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Last active October 20, 2020 12:46
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Cloudinary Upload Widget Type Declarations
declare namespace cloudinary {
* Creates a widget object and frame in memory,
* but does not display it until the open() method of
* the returned widget object is called.
function createUploadWidget<T extends CloudinaryEvent>(
uploadConfig: UploadInterface,
cb: (error: string, result: Event<T>) => void
): WidgetInterface;
* Creates a widget object and frame in memory, and also opens the widget
function openUploadWidget<T extends CloudinaryEvent>(
uploadConfig: UploadInterface,
cb: (error: string, result: Event<T>) => void
): WidgetInterface;
* Creates a widget object and frame in memory, and also modifies a
* given element to a blue button (customizable look & feel) that,
* when clicked, opens a pre-created upload widget. In addition,
* the form and thumbnails options are implicitly set by default
* to the containing form of the given element.
function applyUploadWidget<T extends CloudinaryEvent>(
element: HTMLElement,
uploadConfig: UploadInterface,
cb: (error: string, result: Event<T>) => void
): WidgetInterface;
* Globally sets the cloud name for all widget method calls.
function setCloudName(name: string): void;
interface WidgetInterface {
* Renders an existing widget currently in memory,
* but that is not currently displayed.
open(url?: string): void;
* Closes the widget and removes it from memory.
close(quiet?: boolean): void;
* Updates a widget currently in memory with new options
update(updateConfig: UploadInterface): void;
* Hides a previously rendered widget without removing it from memory.
hide(): void;
* Renders a previously hidden widget.
show(): void;
* Minimizes the widget.
minimize(): void;
* Returns whether the widget is currently visible.
isShowing(): boolean;
* Returns whether the widget is currently minimized.
isMinimized(): boolean;
interface UploadInterface {
* Your Cloudinary account cloud name.
* Can be set either globally using setCloudName
* or explicitly for each widget creation call.
cloudName: string;
* The name of an upload preset defined for your Cloudinary account.
* If using the upload widget for unsigned uploads,
* make sure you specify an unsigned upload preset, and conversely,
* if you choose to provide an upload preset for a widget performing signed uploads,
* make sure you provide a signed upload preset.
* You can define upload presets either on the Upload tab of the console settings or
* by using the Admin API.
uploadPreset: string;
* Allows client-side validation of the uploaded files based on their file extensions.
* You can specify one or more file extensions. ex. ['png', 'gif', 'jpeg']
clientAllowedFormats?: string[];
* If specified, perform client-side validation to prevent uploading files larger
* than the given bytes size.
maxFileSize?: number;
* If specified, perform client-side validation to prevent
* uploading image files larger
* than the given bytes size.
maxImageFileSize?: number;
* The name of a predefined widget theme.
* Widget behavior is the same for all themes.
theme?: 'default' | 'white' | 'minimal' | 'purple';
* Enables you to override the default caption of
* the upload button added to your site.
buttonCaption?: string;
* Enables you to override the default CSS class name of
* the upload button added to your site.
* The default CSS style is applied to the cloudinary-button class
buttonClass?: string;
folder?: string;
cropping?: boolean;
* Defines the source options to add to the upload widget,
* where each source defines a new upload tab or source option within the widget.
sources?: Sources[];
googleApiKey?: string;
* The domain names of sites you want to allow for the search
searchBySites?: Array<'all' | string>;
* Set to true to add a dropdown box so that users can select
* a licensing filter to apply to the image search
searchByRights?: boolean;
* The App ID of your own application for accessing your users Instagram accounts
instagramClientId?: string;
* The Client ID of your own Google Drive application for accessing your users'
* Google Drive accounts
googleDriveClientId?: string;
* Files can be encrypted and then uploaded to Cloudinary as raw files.
* These files cannot be previewed within Cloudinary and will need
* to be decrypted after downloading them
encryption?: {
key: string;
/** initialization vector */
iv: string;
styles?: {
palette: Record<string, string>;
fonts: Record<string, string>;
* tagging suggestions that appear while your users are typing in the Add a Tag
getTags?: (cb: (tags: string[]) => void, prefix: string) => string[];
language?: string;
text?: Record<string, Record<string, string>>;
* Whether the Upload More button will be displayed after the upload completes.
showUploadMoreButton?: boolean;
interface Event<T extends CloudinaryEvent> {
data?: {
event: T;
info: CloudinaryEventInfoMap[T];
type: string;
widgetId: string;
event: T;
info: CloudinaryEventInfoMap[T];
type CloudinaryEvent =
| 'abort'
| 'batch-cancelled'
| 'close'
| 'display-changed'
| 'publicid'
| 'queues-end'
| 'queues-start'
| 'retry'
| 'show-completed'
| 'source-changed'
| 'success'
| 'tags'
| 'upload-added';
type CloudinaryEventInfoMap = {
abort: {
ids: [];
all: true | false;
'batch-cancelled': {
close: { message: string };
'display-changed': 'shown' | 'hidden' | 'minimized' | 'expanded';
publicid: { id: 'my-public-id' };
'queues-end': {
files: CFile[];
'queues-start': never;
retry: {
ids: [];
/** whether retry-all was clicked */
all: true | false;
'show-completed': {
items: Array<{
id: string;
name: string;
size: number;
type: string;
status: string;
done: boolean;
progress: number;
file: File;
uploadInfo: UploadInfo;
'source-changed': {
source: Sources[];
success: UploadInfo & {
id: string;
batchId: string;
tags: { tags: string[] };
'upload-added': {
file: File;
publicId: string;
type Sources =
| 'local'
| 'url'
| 'facebook'
| 'dropbox'
| 'image_search'
| 'camera'
| 'instagram'
| 'shutterstock'
| 'google_drive';
interface CFile {
aborted: boolean;
batchId: string;
camera: boolean;
coordinatesResize: boolean;
delayedPreCalls: boolean;
dimensions: [number, number];
done: true;
failed: boolean;
id: string;
imageDimensions: [];
name: string;
partOfBatch: boolean;
paused: boolean;
preparedParams: {};
progress: number;
publicId: string;
publicIdCounter: number;
size: number;
status: CloudinaryEvent;
statusText: CloudinaryEvent;
type: string;
uploadInfo: UploadInfo;
interface UploadInfo {
asset_id: string;
bytes: number;
created_at: string;
etag: string;
format: string;
height: number;
original_filename: string;
path: string;
placeholder: boolean;
public_id: string;
resource_type: string;
secure_url: string;
signature: string;
tags: string[];
thumbnail_url: string;
type: string;
url: string;
version: number;
version_id: string;
width: number;
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