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查询 SUSTech 2021 级研究生 GPA
import functools as f
import re
import typing as t
import bs4
import pandas as pd
import requests
Cookies = t.Dict[str, str]
Grades = t.List[t.Dict[str, t.Any]]
class GpaInfo(t.TypedDict):
绩点: str
排名: str
学期: t.List[t.Tuple[str, str]]
class TIS:
_request_kwargs = {
'headers': {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36'},
'verify': False,
def __init__(self, cookies: Cookies) -> None:
self._cookies = cookies
def login(cls, username: str, password: str) -> 'TIS':
url = ''
params = {'service': ''}
with requests.session() as session:
response = session.get(url, params=params, **cls._request_kwargs)
soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(response.content, 'html.parser')
execution ='input[name$="execution"]')[0]['value']
data = {
'username': username, 'password': password,
'execution': execution, '_eventId': 'submit',
}, params=params, data=data, **cls._request_kwargs)
return cls(dict(session.cookies))
def gpa_info(self) -> GpaInfo:
url = ''
data =, cookies=self._cookies, **self._request_kwargs).json()
strize = lambda x: f'{x:.2f}'
return {
'绩点': strize(data['xfjandpm']['PJXFJ']),
'排名': data['xfjandpm']['PM'],
'学期': [
(item['XNXQ'], strize(item['XQXFJ']))
for item in data['xnanxqxfj']
def grades(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
url = ''
data = {
'current': 1, 'cxbj': -1, 'kcmc': None,
'pageSize': 100, 'pylx': 2, 'xn': None, 'xq': None,
response =, json=data, cookies=self._cookies, **self._request_kwargs)
data = response.json()['content']['list']
keys = {
'kcdm': '代码', 'kcmc': '名称', 'kclb': '类别', 'yxmc': '院系',
'xszscj': '成绩', 'xscj': '等级', 'xf': '学分',
df = pd.DataFrame([
tuple(grade[key] for key in keys) for grade in data
df.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(keys.items())
return df
def gpa(self) -> float:
grade_credit = [
(int(row['xszscj'][0]), float(row['xf'][0]))
for _, row in self.grades.iterrows()
if row['xszscj'][0] is not None and row['xscj'][0] != 'P'
credits = sum(c for _, c in grade_credit)
if credits == 0:
return 0.0
return sum([self._map(g)*c for g, c in grade_credit]) / credits
def gpa_str(self) -> str:
return self.gpa_info['绩点']
def sa(self) -> float:
'''Score Average'''
grade_credit = [
(int(row['xszscj'][0]), float(row['xf'][0]))
for _, row in self.grades.iterrows()
if row['xszscj'][0] is not None
credits = sum(c for _, c in grade_credit)
if credits == 0:
return 0.0
return sum([g*c for g, c in grade_credit]) / credits
def sa_str(self) -> str:
return f'{}'
def rank(self) -> str:
return self.gpa_info['排名']
def _map(self, grade: int) -> float:
for (boundary, value) in [
# 研究生
(95, 4.0), (90, 3.7), (85, 3.3), (80, 3.0), (77, 2.7),
(73, 2.3), (70, 2.0), (67, 1.7), (63, 1.3), (60, 1.0),
# 本科生
# (97, 4.00), (93, 3.94), (90, 3.85), (87, 3.73), (83, 3.55),
# (80, 3.32), (77, 3.09), (73, 2.78), (70, 2.42), (67, 2.08),
# (63, 1.63), (60, 1.15),
if grade >= boundary:
return value
return 0.0
if __name__ == '__main__':
tis = TIS.login(input('(username) >>> '), input('(password) >>> '))
print(f'Rank: {tis.rank}')
print(f'GPA: {tis.gpa_str} == {tis.gpa}')
print(f'SA: {tis.sa_str} == {}')
.droplevel(0, axis=1)
.sort_values(by=['成绩', '学分'], ascending=False)
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