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Created May 9, 2024 17:05
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Some of the interview questions in ML interivews


  • Basic Interview questions

    • Introduce yourself
    • Where do you see yourself in 5 years
    • Your strength and weekness
    • Why should we hire you
    • What are your salary expectation
    • why did you choose this company
    • How do you deel with criticism
    • How do you handle your stress
    • What do you considered as your biggest achievement
    • Why you didn't goes to collage
    • What motivates you
    • Tell me about an experience when you faced difficulty at work while working on a project
    • Assume you are hired, then how long would you expect to work for us
    • What is success to you
  • ML specific questions

    • What is your favorite algorithm
    • Explain the steps of each algorithm
    • How can you avoid overfitting
    • Your approach to EDA in tabular, image, audio, text
    • How do you select right futures
    • What is your understanding of back propogation
    • How to handle overfit and underfit in a network
    • Explain a computational graph
    • Explain you understanding of GAN
    • each activations
    • explain the adam optimizer in NN
    • How do you handle missing values
    • How do you pick a threshold in a classification problem
    • Difference between Univariate, Bivariate and Multivariate analysis
    • Why using loss
    • Explain prior probability, likelihood and marginal likelihood in context of naiveBayes algorithm
    • How to select k for k means
    • How to handle ourliears
    • Explain ROC curve
    • Why use use a dimentionality reduction
    • Why naive bayes classifier is 'naive'
    • What are the auto encoders
    • forward prop vs. backward prop
    • regularization methods in each algo and NN
    • Why and how to handle vanishing and exploading gradient, how to detect
    • What is Bltzmann Machine
    • When to use padding and stride in CNN
    • Describe a scenario where you use custom loss function
    • Types of auto encoders
    • explain cross validation and its need
    • when to use precision and recall
    • Loss fn vs. Cost fn
    • What is p value
    • How to prevent data leakage
    • What is central limit theorem
    • Explain SMOTE method for imbalance
    • explain XGB algo
    • What is the reason behind the curse of dimentionality
    • How do you check normality in a dataset
    • What is the purpose of A/B testing
  • We can ask questions

    • What are your favourate aspect of your role as a data scientist
    • How long you are working here so far
    • What oppurtunities for growth. How company supports the growth.
    • What would my first 6 months looks like, some of the projects that I am working on like
    • A company specific question
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