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Last active February 8, 2017 06:28
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Genetic Algorithm
# Genetics Algorithm's Implementation in Python
# How did this algorithm work?
# init -> iterate until certain condition -> output every generation
# iterate: select parents -> crossover -> mutation -> a new generation
# Core: How to encode your optimization problem into a string, i.e. chromosome?
# Which selection method would your apply? Tournament selection or roulette selection?
# How to realize the child breeding? Every pair of parent will breed a pair of children, which are the outcome of crossover effect.
# Use Object-Oriented Programming which is easy in Python
# The optimization I try to solve is to find solutions for equations, so the solution is composed of four elements' values as integers
# I will try to code the integers in order as a whole, i.e. the chromosome of individual
# The solution integer will be restricted in range 0 to 99: so the chromosome will be like 01039256, means x1 = 1, x2 = 3 ...
# Author: Zhen Zhang (
import random
class GA(object):
def __init__(self, instance):
self.instance = instance
def run(self):
population = self.instance.initializePopulation();
while 1:
fitness_population = [ (self.instance.getFitness(individual), individual) for individual in population ]
if self.instance.showAndCheck(fitness_population):
population = self.changePopulation(fitness_population);
def changePopulation(self, fitness_population):
parentsGenerator = self.instance.selectParents(fitness_population)
allChildren = []
while len(allChildren) < len(fitness_population):
parents = next(parentsGenerator) # Next yielded pair of parents
if random.random() > self.instance.getCrossThreshold():
children = self.instance.crossover(parents) # Assigned the crossovered chromosome to children
children = parents
for child in children:
if random.random() > self.instance.getMutationThreshold():
return allChildren[:len(fitness_population)] # May exceed
class rules(object):
def __init__(self, gradeFunction, maxLoopsNum, error, populationSize, crossThreshold, mutationThreshold):
self.counter = 0
self.maxLoopsNum = maxLoopsNum
self.error = error
self.populationSize = populationSize
self.crossThreshold = crossThreshold
self.mutationThreshold = mutationThreshold
self.gradeFunction = gradeFunction
def getMutationThreshold(self):
return self.mutationThreshold
def getCrossThreshold(self):
return self.crossThreshold
def initializePopulation(self):
population = [];
for i in range(self.populationSize):
population.append(str(random.randint(0, 99999999)))
return population
def decode(self, individual):
solutions = []
individual = int(individual)
for i in range(4):
solutions.append(individual % 100)
individual /= 100
return solutions
def getFitness(self, individual):
# Decode the individual (chromosome) and calculate the fitness
return - abs(self.gradeFunction(self.decode(individual)))
def showAndCheck(self, fitness_population):
self.counter += 1
best = list(sorted(fitness_population))[-1] # Last Individual
print "Generation", self.counter, "Best solution:", self.decode(best[1]), "with fitness:", best[0]
return (self.counter > self.maxLoopsNum) or (best[0] >= self.error)
def selectParents(self, fitness_population):
# Construct a iterator here
# Use Tournament Selection
while 1:
parent1 = self.tournament(fitness_population)
parent2 = self.tournament(fitness_population)
yield (parent1, parent2)
def crossover(self, parents):
parent1, parent2 = parents
start = random.randint(1, len(parent1) - 2)
end = random.randint(1, len(parent1) - 2)
if start > end:
start, end = end, start
child1 = parent1[:start] + parent2[start:end] + parent1[end:]
child2 = parent2[:start] + parent1[start:end] + parent2[end:]
return (child1, child2)
def mutate(self, child):
pos = random.randint(0, len(child) - 1)
child = list(child)
child[pos] = chr(random.randint(ord('0'), ord('9')))
return ''.join(child)
def tournament(self, fitness_population):
fit1, ch1 = fitness_population[random.randint(0, len(fitness_population) - 1)]
fit2, ch2 = fitness_population[random.randint(0, len(fitness_population) - 1)]
return ch1 if fit1 > fit2 else ch2 # This is far more elegant then C language style
def calVector(paramVector):
return lambda xVector: abs(sum(param * x for param, x in zip(paramVector, xVector)))
def calMatrix(paramMatrix):
return lambda xVector: sum(calVector(paramVector)(xVector) for paramVector in paramMatrix)
paramMatrix = [ [1, 1, -2, 2],
[2, 2, -3, 4],
[3, -3, 4, -2],
[-1, 2, 3, 1] ]
GA(rules(calMatrix(paramMatrix), 100, 0, 200, 0.5, 0.2)).run() # gradeFunction, maxLoopsNum, error, populationSize, crossThreshold, mutationThreshold
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can you give me a description about paramMatrix?

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