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Last active November 18, 2015 13:40
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Basic Template Haskell for Multiplate example described here
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
import MultiPlateDerive
import Data.Generics.Multiplate
import Data.Functor.Constant
data Expr = Con Int
| Add Expr Expr
| Mul Expr Expr
| EVar Var
| Let Decl Expr
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Decl = Assign Var Expr
| Seq Decl Decl
deriving (Eq, Show)
type Var = String
temPlate "Plate" ["Expr", "Decl"]
getVariablesPlate = purePlate { expr = \x -> Constant [s | EVar s <- [x]] }
variablesPlate = preorderFold getVariablesPlate
main = do
let e1 = Let (Assign "x" (Con 42)) (Add (EVar "x") (EVar "x"))
print $ foldFor expr variablesPlate e1
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
module MultiPlateDerive where
import Language.Haskell.TH hiding (varE)
import Data.Char (toLower)
import Control.Monad (forM)
temPlate :: String -> [String] -> Q [Dec]
temPlate plateName tyNames = do
decls <- forM tyNames $ \tyName -> do
Just ty <- lookupTypeName tyName
reify ty >>= \case
TyConI (DataD _ _ _ constrs _) -> return (tyName, constrs)
other -> error $ "Can't read data type declaration: " ++ show other
clauses <- mapM (genInstance (extractNames decls)) decls
let mkDecl = FunD (mkName "mkPlate")
[Clause [VarP $ mkName "build"]
(NormalB $ foldl AppE (ConE (mkName plateName))
$ map (\n -> AppE (VarE $ mkName "build") (VarE . mkName $ lowerHead n))
let instDecl = InstanceD []
(AppT (ConT $ mkName "Multiplate") (ConT $ mkName plateName))
[FunD (mkName "multiplate")
[Clause [VarP $ mkName "child"]
(NormalB $ foldl AppE (ConE (mkName plateName))
$ map (\n -> VarE . mkName $ "build" ++ n)
, mkDecl]
return $ [ platDecl, instDecl ]
platDecl = DataD [] (mkName plateName) [binder] [constr] []
binder = PlainTV (mkName "f")
constr = RecC (mkName plateName) $ map (\s -> (mkName $ lowerHead s, NotStrict, toType s)) tyNames
toType s = let ty = ConT $ mkName s
in AppT (AppT ArrowT ty) (AppT (VarT (mkName "f")) ty)
extractNames = map fst
genInstance :: [String] -> (String, [Con]) -> Q Dec
genInstance recTyNames (tyName, constrs) = do
let funName = mkName $ "build" ++ tyName
clauses <- forM constrs $ \case
NormalC name tys -> genClause recTyNames name tys snd
RecC name tys -> genClause recTyNames name tys (\(_, _, ty) -> ty)
other -> error $ "genInstance bad constr: " ++ show other
return $ FunD funName clauses
genClause :: [String] -> Name -> [a] -> (a -> Type) -> Q Clause
genClause recTyNames name tys tyNameSel = do
let conName = mkName $ nameBase name
let numTys = length tys
newNames <- sequence $ take numTys $ repeat (newName "x") :: Q [Name]
let pairs = zip newNames $ map tyNameSel tys
segments <- mapM (\(v, ty) -> build recTyNames (\f -> f (VarE v)) ty) pairs
let bodys = NormalB $ appChain (ConE name) segments
return $ Clause [ConP conName (map VarP newNames)]
---- Core
build :: [String] -> ((Exp -> Exp) -> Exp) -> Type -> Q Exp
-- <var> :: <ty>, return expr s.t. <expr> :: Applicative f => f <ty>
build astTys withDestr ty = case ty of
-- <var> :: a
ConT name -> do
let baseName = nameBase name
if baseName `elem` astTys
then return $ buildE (selectorE baseName) (withDestr id)
-- build <astTyConstr> <var> :: f a
else return $ pureE (withDestr id)
-- pure <var> :: f a
AppT t ty -> do
case getTuple t of
Just depth -> do
-- <var> :: (t1, t2, ..., t_{depth}), <ty> ~ t_{depth}
let tupleConE = getTupleConE depth -- 2: (,) ...
let ts = getRTs t ++ [ty] -- [Type], length = depth
let components = map withDestr $ map (AppE . getSelE) [1..depth]
es <- mapM (\(t, e) -> build astTys (\f -> f e) t) $ zip ts components
return $ appChain tupleConE es -- :: f (t1, ..., t_{depth})
Nothing -> do
-- <var> :: Traversable t => t a
x <- newName "x"
f <- lamE x <$> build astTys (\f -> f (VarE x)) ty -- <f> :: a -> f a
let g = wrapE f -- <g> :: t a -> f (t a)
return $ AppE g (withDestr id) -- :: f (t a)
other -> error $ "illegal: " ++ show other
where -- Helpers, a lot
constrE :: String -> Exp -- lowerHead
constrE = ConE . mkName
selectorE :: String -> Exp
selectorE = varE . lowerHead
getTuple :: Type -> Maybe Int
getTuple (TupleT i) = Just i
getTuple (AppT f _) = getTuple f
getTuple _ = Nothing
getTupleConE :: Int -> Exp
getTupleConE i = constrE $ "(" ++ take (i - 1) (repeat ',') ++ ")"
getRTs :: Type -> [Type]
getRTs (AppT l r) = getRTs l ++ [r]
getRTs _ = []
getSelE :: Int -> Exp -- Data.Tuple.Select
getSelE i = varE $ "sel" ++ show i
wrapE :: Exp -> Exp
wrapE f = InfixE (Just $ varE "sequenceA") (varE ".") (Just $ AppE (varE "fmap") f)
lamE :: Name -> Exp -> Exp
lamE x e = LamE [VarP x] e
lowerHead :: String -> String
lowerHead "" = ""
lowerHead (s:ss) = toLower s : ss
appChain :: Exp -> [Exp] -> Exp
appChain conE [] = pureE conE
appChain conE (fd:fds) =
let header = InfixE (Just conE) (varE "<$>") (Just fd)
in foldl (\e1 e2 -> InfixE (Just e1) (varE "<*>") (Just e2)) header fds
buildE :: Exp -> Exp -> Exp
buildE constrE e = AppE (AppE constrE (varE "child")) e
pureE :: Exp -> Exp
pureE e = AppE (varE "pure") e
varE :: String -> Exp
varE = VarE . mkName
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