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Created January 3, 2016 12:01
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import Control.Monad.State
import Data.List (partition)
-- Definitions
data Pattern = PVar Variable | PCon Constructor [Pattern]
newtype Constructor = Constructor { unConstructor :: String } deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype Variable = Variable { unVariable :: String } deriving (Eq, Show)
data Expression = ECase Variable [Destruction] -- case v of
| EAlt Expression Expression -- E || E'
data Destruction = Destruction Constructor [Variable] Expression -- CONS vs => e
data Equation = Equation {
_patterns :: [Pattern],
_expr :: Expression
-- Namer
type Env = Int
type Compiler = State Env
newVar :: Compiler Variable
newVar = do
i <- get
modify (+ 1)
return $ Variable ("x" ++ show i)
-- Compiler
match :: [Variable] -> [Equation] -> Expression -> Compiler Expression
match [] qs def = return $ foldl EAlt def [e | Equation [] e <- qs]
match vs@(u:us) qs def = let (varqs, conqs) = partition isVarFirst qs
in matchCon vs conqs def >>= matchVar vs varqs
matchVar :: [Variable] -> [Equation] -> Expression -> Compiler Expression
matchVar (u:us) qs def = match us qs' def
qs' = [ Equation ps (subst e u v) | Equation (PVar v : ps) e <- qs]
matchCon :: [Variable] -> [Equation] -> Expression -> Compiler Expression
matchCon (u:us) qs def = do
let Equation (PCon con _ : _) _ = head qs
clauses <- mapM (\c -> matchDes c us (choose c qs) def) $ getConstructors con
return $ ECase u clauses
matchDes :: Constructor -> [Variable] -> [Equation] -> Expression -> Compiler Destruction
matchDes c us qs def = do
let k = getArity c
us' <- sequence $ take k $ repeat newVar
expr <- match (us' ++ us) [ Equation (ps' ++ ps) e | Equation (PCon _ ps' : ps) e <- qs] def
return $ Destruction c us' expr
isVarFirst :: Equation -> Bool
isVarFirst (Equation (PVar _ : _) _) = True
isVarFirst _ = False
subst (ECase x deses) u v = ECase x [ Destruction c vs (subst e u v) | Destruction c vs e <- deses]
subst (EAlt e1 e2) u v = EAlt (subst e1 u v) (subst e2 u v)
-- e[u/v]
choose = undefined
getArity = undefined
getConstructors = undefined
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