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Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
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  • Save ixti/7b91174d61c53f06c435 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ixti/7b91174d61c53f06c435 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
var suite = new (require("benchmark").Suite);
var stoper = '<~_#@!';
var stoperRE = /<~_#@!/g;
function format(msg, arg) {
return msg + ":" + arg;
function varify_puzrin(phrase, params) {
// quick-check for speed
if (phrase.indexOf('#{') === -1) { return phrase; }
// 1. Replace \#{ escaped case with sequence, that will never heppen.
// That's a dirty hack, but it works & simplifies code.
// 2. Replace #{variables} with values
// 3. Return back escaped sequence & unescape it.
return phrase
.replace(/\\#{/g, stoper)
.replace(/#{(.+?)}/g, function (__, name) {
return (params[name] !== undefined) ?
params[name] : format('[missed variable: %s]', name);
.replace(stoperRE, '#{');
function varify_puzrin_2(phrase, params) {
// quick-check for speed
if (phrase.indexOf('#{') === -1) { return phrase; }
// 1. Replace \#{ escaped case with sequence, that will never heppen.
// That's a dirty hack, but it works & simplifies code.
// 2. Replace #{variables} with values
// 3. Return back escaped sequence & unescape it.
return phrase
.replace(/\\#{/g, stoper)
.replace(/#{([^}]+)}/g, function (__, name) {
return (params[name] !== undefined) ?
params[name] : format('[missed variable: %s]', name);
.replace(stoperRE, '#{');
function varify_ixti(phrase, params) {
// quick-check for speed
if (phrase.indexOf('#{') === -1) { return phrase; }
return phrase.replace(/(\\?)#{(.+?)}/g, function (m, esc, name) {
if (esc) { return m; }
if (undefined !== params[name]) { return params[name]; }
return format('[missed variable: %s]', name);
function varify_ixti_2(phrase, params) {
// quick-check for speed
if (phrase.indexOf('#{') === -1) { return phrase; }
return phrase.replace(/(\\?)#{([^}]+)}/g, function (m, esc, name) {
if (esc) { return m; }
if (undefined !== params[name]) { return params[name]; }
return format('[missed variable: %s]', name);
var str_1 = "foo #{foo} \\#{foo}";
var str_2 = "foo #{foo} \\#{foo} #{bar}";
var str_3 = "foo #{foo} \\#{foo} #{bar} \\#{bar}";
suite.add("varify_puzrin", function() {
varify_puzrin(str_1, { foo: "bar", bar: "foo" });
varify_puzrin(str_2, { foo: "bar", bar: "foo" });
varify_puzrin(str_3, { foo: "bar", bar: "foo" });
suite.add("varify_puzrin_2", function() {
varify_puzrin_2(str_1, { foo: "bar", bar: "foo" });
varify_puzrin_2(str_2, { foo: "bar", bar: "foo" });
varify_puzrin_2(str_3, { foo: "bar", bar: "foo" });
suite.add("varify_ixti", function () {
varify_ixti(str_1, { foo: "bar", bar: "foo" });
varify_ixti(str_2, { foo: "bar", bar: "foo" });
varify_ixti(str_3, { foo: "bar", bar: "foo" });
suite.add("varify_ixti_2", function () {
varify_ixti_2(str_1, { foo: "bar", bar: "foo" });
varify_ixti_2(str_2, { foo: "bar", bar: "foo" });
varify_ixti_2(str_3, { foo: "bar", bar: "foo" });
suite.on('cycle', function(event) {
suite.on('complete', function() {
console.log('Fastest is ' + this.filter('fastest').pluck('name'));
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