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[useful pandas snippets] useful pandas snippets #pandas #python
# List unique values in a DataFrame column
df['Column Name'].unique()
# convert column to lowercase (without warning working on copy)
df.loc[:, 'url'] = df.loc[:, 'url'].str.lower()
# To extract a specific column (subset the dataframe), you can use [ ] (brackets) or attribute notation.
# are same thing!!! (from
# -or-
# Quick overview of DataFrame
# see for more thorough summarazing
# Display data types in DataFrame
# Check a variable / object is actually a dataframe
if isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame): # based on
# Change order of columns in DataFrame
df = df[['C', 'B', 'A']] # It will have defaulted to 'A B C' order(I think), see
# When adding a new column -- "By default, columns get inserted at the end. The
# insert function is available to insert at a particular location in the columns:"
df.insert(2, 'mean', df.mean(1)) #insert at third column a 'mean' column
# another example with insert (from ``)
the_c_cols = [x for x in df.columns if x.endswith('_c')] # trying using `str.endswith()` as inline gave error of wrong number, but this list comprehension works
df.insert(0, '[n]', df[the_c_cols].sum(1) )
# move `strain` column to first in dataframe based on
cols = df.columns.tolist()
n = int(cols.index('strain'))
cols = [cols[n]] + cols[:n] + cols[n+1:]
df = df[cols]
# Convert Series datatype to numeric (will error if column has non-numeric values)
pd.to_numeric(df['Column Name'])
# Convert Series datatype to numeric, changing non-numeric values to NaN
pd.to_numeric(df['Column Name'], errors='coerce')
# Use that conversion in a dataframe
df['Column Name'] = df['Column Name'].apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce')
# View a range of rows of a dataframe in a Jupyter notebook / IPtyhon
df.iloc[2531:2580] # shows rows with index of 2531 to 2580
# Grab DataFrame rows where column has certain values
valuelist = ['value1', 'value2', 'value3']
df = df[df.column.isin(valuelist)]
# Grab DataFrame rows where column doesn't have certain values
valuelist = ['value1', 'value2', 'value3']
df = df[~df.column.isin(value_list)]
#(`~` inverts the boolean values; it is similar to using a `not` in a conditional expression).
# Grab DataFrame rows where column matches at least part of a string in a list
df = df[df.column.str.contains(pattern)]
# Example OF USE
df = pd.DataFrame({'A': 'foo bar one123 bar foo one324 foo 0'.split(),
'B': 'one546 one765 twosde three twowef two234 onedfr three'.split(),
'C': np.arange(8), 'D': np.arange(8) * 2})
pattern = '|'.join(['one', 'two'])
df = df[df.B.str.contains(pattern)]
# if you get `ValueError: cannot index with vector containing NA / NaN values` when trying `str.contains()` add
# like so:
df_e = df[df['Aneuploidies'].str.contains("euploid",na=False)] # based on
# `str.startswith.` is related to looking for text in a string in a column (see below)
# Select rows containing certain values from pandas dataframe IN ANY COLUMN
df[df.values == 'X'].dropna(how='all') # this one makes multiple copies of the rows show up if multiple examples occur in the row
df[df.isin(['X'])].dropna(how='all') # BEST; this one works better if multiple occurences can in the same row
# based on
# Remove / delete a row where index matches a string
dfm = df.drop("Y12_data")
# Remove / delete rows where a condition or conditions are met
df = df.drop(df[df.score < 50].index)
# can be done in place
df.drop(df[df.score < 50].index, inplace=True)
# use booleans to enforce multiple conditions
df = df.drop(df[(df.score < 50) & (df.score > 20)].index)
# Related, if you have a list that matches index identifiers (even if they are strings),
# you can remove those in that list to leave others with following based on
df = df.drop(strains_to_remove,axis='index') # here the index was strings of strain identifiers. Others left.
# if you are dealing with dropping rows in a dataframe where a column doesn't contain items in the colum of another dataframe
# you can use the following without making a list. This is a related drop to the one just above & based on
df_subset = df[df['strain'].isin(another_df.strain)]
# inverse of that last one with a list would be next line, meaning it will drop all rows containing elements of the list in the
# specified column; based on
df = df[~df['your column'].isin(['list of strings'])]
# remove all but one column, dropping the rest
sub_df = df[['column_a']]
# similarly, to limit / restrict to just a few columns (subset), add multiple columns in the bracketed list ; also see `.drop()`
sub_df = df[['column_a','column_b']]
# see more about dropping a column below under 'Delete column from DataFrame'
# Select from DataFrame using criteria from multiple columns (multiple condition expression), i.e., filter / subset on multiple conditions
# (use `|` instead of `&` to do an OR)
newdf = df[(df['column_one']>2004) & (df['column_two']==9)]
# other examples
df[(df['nationality'] == "USA") & df['age'] > 50] #
df[df['first_name'].notnull() & (df['nationality'] == "USA")]# df['first_name'].notnull() uses variable attribute while others are Boolean;
hits_df = blast_df[(blast_df['sstart'] <= midpt)&(midpt <= blast_df['send'])] # detecting if in range / interval example
df = df[(df[['A','C']] != 0).all(axis=1)] # to remove any rows where A or C columns have zeros;example from
df = df[(df[['A','C']] == 0).all(axis=1)] # related to above example, but this time require both coloumns have to be zero
# Can use `.query` to do similar; from
"One of the most underrated #Pandas functions in #Python is `.query()`. I use it all the time.
data = data.query('age==42')
looks so much nicer than:
data = data[data['age'] == 42]
And it allows chaining like:
data = data.query('age >18').query('age < 32')"
"I chain within the same query call
df.query("age > 17 and age < 20")
You can use the word "and" or "&""
#SEMI-RELATED:if it is a single column involved and the text examples fall into
# like you want all that contain `text` like, rows with `texta`, `textb,` etc
# you can use `column.str.contains(pattern)` . I think this grabs / subsets to rows!
df = df[df.column.str.contains(pattern)] # See above
#Also SEMI-RELATED: if you need multiple string matches in a single column you can use
# `Grab DataFrame rows where column has certain values` approach (SEE ABOVE)
# or combine to expand on the `Select from DataFrame using criteria from multiple columns`
# with `newdf = df[(df['column_one']>2004) & (df['column_two']==9)]` approach, like:
valuelist1 = ['value1', 'value2', 'value3']
valuelist2 = ['value4', 'value5', 'value6']
newdf = df[(df.column.isin(valuelist1)) & (df.column.isin(valuelist2))]
# using startswith in selection
df = df[df['gene'].str.startswith("snR17")]
# combining with making case not matter by making lower case (or upper), requires complexity that didn't appear obvious to me
df = df[df['gene'].str.lower().str.startswith("snr17")] # solution from; they also had a regex solution offered that failed
# Original was fix to using with `.contains`
#Also SEMI-RELATED: if using conditional to have rows extracted extracted go to
# new dataframe and you want first row (a.k.a, top row) (or you know there should only be one) and you want a value in that row:
new_df = df[df.gene == "test4"] # conditional narrows to just those with "test4"
new_df.iloc[0].FoldChange # iloc[0] specifies first row and then `.FoldChange` or ["FoldChange"] to select column
# see more on `.iloc` at
# I tried using `.iloc` to update a copy of a dataframe but it didn't work, but this approach did, based on
# copy the dataframe to avoid `SettingWithCopyWarning`, see
updated_sites_df = sites_df.copy()
for indx,sites_row in sites_df.iterrows():
if sites_row.olap_state == 'closest':
#process row where 'overlapping' gene/feature not identified
start = sites_row.start
end = sites_row.end
id = sites_row.sys_gene_id
closest,pos_val = identify_closest_gene_or_feature(
#updated_sites_df.iloc[indx].overlapping_or_closest_gene = closest # even with copying, these cause `SettingWithCopyWarning` and even more problematic, don't make updates needed.
#updated_sites_df.iloc[indx].position = pos_val # even with copying, these cause `SettingWithCopyWarning` and even more problematic, don't make updates needed.
# Approach based on
# worked to updata values in a dataframe, but still showed warning:
#updated_sites_df['overlapping_or_closest_gene'][indx] = closest #still gives warning, but works
# updated_sites_df['position'][indx] = pos_val #still gives warning, but works
# Work and no warning, as prescribed at
# at end of 'Chained assignment' section
updated_sites_df.loc[indx,'overlapping_or_closest_gene'] = closest
updated_sites_df.loc[indx,'position'] = pos_val
# see a related (maybe?) approach to finding the 'closest'/'proximal'/merest value using a dataframe where
# I discuss `.idxmin` below
# Reorder rows based on values in a column when you know what you want
df = pd.DataFrame(list(categorization.items()),columns = ['category','residue_positions'])
# That works but I want categories with most conserved as top line and
# `not_conserved` on bottom
# Because I think the dictionary will have these as arbitrary orders I
# cannot simply base order on what I saw in development. More robust would
# be to extract what `new_index` order should be
#print(categorized_residue_positions_df) # FOR DEBUGGING ONLY
default_indx = {}
for i, row in df.iterrows():
default_indx[row.category] = i
new_index = ([default_indx['identical'],
categorized_residue_positions_df = categorized_residue_positions_df.reindex(new_index) # based on
categorized_residue_positions_df = categorized_residue_positions_df.reset_index(drop=True)
#print(categorized_residue_positions_df) # FOR DEBUGGING ONLY
# Delete column from DataFrame
del df['column']
df = df.drop('column',1)
df.drop(columns=['B', 'C'])
# see
df = df.drop('reports', axis=1)
# see, but note
# that unlike shown there seems now need to assign (like in example above) to see change
# Add a column to a DataFrame with same contents to each row
df["new_column_label"] = "String_entry"
df["new_column_label2"] = 0
# also works for setting value of all rows in an existing column to same thing, see
# Note if you do this after you made a new dataframe from a subset of another, you may see a `SettingWithCopyWarning:` warning.
# because Pandas is just being cautious, see
#; could fix with approach [here]( if important, like:
# df = df.assign(signal= 'yes')
# See `.append` below for ADDING ROWS.
# Related: you can add a column with different contents to each
# row WITHOUT USING APPLY if you use itertuples or iterrows to
# build a list with the same amount of items as the length of
# the dataframe and then add new column with
df["ids"] = list_of_ids
# see for better understanding of `SettingWithCopyWarning:` warnings.
# Rename a DataFrame column / rename column
df.rename(columns={'old_name':'new_name'}, inplace=True)
# see
# because with new Pandas and Pyton 3 I am seeing warning when doing inPlace
# Better(?):
df2 = df.rename(columns={'old':'new'})
#-or-, even seems to work as
df = df.rename(columns={'old':'new'})
# Rename several DataFrame columns
df = df.rename(columns = {
'col1 old name':'col1 new name',
'col2 old name':'col2 new name',
'col3 old name':'col3 new name',
# or use `,inplace=True` without `df =`
# Lower-case all DataFrame column names
df.columns = map(str.lower, df.columns)
# Even more fancy DataFrame column re-naming
# lower-case all DataFrame column names (for example)
df.rename(columns=lambda x: x.split('.')[-1], inplace=True)
# Loop through rows in a DataFrame
# (if you must)
for index, row in df.iterrows():
print index, row['some column']
# Much faster way to loop through DataFrame rows
# if you can work with tuples (iterate rows more efficiently)
# (h/t hughamacmullaniv)
for row in df.itertuples():
# see more about itertuples below
# Next few examples show how to work with text data in Pandas.
# Full list of .str functions:
# Slice values in a DataFrame column (aka Series)
# Use `iloc`, `iat`, or `at` to get individual values from specified columns, see
df['e'].iloc[-1] # last item in column 'e'[4, 'B'] # Get value at specified row/column pair, like 'Battleship' style calling of row colum intersection . This can be
# used to assign a value to, like, `[4, 'B'] = 10`. "Use at if you only need to get or set a single value in a DataFrame or Series."
df.iat[1, 2] # Access a single value for a row/column pair by integer position. (You have to know index of both and so probably `.at` is more often better used.)
#Get value in a different column corresponding to the maximum value for another column
df['snorna_id'].iloc[df.snorna_length.idxmax] #used something similar in ``
# get value from column where other column has minimum
# This can be used to finf the row with the closest value too; based on
row_of_interest_for_full = abs(df['qstart'] - near_junction).idxmin()
# Lower-case everything in a DataFrame column
df.column_name = df.column_name.str.lower()
# Get length of data in a DataFrame column
# Make a column of a dataframe a Python list (df column --> to list)
lizt = df["col1"].tolist()
# Sort dataframe by multiple columns
df = df.sort_values(['col1','col2','col3'],ascending=[1,1,0])
# see `df = df.reset_index(drop=True)` in relation to this
# Sort on one column
df.sort_values('Col_name1', ascending=False, inplace=True)
# If the column you are trying to sort on is a multi-level/ MultiIndex /hierarchical column, use
#the full tuple with all levels to reference it, like
# `df.sort_values(('tmn1-5001','p-value'), ascending=False, inplace=True)`
# Get top n for each group of columns in a sorted dataframe
# (make sure dataframe is sorted first)
top5 = df.groupby(['groupingcol1', 'groupingcol2']).head(5)
# Keep in mind if you want to apply multiple functions across a group you are
# looking for `.agg()`, see under 'Applying multiple functions to columns in groups'
# at
# and see a straightforward use in my script ``
# Pandas groupby object is value under group and associated dataframe per that group
df = pd.DataFrame({'Animal' : ['Falcon', 'Falcon',
'Parrot', 'Parrot'],
'Max Speed' : [380., 370., 24., 26.]})
grouped = df.groupby('Animal')
for animal, grouped_df in grouped:
#Note that if you later use `.groupby` on a dataframe made by subsetting an earlier one, it
# will inherit the categoricals defined from the original one and so unless you include
# `observed=True`, you'll see empty dataframes among the `.groupby` objects that correspond
# to values of categoricals that you removed. Example:
df = pd.DataFrame({'Animal' : ['Falcon', 'Falcon',
'Parrot', 'Parrot'],
'Max Speed' : [380., 370., 24., 26.]})
df["Animal"] = df["Animal"].astype('category') #Note if you comment out this line, `observed=True`
# is not needed because no categoricals inherited when make new dataframe below it seems.
limit_to_animals = ['Falcon']
df = df.loc[df["Animal"].isin(limit_to_animals)]
grouped = df.groupby('Animal')
grouped = df.groupby('Animal', observed = True)
Alternatively, can avoid using categorical and use `object` as dtype for strings (see
, ". For example, if strings are involved, the result will be of object dtype.")
and then will get more of what is expected if not recalling categorical defined:
df = pd.DataFrame({'Animal' : ['Falcon', 'Falcon',
'Parrot', 'Parrot'],
'Max Speed' : [380., 370., 24., 26.]})
df["Animal"] = df["Animal"].astype('object')
limit_to_animals = ['Falcon']
df = df.loc[df["Animal"].isin(limit_to_animals)]
grouped = df.groupby('Animal')
grouped = df.groupby('Animal', observed = True)
# I ended up needing both of those solutions for my script to plot expression across chromosomes
# and the script that generates mock data for that because for the generator script all text-based
# columns could just be `object` dtypes but it turns out I could put all text-based to `object` for
# the plotting one but I needed to put the `seqnames` column (chromosome designations) as `category`
# to keep order alone the x-axis collect in plot. In fact, it came out better than it had before
# in that with that combination, now for both human and yeast the order match the GTF file.
#>"Need to convert a column from continuous to categorical? Use cut():
#df['age_groups'] = pd.cut(df.age, bins=[0, 18, 65, 99], labels=['child', 'adult', 'elderly'])
#0 to 18 ➡️ 'child'
#18 to 65 ➡️ 'adult'
#65 to 99 ➡️ 'elderly' " see , also maybe it is called 'binning'
# more on sorting at the useful Jupyter notebook, EXCEPT now `sort_values`,
# Add a column that is based on the ranking of values in another column (a.k.a., add the order relative the index if index is not default)
# Example here has individual designations as the dataframe index. (See about ties handled
# and choices for a methods that can be specified.)
ranked_df = sorted_df.copy() #copy the sorted version so as not to clobber it since well simplify soon
ranked_df_alt['rank_from_IQ'] = sorted_df.IQ.rank()
ranked_df_alt['rank_from_TV_hrs'] = sorted_df.Hours_of_TV_per_week.rank()
ranked_df_alt = ranked_df_alt.drop(columns=['IQ', 'Hours_of_TV_per_week']) # restrict to the ranking columns now
# Grab DataFrame rows where specific column is null/notnull
newdf = df[df['column'].isnull()]
# Select from DataFrame using multiple keys of a hierarchical index (multi-level/ MultiIndex)
df.xs(('index level 1 value','index level 2 value'), level=('level 1','level 2'))
# also see around section 'Subset on multi-level/ MultiIndex /hierarchical columns' below
# Change all NaNs to None (useful before
# loading to a db)
df = df.where((pd.notnull(df)), None)
# More pre-db insert cleanup...make a pass through the dataframe, stripping whitespace
# from strings and changing any empty values to None
# (not especially recommended but including here b/c I had to do this in real life one time)
df = df.applymap(lambda x: str(x).strip() if len(str(x).strip()) else None)
# Get quick count of rows in a DataFrame
len(df) # <---I find even quicker.
# change a column into the row index of the dataframe / Make a column the index:
df = df.set_index('column_name') # see
# renumber index, useful for after removing items from one dataframe to make another, or sorting a dataframe to not keep orginal index
df = df.reset_index(drop=True)
# use `drop=True` to not keep the old index, see
# Convert index of a pandas dataframe to a column, which one to use mostly has to do with where you want the new column in the
# resulting dataframe. (Apparently you cannot use `.rank()` on `index`.)
df['index1'] = df.index # from ; This puts at end (far rightside) of dataframe
df = df.reset_index() # This puts former index column as first normal column of dataframe. It will give it column name of 'index'
# like using `df.reset_index()` without the `drop=True` setting does normally. `df.reset_index(level=0)` same as `df = df.reset_index()`.
# You'll also probably want to rename the `index` column produced during the `.reset_index()` using `.rename()`:
df = df.rename(columns={'index':'better_column_name'})
# string replacement for index strings (hopefully `.replace` gets added Index soon and this becomes moot, but for now:
replace_indx = lambda x,d: d[x] if x in d else x
idx = pd.Index(['a',"b","c"]) x:replace_indx(x, {"b":"fIXED_B"}))
# above based on and
# Pivot data (with flexibility about what what
# becomes a column and what stays a row) to make better summarizing dataframe/table.
# Syntax works on Pandas >= .14
index=['col1', 'col2', 'col3'], #these stay as columns; will fail silently if any of these cols have null values
columns=['col4']) #data values in this column become their own column
# example of re-orienting dataframe, based on
reoriented_df = pd.pivot_table(count_of_types_df, values = 'count', columns = 'qseqid').reset_index()
reoriented_df = reoriented_df[["G1","V1","M1","M7'","M8","M9'","M11''","M15","M14"]]
reoriented_df["TOTAL"] = reoriented_df.sum(1)
# that was AFTER below had generated counts for BLAST results
count_of_types_df = blast_df['qseqid'].value_counts().reset_index()
count_of_types_df.columns = ['qseqid', 'count']
# Change data type of DataFrame column
df.column_name = df.column_name.astype(np.int64)
# Get rid of non-numeric values throughout a DataFrame:
for col in refunds.columns.values:
refunds[col] = refunds[col].replace('[^0-9]+.-', '', regex=True)
# Fix Numbers stored as strings
# based on
>"pandas trick:
Numbers stored as strings? Try astype():
df.astype({'col1':'int', 'col2':'float'})
But it will fail if you have any invalid input. Better way:
df.apply( _numeric, errors='coerce')
Converts invalid input to NaN 🎉"
# Do find/replace on a string throughout a DataFrame
df.replace({'OLD_TEXT': 'NEW_TEXT'}, regex=True, inplace = True)
# to restrict changes to a specific column, you can do
df.the_col = df.the_col.replace({'OLD_TEXT': 'NEW_TEXT'})
# Do find/replace on string restricted to column and use regex
# 'ZEB1/ZEB1_cerevisiae_extracted.clustal' ---> 'ZEB1'
df['col_name_here'].replace({"(ZEB\d)/.*": "\\1"}, regex=True, inplace=True) # see
#df['col_name_here'].replace({"(ZEB\d)/.*": r"\1"}, regex=True, inplace=True) # see
# Set DataFrame column values based on other column values (h/t: @mlevkov),.i.e., change values
df.loc[(df['column1'] == some_value) & (df['column2'] == some_other_value), ['column_to_change']] = new_value
df.loc[(df['column1'] == some_value), ['column_to_change']] = new_value
df1.loc[df1['stream'] == 2, 'feat'] = 10
df1.loc[df1['stream'] == 2, ['feat','another_feat']] = 'aaaa'
# Clean up missing values in multiple DataFrame columns
df = df.fillna({
'col1': 'missing',
'col2': '99.999',
'col3': '999',
'col4': 'missing',
'col5': 'missing',
'col6': '99'
# three , plus bonus about missingno, from
#Calculate % of missing values in each column:
#Drop columns with any missing values:
#Drop columns in which more than 10% of values are missing:
df.dropna(thresh=len(df)*0.9, axis='columns')
#"missingno is a great module to use to visualize missing values, find type of missing-ness (at random etc) and find correlations"
# Concatenate two DataFrame columns into a new, single column
# (useful when dealing with composite keys, for example)
# (h/t @makmanalp for improving this one!)
df['newcol'] = df['col1'].astype(str) + df['col2'].astype(str)
# Concatenate / combine multiple dataframes, without regards to index, for each grouping
df = pd.concat([df1,df2], ignore_index=True)
# I use this 'concat/ignore_index=True' approach often when 'stacking' two dataframes that have the same columns
# Similarly, `.concat()` also great for combining into one when the dataframes are in list and all have same columns.
df = pd.concat(list_of_dataframes) # An example if don't care how indexes left in resulting dataframe
# Merge / combine / join / concatenate multiple dataframes
new_df = pd.merge(df1,df2,on='gene')
# For two or more (especially FOR MORE)...
# For cleaner looks you can chain them,
new_df = df1.merge(df2,on='gene').merge(df3,on='gene')
# limit the merging / combining / joining to certain columns of the contributing dataframes
new_df = pd.merge(df1[['col1','col4']],df2[['col1','col4']],on='gene')
new_df = df1[['col1','col4']].merge(df2[['col1','col4']],on='gene')
# Combining merge (with extracting) and renaming columns for better tracking source in new dataframe
df_m = pd.merge(df1[['gene','column_name']].rename(columns = {'column_name' : 'New_name'}), mitoWTRep3_df[['gene','column_name']].rename(columns = {'TPM' : 'New_name'}), on = 'gene')
# Note this is an eample of a way just to extract two of the columns from a dataframe that had more columns than those two to make the new dataframe.
# Or do the renaming and combining this way:
df = pd.concat([s3, s4, s5], axis=1, keys=['red','blue','yellow'])
# "A fairly common use of the keys argument is to override the column names when creating a new DataFrame based on existing
# Series. Notice how the default behaviour consists on letting the resulting DataFrame inherit the parent Series‘ name, when these existed."
# -or-
pd.concat(dict(df1 = df1, df2 = df2),axis=1) # from
# from
# example there places the two dataframes side-by-side (example there adds multi-level columns to distinguish),
# instead of stacking(see above for stacking)
# -or-
pd.concat((df1, df2),axis=1) # to not make multi-level column names, but place side-by-side, otherwise similar to
# Set up / Start / initialize a dataframe with certain columns for subsequently adding rows
df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['col1','col2','col3','col4'])
# and add rows to it (one way to do it; see issues about `.append` not being applicable to iterating over a list of dataframes, see ``)
df = df.append(
ignore_index=True) # based on
# That above is not the recommended way to create a dataframe, i.e., by building a row at a time by adding a row with append, see
# Tinkerbeast' comment at and
# (VERY SLOW! Use of `.append()` very INEFFICIENT.),
# but I found it worked when iterating over a list of dataframes, see ``
df.loc[len(df)]=['Text_for_Col1','Text_for_Col2','Text_for_Col3', a_value]
# Recommended way is at, but I don't know how amenable that
# is to where you might iterate over several DataFrames
# Create toy / test dataframes, solutions from
pd.util.testing.makeDataFrame() ➡️ contains random values
pd.util.testing.makeMissingDataframe() ➡️ some values missing
pd.util.testing.makeTimeDataFrame() ➡️ has DateTimeIndex
pd.util.testing.makeMixedDataFrame() ➡️ mixed data types
# Doing calculations with DataFrame columns that have missing values
# In example below, swap in 0 for df['col1'] cells that contain null
df['new_col'] = np.where(pd.isnull(df['col1']),0,df['col1']) + df['col2']
# apply a function that uses value in a single column to each row of a dataframe, placing result in a new column
df['new col'] = df['col1'].apply(<user_defined_function>)
# I think if used same column it would replace. # based on
# "This is useful when cleaning up data - converting formats, altering values etc."
# can use `.map` instead of writing a function to return value from key.See
# and and below.
# Example
import numpy as np
def removeWEsubclade(item):
takes item in column and removes 'subclade'
if not pd.isna(item):
return item.split("(subclade")[0]
return "NA" # change from pd.Nan to string "NA" or it doesn't show in donut plot
df["clean_Clade"] = df.Clade.apply(removeWEsubclade)
#Similar to last example, but calculating with more than one column
import statistics
df['std dev'] = df[['col1_name','col2_name']].apply(statistics.pstdev, axis=1)
def midpoint(items):
takes a iterable of items and returns the midpoint (integer) of the first
and second values
return int((int(items[0])+int(items[1]))/2)
df['midpoint'] = df[['start','end']].apply(midpoint, axis=1)
# apply a function to each row of a dataframe
df = df.apply(<user_defined_function>, axis=1)
# `axis=0` for across columns
# Use of `.map` instead of writing a function to return value from key.See
# WITH SUITABLE ROUTE USED. (later realized I could have used Pandas `.str.split()` but the mapping part still holds if fancier
# function needed
def strain_to_species(strain_id):
use strain column value to convert to strain_id
and then return the species
return species_dict[strain_id]
def FASTA_id_to_strain(FAid):
use FASTA_id column value to convert to strain_id
and then return the strain_id
return FAid.split(chromosome_id_prefix)[0] # realized later Pandas has `.str.split()` function alredy see,
def FASTA_id_to_species(FAid):
use FASTA_id column value to convert to strain_id
and then return the species
strain_id = FAid.split(chromosome_id_prefix)[0]
return species_dict[strain_id] # realized later Pandas has `.str.split()` function alredy see,
sum_pm_df['strain'] = sum_pm_df['FASTA_id'].apply(FASTA_id_to_strain)
# sum_pm_df['species'] = sum_pm_df['FASTA_id'].apply(strain_to_species) # since need species for label plot strips
# it is easier to add species column first and then use map instead of doing both at same with one `apply`
# of a function or both separately, both with `apply` of two different function.
# sum_pm_df['species'] = sum_pm_df['strain'].apply(strain_to_species)
sum_pm_df['species'] = sum_pm_df['strain'].map(species_dict)
# if need to use `.map` involving the index of the dataframe. Example where `suppl_info_dict` was a dictionary
# of dictionaries where key of the overarching dictionary would be used to map:
ploidy_dict_by_id = {x:suppl_info_dict[x]['Ploidy'] for x in suppl_info_dict} #first make mapping keys
# map to the values for the specific information to be added
df['Ploidy'] = #Pandas docs has `` (uppercase `I`) but only lowercase works.
# Lowercase `i` based on, but otherwise that Q&A is outdated
# as it now takes a dictionary.
# Note that I was seeing issues using `.map` , this makes me think it might have been just overzealous error & I can ignore warning safely:
# and
# You can update a column an an older dataframe with another if the columns are named the same thing and same order.
# I did this once when I had changed a call of absence of presence but forgot to save the updated version of the
# final dataframe where only the 'absence/presence' column would have been changed. Use the `.update()` method
# and restrict it to the one column (in case others have same names!) by specifying it
df.update(df_new.col_A) #like first example at
# but I added the restriction to the column named 'col_A'. If they both had a column named 'U' it will remain untouched.
# some functions, like sum, mean, max, min, etc. built-in to Pandas and allow shorthand call to axis
df["mean"] = df.mean(1)
# adds a column of the mean across the row to each row in a dataframe
# `axis=0` for down columns
# another example
df_c['mean'] = df[['col1_name','col2_name']].mean(1)
# example where round to a specified number of decimal places
df['AVG']=df.mean(1).round(2) # to limit to two decimal places
# an example for down the columns
avg_length = df.mean(0).length # see next too
avg_length = df[['length']].mean(0).length # same thing as above but subset first
# Pandas has mode but it is awkward presently about what it requires and returns. In this
# example 'length' is a column name. (based on );
# wouldn't take axis as inout used in this way and without the `[0]` returned a series .
the_mode_of_length_column = df.length.mode()[0]
#Use `.apply()` to return multiple columns. Example also illustrates passing additional info
# during use of `.apply()` using `args`. Returning multiple columns based on .
# use of `args`to pass additional positional arguments to the `.apply()` method.
def example(row_items, info_dict):
Toy example.
Takes a dataframe row that contains a midpoint value and 'num' value within
it and a dict where keys are midpoints and
values are a list (for this toy example) of extra info about each midpoint
(actually correspond to info from rows of a different dataframe).
Returns a row with multiple new columns added.
based on
smallest_difference = float('Inf')
for midpt in info_dict:
if abs(row_items.midpoint-midpt) < smallest_difference:
smallest_difference = abs(items.midpoint-midpt)
row_items['other_item_added_to_sq'] = row_items['num']**2 + info_dict[midpt][0]
row_items['other_item_added_to_cubed'] = row_items['num']**3 + info_dict[midpt][1]
row_items['other_item_added_to_4power'] = row_items['num']**4 + info_dict[midpt][2]
return row_items
df = df.apply(example, args=(other_info_dict,), axis=1)
# Limit rows to the first or last instances based on occurences of items / values in a column
# and it has a
# `keep` option I can set to be first or last, plus `subset` to limit to a specific column!! `keep` can be set to drop
# all duplicates too
sub_df = df.drop_duplicates(subset=['strain_id'], keep='first')
# Split delimited values in a DataFrame column into two new columns
df['new_col1'], df['new_col2'] = zip(*df['original_col'].apply(lambda x: x.split(': ', 1)))
# Split Pandas DataFrame into two random subsets: (from
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
train, test = train_test_split(df, test_size=0.2)
# Collapse hierarchical (multilevel/ multi-level / MultiIndex) column indexes
df.columns = df.columns.get_level_values(0)
# I worked out adding a MultiIndex (multi-level) columns names when making a function to summarize groups and subgroups with counts and percents
# based adding the MultiIndex to a single-leveled dataframe that otherwise already had the contents I wanted using
df = almostfinal_df.set_axis(mindex, axis=1, inplace=False)
# Subset on multi-level/ MultiIndex /hierarchical columns
df.iloc[:, df.columns.get_level_values(1)=='count'] #based on; subsets to columns where
# bottom column header of a two-leveled index is the string `count`
df.iloc[:, df.columns.get_level_values(1).isin({"[n]","%"})] #based on; subsets to the columns
# where bottom column header of a two-leveled index are either the strings `[n]` or `%` symbol.
df2.iloc[:, df2.columns.get_level_values(0).isin({"",a_string})] #based on; subsets to
# columns where top level index is either nothing or matches the string defined by variable `a_string`.
# Make a dataframe that is count of the frequency of items (moving towards a distribution accounting)
df = df['amount row shifted'].value_counts().reset_index() # column 'amount of rows shifted' in
# this case were integers but strings and maybe even floats if unique, see
df.columns = ['amount rows shifted', 'count'] # FIX OF COLUMN NAMES AFTER based on
# Note though if just want a plot of the amount row shifted can just use below assuming there is only one column and it corresponds to amount row shifted:
ax = df.hist();
ax[0][0].set_xlabel("shift") # from
ax[0][0].set_ylabel("count") # from
ax[0][0].set_title("Distribution of shifts") #just tried it based on matplotlib and how set labels of axes above
# or as shown in current documentation, and combining with matplotlib settings
ax = df.plot.hist(ec=(0.3,0.3,0.3,0.65),legend=False)
ax.set_title("Distribution of shifts");
# `.value_counts()` can be used to get percentage too by adding the `normalize=True` argument.
# see; in example
# below you can think of 'subgroup' also as an accounting of the 'states' in the column
total_percent_per_subgroup = df[subgroups_col].value_counts(normalize=True)
# You can use a list to reindex (/ re-sort) a dataframe made from `df.value_counts()`, if the
# ordering doesn't come out like you want for the first row etc because of abundance. (Say for
# example you were using the first row to make a plot with a neutral color and the second row
# a negative color.The list you use has to matches the column that becomes the index column,
# see (don't use `.loc` because you'll get in trouble
# when your values happen to be `True`/`False`, see my comment at
tc = df[state4subgroup_col].value_counts()
tc = tc.reindex(hilolist)
# That line just above is how you in general use a list to reindex (/custom re-sort) a dataframe (when you cannot use `sort`)
# Convert Django queryset to DataFrame
qs = DjangoModelName.objects.all()
q = qs.values()
df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(q)
# Create a DataFrame from a Python dictionary
df = pd.DataFrame({ 'Id' : ["Charger","Ram","Pacer","Elantra","Camaro","Porsche 911"],
# can change order of columns by providing columns list in order, such as `, columns = ['Speed', 'Id']` between the dictionary closing curly bracket and the DataFrame method closing parantheis
df = pd.DataFrame({'A': 'foo bar one123 bar foo one324 foo 0'.split(),
'B': 'one546 one765 twosde three twowef two234 onedfr three'.split(),
'C': np.arange(8), 'D': np.arange(8) * 2})
# - or-
a_dictionary = {"April":"Grass", "May":"Flowers","June":"Corn"}
df = pd.DataFrame(list(a_dictionary.items()), columns = ['column1', 'column2']) # BUT IS THIS LIMITED TO TWO COLUMNS SINCE USING KEY-VALUE PAIRS??
# Other Dictionary to Dataframe Examples from
# i.e. multiple columns
from collections import Counter
d= {'data' : Counter({ 'important' : 2,
'very' : 3}),
'analytics' : Counter({ 'boring' : 5,
'sleep' : 3})
df = pd.DataFrame(d).stack().reset_index()
df.columns = ['word','category','count']
word category count
0 boring analytics 5.0
1 important data 2.0
2 sleep analytics 3.0
3 very data 3.0
# -or-
import pandas as pd
from collections import Counter
d= {'data' : Counter({ 'important' : 2,
'very' : 3}),
'analytics' : Counter({ 'boring' : 5,
'sleep' : 3})
df = pd.DataFrame(d).stack().reset_index()
df.columns = ['word','category','count']
df = df[['category','word','count']]
df = df.sort_values(['category','count'],ascending=[1,0]).reset_index()
category word count
0 analytics boring 5.0
1 analytics sleep 3.0
2 data very 3.0
3 data important 2.0
# -or-
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(d, orient='index').stack().reset_index()
df.columns = ['category','word','count']
# -or-
from collections import Counter
d= {'data' : Counter({ 'important' : 2,
'very' : 3}),
'analytics' : Counter({ 'boring' : 5, 'superboring' : 15,
'sleep' : 3})
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(d, orient='index').fillna(0) #fillna from
important very boring superboring sleep
analytics 0.0 0.0 5.0 15.0 3.0
data 2.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
# -or-
df = pd.DataFrame([(key,key1,val1) for key,val in d.items() for key1,val1 in val.items()])
df.columns = ['category','word','count']
# -OR- from a dictionary where the keys become the index, see
#for great examples. My actual use example:
table_fn = gene_name + "_orthologs_table"
import pandas as pd
info_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(prot_seqs_info, orient='index',
columns=['descr_id', 'length', 'strand', 'start','end','gene_file','prot_file']) # based on
# and
# note from Python 3.6 that `pd.DataFrame.from_items` is deprecated;
#"Please use DataFrame.from_dict"
info_df.to_csv(table_fn, sep='\t') #wanted to keep index in case illustrated here, so no `drop_index`
# Create a DataFrame from a Python List
sales = [('Jones LLC', 150, 200, 50),
('Alpha Co', 200, 210, 90),
('Blue Inc', 140, 215, 95)]
labels = ['account', 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar']
df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(sales, columns=labels)
# -or- Example from when recall that seaborn better/more flexible when observations collected as one per each instead of summarizing prior. So go from having dictionary of dictionary to list of tuples (of what used to be key and value) and now how to get list into df?:
matches = [("DBVPG6044",17357), ("DBVPG6765",17357), ("CEF_4",34)]
labels = ['strain', 'stretch_size']
stretch_df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(matches, columns=labels)
strain stretch_size
0 DBVPG6044 17357
1 DBVPG6765 17357
2 CEF_4 34
# - or- (`from_items` NOW deprecated "Please use DataFrame.from_dict(dict(items), ...) instead.", see `pd.DataFrame.from_dict` above)
sales = [('account', ['Jones LLC', 'Alpha Co', 'Blue Inc']),
('Jan', [150, 200, 50]),
('Feb', [200, 210, 90]),
('Mar', [140, 215, 95]),
df = pd.DataFrame.from_items(sales)
# -or-
# see where you can zip the lists and then provide a list of column names ;<--BEST FOR SEVERAL BUILT LISTS
# -or-
# for making a dataframe of a single list, i.e., one list to one column
df= pd.DataFrame(a_list, columns=['column_name'])
# see example from because there, and in my test, `.from_records` failed when one list(?)
# -or-
# for making a dataframe from two lists, where one will become index (for example, if making single column heatmap
# a la . In example show here the two lists are coming from coloumns in
# another dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame({"fraction matching consensus": fraction_consensus_df['fraction_consensus'].tolist()},index=fraction_consensus_df['id'].tolist())
# -or
# If the lists are of unequal length:
lst1 = [1,2,3]
lst2 = [1,5,6,78,99,9900]
lst3 = [2]
df = pd.DataFrame([lst1, lst2, lst3], ['lst1', 'lst2', 'lst3']).T # based on
# Text lists to a Pandas dataframe
#see [here]( for a method that used `StringIO` to pass table as text to pandas
# ---Complex example where list of tuples cast to row. The list of tuples had been stored in a dictionary for each pairing, too.---
# Convert the values `lists_of_ref_n_query_residues_block_pairings_by_id`
# to dataframe for easy options of how to proceed. Having it as that would
# let me pivot any number of ways. For example, I can easily store as a
# tabular text file or return in dataframe form for further use
residue_block_pairing_dfs_by_id = {}
for id_, l_o_paired_tuples in (
# make dataframe from `l_o_paired_tuples` (meaning
# 'list of paired tuples').
# Example of a `l_o_paired_tuples`:
# ([(1, 76), (82, 84), (85, 99), (100, 144), (145, 163), (164, 178),
# (179, 214), (217, 259), (263, 317), (320, 652), (653, 667),
# (668, 698), (699, 756), (757, 815), (822, 825)], [(1, 76), (77, 79),
# (84, 98), (110, 154), (160, 178), (182, 196), (233, 268), (269, 311),
# (312, 366), (367, 699), (709, 723), (728, 758), (760, 817),
# (821, 879), (880, 883)])
# Want to cast first item of 2 item-tuple element to the list for
# reference sequence and the other to the query (a.k.a.,current id)
# Each tuple in both lists will be start and end and start and end of a
# row so that the matched pairs are kept. In other words the columns
# will be `'ref_start', 'ref_end', 'id_start', 'id_end'`.
# For 1 item-tuple elements (i.e, single matched residue occurences)
# want to cast the same number to both `start` and `end`
rows_parsed_out = []
ref_list = l_o_paired_tuples[0]
query_list = l_o_paired_tuples[1]
assert len(ref_list) == len(query_list), ("Matched pairings should "
"mean lists are same length.")
for indx,tup in enumerate(ref_list):
if len(tup) == 1:
labels = ['ref_seq_start',
df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(rows_parsed_out, columns=labels)
residue_block_pairing_dfs_by_id[id_] = df
# Resulting dataframe example using data from example above:
ref_seq_start ref_seq_end query_seq_start query_seq_end
0 1 76 1 76
1 82 84 77 79
2 85 99 84 98
3 100 144 110 154
4 145 163 160 178
5 164 178 182 196
6 179 214 233 268
7 217 259 269 311
8 263 317 312 366
9 320 652 367 699
10 653 667 709 723
11 668 698 728 758
12 699 756 760 817
13 757 815 821 879
14 822 825 880 883
# Get a report of all duplicate records in a dataframe, based on specific columns
dupes = df[df.duplicated(['col1', 'col2', 'col3'], keep=False)]
# Set up formatting so larger numbers aren't displayed in scientific notation (h/t @thecapacity)
pd.set_option('display.float_format', lambda x: '%.3f' % x)
# Set list of values in a column as categories, mainly so will show up correct in plot legend
data_df['col2'] = data_df['col2'].astype('category') # based on \n",
# Andy Hayden's answer at \n",
# Had to add that or it was making them `dtype` object and defining each
# block of same string or occurence of next string as another object/category
# despite the string being the same to what occured earlier. Came up when using
# Seaborn to make box and violin plots, for example, see `MFI mRNA enrichment analysis.ipynb`.
#Related, cast a column to another type:
df3['[n]'] = df3['[n]'].astype(dtype='int64') #in this case when making the dataframe out of items returned
# via `apply.()` it was casting integer values to `float64` probably(?) because all other values nearby where `float64`
# Apply a name to a dataframe = "the_name" # adapted from
# I found it useful for when I wanted to make a dataframe containing data derived from several dataframes so I could easily trace source,
# but I don't think this is any official feature as had rejected official `name`
# attribute for dataframes. But it worked as described at
# Related only because of `.name` involvement is fact that when using `.apply()` to apply a function row-by-row (axis=1) you
# can get the numerical index of the row with ``, see
# split pandas dataframe into two random subsets: (from
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
train, test = train_test_split(df, test_size=0.2)
# Get an item from a column and row
value = df.loc[df['col2'] == 3, 'col3'].item() #gets contens in `column 3` where `column 2` has the value of 3
value = df.loc[df['col2'] == 'geneA', 'col3'].item() #gets contens in `column 3` where `column 2` contains the text `geneA`
value = df.query('col2==3')['col3'].item() #
value = df.query("col2='geneA'")['col3'].item() #
# based on
# also see
#iterate over rows
# see and
for row in df.itertuples():
# note that bracket notation won't work there because returning namedtuples. Luckily attribute notation allows reference assuming
# valid Python identitifiers, i.e., no spaces or weird characters, like '.
# According to, "The column names will be
# renamed to positional names if they are invalid Python identifiers, repeated, or start with an underscore." However, usually
# easier to rename column name ahead rather than use or determine renamed value. For example, easier to follow if rename
# `Consensus Sequence 5' -> 3'` to `Consensus` rather than use `_2` which is what it used.
# Brackets referenceing position within the namedtuple via integer, like `row[1]` will also work, similar to discussed
# at . If accessing the position and just interested in the values in the columns, you
# can use `for row in df.itertuples(index=False):` so that the row index won't be first value if the list.
for indx,row in df.iterrows():
print (row)
# make a dictionary from two columns where one column is keys and the other column are corresponding values
the_dict = dict(zip(df.A,df.B)) # based on
# make a dictionay from entire dataframe
# Convert dataframe that has a unique identifier and other data per row to a dictionary where
# unique indentifiers are the keys and values for each is a dictionary with the other column names as keys
# and the data from that row as values.
# based on examples among those at
# combined with assigning one of the columns to index first
!curl -OL
!pip install xlrd
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_excel('41586_2018_30_MOESM3_ESM.xls', sheet_name=0, header=3, skipfooter=31)
suppl_info_dict = df.set_index('Standardized name').to_dict('index')
#-OR- (note this doesn't have argument in `.to_dict()` call. (I suspect not many columns or this was more awkward/or to address
# a different need than above?)
df_dict = df.set_index('hit_id').to_dict() # based on
# and
# make deep copy of dataframe
new_df = df.copy() #therefore changes to new_df, like removing columns, etc., won't change original df,
# see `SettingWithCopyWarning` elswhere in this document. The default is `deep=True` & so don't need to specify.
# pickle dataframe
# read pickled dataframe
df = pd.read_pickle("file_name.pkl")
# Dataframes pickled in Python 3 seem do not unpickle in Python 2.7 but easy to by-pass issue
# if you unpickle dataframe in Python 3 environment --> save as TSV or CSV --> copy that TSV
# or CSV file to the Python 2 environment --> read in TSV or CSV to dataframe and pickle
# dataframe with '27' in name to clearly mark. Easy to do in (may be
# possible in Azure notebooks too, but 2.7 part probably easiest at Python 2 example).
# steps illustrated in notebook cells once moved to 2.7 part of process:
!pip2 install pandas
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('example.tsv', sep='\t')
# In the end you have a pickled dataframe that you can open in Python 2.7 environements
#Save / write a TSV-formatted (tab-separated values/ tab-delimited) file
df.to_csv('example.tsv', sep='\t',index = False) #add `,header=False` to leave off header, too
# leave off `sep='\t` for comma-separated values / comma-delimited file
# read TSV to dataframe
df = pd.read_csv('example.tsv', sep='\t') #default seems to be to handle first row as header
#Save as JSON
df.to_json('example.json') # Note: 'index=False' is only valid when 'orient' is 'split' or 'table'
# Read JSON to dataframe
df = pd.read_json('example.tsv')
# save to excel (KEEPS multi-level INDEX / multiindex/ multi-index, and makes sparse to look good in Excel straight out of Python)
df.to_excel('example.xlsx') # after openpyxl installed
# see for more about multiindex / multi-index / multi-level index handling. , I can
# save to Excel, AND IT KEEPS multiINDEX / multi-index/ multi-level index , and makes sparse to look good in Excel straight out of Python. Whereas,
# just going to csv or text will result in duplicating the index text for each column it is linked to.
# Save to excel with styling (i.e., colored cells observed when viewing dataframe in notebook, show as
# colored in Excel. I assume works for text coloring, too.) See"file_name.xlsx",index = False, engine='openpyxl')
# read Excel
df = pd.read_excel('example.xlsx', encoding = 'utf8') # after xlrd installed
# Note, despite no metion of the `xlrd` package here , it seems
# needed still in early 2019.
# You can assign a row to start with as column lables row, using `header = 3`, where zero-indexed row whould be used as names for the
# columns and the rows above that will be ignored so there is no need for `skiprows=` usually if using `header=`. You can also skip
# rows at end using `skipfooter`. Generally you need to read the table first without `header=` and `skipfooter=` to determine the
# rows to use/avoid.
# for dealing workbooks, see nice synopsis code at
# Example where want first sheet from a Nature article supplemental data:
!curl -OL
!pip install xlrd
df = pd.read_excel('41586_2018_30_MOESM3_ESM.xls', sheet_name=0, header=3, skipfooter=31)
# Go from Excel or Google Sheets to a pandas dataframe via clipboard in a pinch
# based on (keeps in mind reproducibility or lack there of too, see thread)
#>"Need to quickly get data from Excel or Google Sheets into pandas?
#1. Copy data to clipboard
#2. df = _clipboard()"
# "wow this pandas.to_clipboard.(excel=True) is a very neat trick to get your dataframe into excel" Keep in mind not a good
# practice from the perspective of reproducibility and that is why it says `quick`/`trick` in reference to these.
# Using `.style.format()` to use string formatting for views of dataframe,
# based on
# IMPORTANT: "This is a view object; the DataFrame itself does not change formatting,
# but updates in the DataFrame are reflected in the view". Example of my use where allowed use of scientific notation and percentage:
nt_count_df ={'Total_nts':'{:.2E}','% N':'{:.2%}'})
# for doing that with multiindex / hierarchical / multi-level column names, see,
# example with upper-level column name is `maybe` and `%` is the lower
df_styl ="{:.2%}",subset=[('maybe','%')]) # based on
# and
# Complex example because header column names included a space in the column name.
# code does a neat trick of saving files with each of three values as the fourth column
Contig name start end Theta Pi D
tig00000332 0 10000 5.00E-05 0.00015427 0.000214286
tig00000332 10000 20000 6.79E-05 0.000115702 0.000160714
tig00000332 20000 30000 2.50E-05 0.000115702 0.000160714
tig00000332 30000 40000 0 0.000192837 0.000246429
tig00000332 40000 50000 6.79E-05 0.000694215 0.000892857
tig00000332 50000 60000 2.50E-05 0.000655647 0.000732143
tig00000332 60000 70000 0 0.00015427 0.000203571
tig00000332 70000 80000 4.29E-05 0.000115702 0.000160714
tig00000332 80000 90000 0.000285714 0.000115702 0.000107143
tig00000332 90000 100000 5.00E-05 7.7135E-05 8.57143E-05
tig00000332 100000 110000 9.29E-05 0.000269972 0.000332143
import pandas as pd
#df = pd.read_csv("data.txt", header=0, delim_whitespace=True) #Easiest, but couldn't use because space in 'Contig name'
col_names = ['Contig name','start','end','Theta','Pi','D']
df = pd.read_csv("data.txt",skiprows=1,names=col_names, delim_whitespace=True)
import pandas as pd
#df = pd.read_csv("data.txt", header=0, delim_whitespace=True) #Easiest, but won't work because space in 'Contig name'
df = pd.read_csv("data.txt", header=0, delim_whitespace=True)
df = df.drop(df.columns[len(df.columns)-1], axis=1) #drop one filled with NaN because it had no real data since wasn't
# a column; based on
col_names = ['Contig name','start','end','Theta','Pi','D']
df.columns = col_names
# Now rename the first column so when saved as text, it will be a comment line in Circos data file format, like example
# for scatterplot at
df = df.rename(columns={'Contig name':'#Contig'})
for stat in stats:
# subset to the pertinent columns
cols_to_keep = ["#Contig","start","end", stat]
sub_df = df[cols_to_keep]
sub_df.to_csv(stat + "_data.txt", sep=' ',index = False)
# test code for dealing with series datatatype relative to applying a function
def test_func(row):
Basing this on point that "The index member of a series is the
`names`...", see
GC_col_indices = [indx for indx,x in enumerate(row.index) if (x == 'GCcluster(+)' or x == 'GCcluster(-)')] # looks like could use `pandas.Series.iteritems`
print (GC_col_indices)
mod_df = df.apply(test_func,axis=1)
# Drawback I see is that I check this for each row this way, best to define and provide so less computation?
#Wait, that can be fixed with
# fact apply now handles arguments, but does the styling `apply` method do that as well?
# specific dataframe contents saved as formatted text file example
# df_to_fasta / df to FASTA
output_file_name = "consensus.fa"
with open(output_file_name, 'w') as output_file:
for row in df.itertuples():
# use row to make line for writing to FASTA file
fasta_entry = ">{element_id}\n{consensus}\n".format(
element_id=row.Class,consensus=row.Consensus) #couldn't use `class` because a Python keyword, see
# write fasta_entry to file
# provide feedback
sys.stderr.write( "\nThe FASTA-formatted file for {} classes of GC-clusters "
"has been saved as a file named"
" '{}'.".format(len(GC_df),output_file_name))
# BLAST results to dataframe when `-outfmt "6 qseqid sseqid stitle pident qcovs length mismatch gapopen qstart qend sstart send qframe sframe frames evalue bitscore qseq sseq"`
# flag used
def BLAST_to_df(results_file):
BLAST results to Pandas dataframe
based on
returns a dataframe
import pandas as pd
with open(results_file, 'r') as infile:
# Here's where the BLAST command comes in handy
col_names = ['qseqid', 'sseqid', 'stitle', 'pident', 'qcovs', 'length',
'mismatch', 'gapopen', 'qstart', 'qend', 'sstart', 'send', 'qframe',
'sframe', 'frames', 'evalue', 'bitscore', 'qseq', 'sseq']
return pd.read_csv(infile, sep='\t', header=None, names=col_names)
results_file = 'blast_output.txt'
blast_df = BLAST_to_df(results_file)
# ALSO SEE my GIST '' for more at
# If need timestamps, see "How to get today's date and time in pandas. (with or without a timezone)"
# Edit dataframes interactively or control the display in notebooks
see [Qgrid]( and run the demo [here](
# These may simply be a result of my misunderstanding, stumbling though non-optimal / non-pythonic solutions, bad coding, or lack of research, but here are some issues I encountered.
# Workarounds are provided when / if I solved them.
# For each dataframe I wanted to make a TOTAL combined entry for for an element using components a and b
# It seemed like this should be doable in a loop.
# To do one, I can do this:
elem_meanlength = 1
elem_meaneff = 1
elem_sumTPM = 1
elem_sumNumReads = 1
total_df = total_df.append(
ignore_index=True) # based on
#print(total_df) # ONLY FOR DEBUGGING
# But seems to only update a copy of when try to set up for iterating. Doesn't alter
# original. Find/replace worked in loop (see BELOW) but used "inplace".
# Find/replace that worked in loop:
# list_of_dataframes = [total_df, another_df, yet_another_df]
#for each_df in list_of_dataframes:
# each_df.replace({'OLD_TEXT': 'NEW_TEXT'}, regex=True, inplace = True)
# #print(each_df) # FOR DEBUGGING ONLY
# By searching `pandas append a row to dataframe not a copy` finally found Jun's answer at
# & it looked amenable to looping through several dataframes. Tested:
list_of_dataframes = [total_df, another_df, yet_another_df]
print(total_df) # ONLY FOR DEBUGGING
elem_meanlength = 1
elem_meaneff = 1
elem_sumTPM = 1
elem_sumNumReads = 1
list_of_dataframes[0].loc[len(list_of_dataframes[0])]= ["Elem_total",elem_meanlength,elem_meaneff,elem_sumTPM,elem_sumNumReads]# based on Jun's answer at
print(total_df) # ONLY FOR DEBUGGING
# That solution (plus the find/replace) implemented
for indx, each_df in enumerate(list_of_dataframes):
each_df.replace({'OLD_TEXT': 'NEW_TEXT'}, regex=True, inplace = True)
#print(each_df) # FOR DEBUGGING
#print(each_df[each_df.Name.str.contains("ID")]) # FOR DEBUGGING, shows matches if "IDa" "IDab", etc.
elem_meanlength = each_df[each_df.Name.str.contains("ID")].mean(0).Length
elem_meaneff = each_df[each_df.Name.str.contains("ID")].mean(0).EffectiveLength
elem_sumTPM = each_df[each_df.Name.str.contains("ID")].sum(0).TPM
elem_sumNumReads = each_df[each_df.Name.str.contains("ID")].sum(0).NumReads
list_of_dataframes[indx].loc[len(list_of_dataframes[indx])]= ["Elem_total",elem_meanlength,elem_meaneff,elem_sumTPM,elem_sumNumReads]# based on Jun's answer at
# BUT DON'T USE THIS FOR A REAL,REAL LOT OF DATAFRAMES OR A LOT OF LARGE ONES. SUPER SLOW. See for recommended way that I don't know if it is amenablet to iterating over a list of DataFrames
# CANNOT USE `sample` as a column name if want to be able to call that column using attribute notation
# because `pandas.DataFrame.sample` is a function on the DataFrame.
# Either change the column names using `df.rename(columns={'old_name':'new_name'}, inplace=True)`
# -or use standard notation like this (compare with example of `.str.contains(pattern)` in snippets file:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.DataFrame({'A': 'foo bar one123 bar foo one324 foo 0'.split(),
'sample': 'one546 one765 twosde three twowef two234 onedfr three'.split(),
'C': np.arange(8), 'D': np.arange(8) * 2})
print (df)
pattern = '|'.join(['one', 'two'])
df = df[df['sample'].str.contains(pattern)]
# if working with column names that contain spaces, use bracket notation to select and
# not attribute notation, unless you want to change column names first (see `df.rename(columns={'old':'new'})`)
val =df[df.col3.str.contains('text\dmoretext')].mean(0)['source values']
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