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Forked from tvandervossen/environment.js
Last active December 11, 2015 20:28
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device = function() {
, flags = {}
, ua = navigator.userAgent
, el = document.createElement('div')
, root = document.documentElement
, i
function flag(names) {
root.className += (root.className ? ' ' : '') + names
names = names.split(' ')
for (i = 0; i < names.length; i++) flags[names[i]] = true
// Detect User Agents
if (ua.indexOf('WebKit/') > -1) flag('webkit')
if (ua.indexOf('MSIE ') > -1) flag('msie')
if (ua.indexOf('Firefox') > -1) flag('firefox')
if (ua.indexOf('(iPad') > -1) flag('ios ipad')
if (ua.indexOf('(iPhone') > -1 || ua.indexOf('(iPod') > 1) flag('ios iphone')
// Detect Touch Devices
if ('createTouch' in document) flag('touch')
if (window.navigator.msPointerEnabled) flag('mspointer')
if (window.navigator.msPointerEnabled && window.navigator.msMaxTouchPoints) flag('touch')
// Detect Fullscreen / App Mode
if ( ('standalone' in window.navigator) && window.navigator.standalone)
// Detect Retina Displays
if (window.devicePixelRatio >= 2) flag('retina')
// Detect iframes
if (window !== flag('embedded')
return flags
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