt::Write;
use std::os::fd::IntoRawFd;
use std::os::fd::RawFd;
use std::time::Duration;
// 2M samples. reading in a tight loop this might take a second or two if we're looking at a full
// microsecond per read. it's an ioctl though, so, i guess we'll see what we see.
const SAMPLE_COUNT: usize = 1000 * 1000 * 2;
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
struct MsrDesc {
msr_nr: u64,
name: &'static str,
struct MsrCtx {
msr_fd: RawFd,
impl MsrCtx {
fn new() -> Self {
#[cfg(target_os = "illumos")]
// happens to be "self" as time of query. if we get switched to another CPU, we'll be
// checking someone else's MSRs with IPIs. sppoky!!! pbind to a single cpu for best
// results.
let cpu_file = std::fs::File::open("/dev/cpu/self/cpuid").expect("can open cpuid fd");
return Self {
msr_fd: cpu_file.into_raw_fd(),
#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
// arbitrarily pick cpu 0. run on CPU 0 for best results.
let cpu_file = std::fs::File::open("/dev/cpu/0/msr").expect("can open msr fd");
return Self {
msr_fd: cpu_file.into_raw_fd(),
#[cfg(not(any(target_os = "illumos", target_os = "linux")))]
panic!("unsupported target OS");
fn rdmsr(&self, msr: u64) -> u64 {
#[cfg(target_os = "illumos")]
// trusting the system can provide an ioctl here instead of depending on libc and
// requiring cargo to build this file...
extern "C" {
// `request` is an `int` on illumos, `unsigned long` on linux.
fn ioctl(
fd: std::os::fd::RawFd,
op: std::ffi::c_int,
param: *mut std::ffi::c_void,
) -> u64;
const CPUID_IOC: i32 =
((b'c' as i32) << 24) | ((b'i' as i32) << 16) | ((b'd' as i32) << 8);
const CPUID_RDMSR: i32 = CPUID_IOC | 1;
struct CpuidRdmsr {
msr_nr: u64,
msr_val: u64,
let mut crm: CpuidRdmsr = CpuidRdmsr {
msr_nr: msr,
msr_val: 0,
let res = unsafe {
&mut crm as *mut CpuidRdmsr as *mut std::ffi::c_void,
assert_eq!(res, 0);
return crm.msr_val as u64;
#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
extern "C" {
fn pread(
fd: std::os::fd::RawFd,
buf: *mut std::ffi::c_void,
count: isize,
offset: u64,
) -> isize;
let mut v: u64 = 0;
let res = unsafe {
&mut v as *mut u64 as *mut [u8; 8] as *mut std::ffi::c_void,
assert_eq!(res, 8);
return v;
#[cfg(not(any(target_os = "illumos", target_os = "linux")))]
panic!("unsupported target OS");
const TSC: MsrDesc = MsrDesc {
msr_nr: 0x00000010,
name: "TSC",
const CORE_POWER: MsrDesc = MsrDesc {
msr_nr: 0xC001_029A,
name: "RAPL Core Power",
const PACKAGE_POWER: MsrDesc = MsrDesc {
msr_nr: 0xC001_029B,
name: "RAPL Package Power",
fn sample_msr(msr_ctx: &MsrCtx, msr: MsrDesc, samples: usize) -> (Vec<u64>, Duration) {
let mut buf = Vec::with_capacity(samples);
let start = std::time::Instant::now();
for _ in 0..samples {
(buf, start.elapsed())
fn no_op(_msr_ctx: &MsrCtx, msr: MsrDesc, samples: usize) -> (Vec<u64>, Duration) {
let mut buf = Vec::with_capacity(samples);
let start = std::time::Instant::now();
for _ in 0..samples {
(buf, start.elapsed())
// in case you want to write out all the samples from an MSR...
fn stringify(samples: Vec<u64>) -> String {
let mut out = String::new();
for sample in samples.iter() {
writeln!(out, "{}", sample).expect("works");
fn show_stats(msr: MsrDesc, samples: Vec<u64>, duration: Duration) {
println!("/!\\ MSR {:#08x}, {} /!\\", msr.msr_nr,;
let time_per_sample = duration / samples.len() as u32;
"read {} samples in {:?} ({:?} each)",
let first_last_diff = samples[samples.len() - 1] - samples[0];
let diff_per_ms = (first_last_diff as f32) / (duration.as_millis() as f32);
"changed by {:.2} per ms (total diff: {})",
diff_per_ms, first_last_diff
let min = samples.iter().min().expect("has a min");
let max = samples.iter().max().expect("has a max");
if max - min != first_last_diff {
eprintln!("! first was not min or last was not max (wraparound while running?)");
// consecutive reads may return the same value. some MSRs note that reads must be spaced more
// than 1ms apart to compute us / reads_per_tick.len()ful deltas. validate that here.
let mut reads_per_tick = Vec::new();
let mut diff_per_tick = Vec::new();
let mut sample_iter = samples.iter();
let mut prev ="has a sample");
let mut reads_this_tick = 1;
for sample in sample_iter {
if sample == prev {
reads_this_tick += 1;
} else {
if sample > prev {
diff_per_tick.push((sample - prev) as f64);
reads_per_tick.push(reads_this_tick as f64);
reads_this_tick = 1;
prev = sample;
reads_per_tick.push(reads_this_tick as f64);
let avg_reads_per_tick = reads_per_tick.iter().sum::<f64>() / reads_per_tick.len() as f64;
"averaged {:0.2} consecutive {} per change, for {:?}ns per change",
if avg_reads_per_tick == 1.0 {
} else {
(time_per_sample * avg_reads_per_tick as u32).as_nanos()
"average change per tick: {:0.2}",
diff_per_tick.iter().sum::<f64>() / diff_per_tick.len() as f64
pub fn main() {
let msr_ctx = MsrCtx::new();
let (no_op_samples, no_op_duration) = no_op(&msr_ctx, TSC, SAMPLE_COUNT);
"read {} samples in {:?} ({:?} each)",
no_op_duration / no_op_samples.len() as u32
let (tsc_samples, tsc_duration) = sample_msr(&msr_ctx, TSC, SAMPLE_COUNT);
show_stats(TSC, tsc_samples, tsc_duration);
let (samples, duration) = sample_msr(&msr_ctx, CORE_POWER, SAMPLE_COUNT);
show_stats(CORE_POWER, samples, duration);
let (samples, duration) = sample_msr(&msr_ctx, PACKAGE_POWER, SAMPLE_COUNT);
show_stats(PACKAGE_POWER, samples, duration);
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