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Created September 23, 2022 20:47
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#! /bin/bash
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
# Install basic requirements.
yum update -y && \
yum install -y \
bzip2 \
sudo \
tar \
# Run common commands
cp /hostfiles/run_commands /usr/local/bin/
# Download and cache new compiler packages.
# Should speedup installation of them on CIs.
source /opt/conda/etc/profile.d/ && \
conda activate && \
conda create -n test --yes --quiet --download-only \
conda-forge::binutils_impl_linux-64 \
conda-forge::binutils_linux-64 \
conda-forge::gcc_impl_linux-64 \
conda-forge::gcc_linux-64 \
conda-forge::gfortran_impl_linux-64 \
conda-forge::gfortran_linux-64 \
conda-forge::gxx_impl_linux-64 \
conda-forge::gxx_linux-64 \
conda-forge::libgcc-ng \
conda-forge::libgfortran-ng \
conda-forge::libstdcxx-ng && \
conda remove --yes --quiet -n test --all && \
conda clean -tiy && \
chgrp -R lucky /opt/conda && \
chmod -R g=u /opt/conda
set -exo pipefail
export additional_channel="--add channels defaults"
export miniforge_arch="$(uname -m)"
export miniforge_version="4.11.0-0"
export condapkg="${miniforge_version}/Mambaforge-${miniforge_version}-Linux-${miniforge_arch}.sh"
if [ "$(uname -m)" = "x86_64" ]; then
export conda_chksum="49268ee30d4418be4de852dda3aa4387f8c95b55a76f43fb1af68dcbf8b205c3"
elif [ "$(uname -m)" = "ppc64le" ]; then
export conda_chksum="6fe80e207d409eb6c0922e068aa23aff5032083d9a5c2aacecc446a1d20f357b"
elif [ "$(uname -m)" = "aarch64" ]; then
export conda_chksum="9ad5db1775ed7f6a390774a7b7a2aeac3992499ee4b01e801f53528857112dc0"
exit 1
# give sudo permission for conda user to run yum (user creation is postponed
# to the entrypoint, so we can create a user with the same id as the host)
echo 'conda ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/yum' >> /etc/sudoers
# Install the latest Miniconda with Python 3 and update everything.
curl -s -L $condapkg >
sha256sum | grep $conda_chksum
bash -b -p /opt/conda
rm -f
touch /opt/conda/conda-meta/pinned
ln -s /opt/conda/etc/profile.d/ /etc/profile.d/
source /opt/conda/etc/profile.d/
conda activate
conda config --set show_channel_urls True
conda config --set channel_priority strict
conda config ${additional_channel} --add channels conda-forge
conda config --show-sources
conda update --all --yes
conda clean -tipy
# Install conda build and deployment tools.
conda install --yes --quiet \
git patch \
python=3.9 pip \
mamba boa \
conda-build anaconda-client
conda clean -tipy
# Install docker tools
conda install --yes su-exec
export CONDA_SUEXEC_INFO=( `conda list su-exec | grep su-exec` )
echo "su-exec ${CONDA_SUEXEC_INFO[1]}" >> /opt/conda/conda-meta/pinned
conda install --yes tini
export CONDA_TINI_INFO=( `conda list tini | grep tini` )
echo "tini ${CONDA_TINI_INFO[1]}" >> /opt/conda/conda-meta/pinned
conda clean -tipy
# Lucky group gets permission to write in the conda dir
groupadd -g 32766 lucky
chown -R $USER /opt/conda
chgrp -R lucky /opt/conda && chmod -R g=u /opt/conda
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